The blind woman named Baba Wanga has made many predictions based on the situation of several thousand years, including many of the Nineveh's tragedy, the rise of extremist organization Daash and the tsunami coming on boxing day. Now the prediction about the world's promise has come to light that has scattered the whole world. Baba Wanga predicted that dangerous chemical weapons will be used and then the third world war begins. Its it
The predictions are exactly similar to chemical attacks made by Assad's forces in Syria, in which more than 90 people became fatal. In this prophecy of Baba Wang, American President Donaldermarp has a special significance. He said that the 45th President of the United States will cause a crisis that will face the United States's collapse. Many people will expect from the president that he will eliminate the ongoing terrorism in the world, but it will be completely destroyed. Then there will be a clash between the North and South states. Many people say that Baba Wanga from North and South states are North Korea and South Korea. BIBA WANGA further said that the efforts of four countries will be tried before the third world war, As a consequence, the global war will begin, and we know that at the moment, the United States ruler Kim Jong has planned to settle them. According to the prophecies of all these events, the beginning of these incidents is from Arab Spring. Will be After that, the presence of ISIS, chemical attacks in Syria, the US occupation, the attack on extremists on Europe, the collision with North Korea, and other events will give birth to the Third World War.
Well the United States does not have a Ruler, and it's certainly not Kim Jong, so maybe you should rewrite your article w2hich seems to be a bunch of copy and pastes. But your facts are incorrect the way you present them.
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