#MyCOVIDStory Initiative - COVID-19 Awareness in India

in #mycovidstory4 years ago (edited)

postdamage situations which is possible by mercy of Covid19 and Lockdown. Some parts of my story i have written already last year and has hinted in my recent post this year about Covid Situation and my position but in this post i will write full story without any lacking which will cover 2020 and 2021. I will also share the awareness steps as per my knowledge which can help other Indian people who lives in rural area and urban area very few pople know about it.First and foremost i would like to say special thanks to @theycallmedan who has pushed me to write #mycovidstory finally, before reading his i have a discussion with @bhattg about this topic and @bhattg also had told me week ago that write your Covid story in hive because he is well aware about my

source & edit.
My Covid Story 2020
I have started my own small business in 7th March 2019 with great happiness and hope and within three to four months it has a good speed towards income perspective, i was to happy looking this. I have launched sales and service for both Smartphone and Computer which was unique for that location where it is hence customers were addressing it carefully and some of them were referring my shop address to others too. All were well that time and celebrated anniversary of my shop with friends in 7th March 2020 happily. As per location it was good for running customers and for those who lives near around my shop but in my blood my interest was towards corporate because i was a good corporate sales and service guy before starting my own business hence i started thinking about corporate customers and finally on 10th March 2020 i got a link through my ex office friend deal goes final on 15th March 2020 for two laptops and one three one printer with some computer accessories. I was happy because i was about to enter in corporate but i had not sufficient money to invest there and no one helped me that time hence i sold all Smartphones and some computer accessories whatever i had in my shop in cheap rate so that i can full fill the order of corporate customer and finally i arranged money from this and on 18th March i send purchase order and money to a company so that they can send laptops and printer as fast as possible. They took 2 days in process and finally sent the materials by courier on 20th March 2020 from Hydrabad to Kolkata, they did one mistake here sending material by road transport which takes 4 to 5 days in delivery. I never assumed that this order could be my last order for corporate customer because just after two days our PM announced a complete lockdown for 21 days and once again for some more days and so on hence i could not deliver the material on time and when lockdown withdrawn i contact to courier company guys who told me that your material has arrived and in warehouse but it will take some more time in delivery because we have over loaded materials in warehouse and we are bringing out one by one. Finally i delivered and installed all in June 2020 but till date i am unable to collect full money from that company because that company is also suffering from same pain or difficulties.

I am unable to understand that my decision was wrong or it was totally by Covid19 bad effects here in India. I belong from middle class family who has not much money to coverup the money i invested fulfilling the order to corporate customer.

It was proven as double damage for me :

  1. I vacant my shop selling all products so that i can close the corporate order and till now i am unable to fill my shop once again as it was in 2019.
  2. My money goes stuck on corporate office and i got stuck on debt.

One thing i have noticed that in this my tough situation very few people helped me and all were not close to me but has good communication relation with them but till date i am unable to return their money too.

My Covid Story 2021
I thought 2021 will be the year for me when i will cover my all loss but could not arranged money but this year was little good because from shop i could arrange some money by repairing computer and mobile though it was not able to full fill all requirements then i started to sell my Hive Stack so that can manage all those things which is must required for a father. Now again facing lockdown here and shop is closed means once again same difficulties has came for me but my faith is on God who has helped me a lot earlier and this time will hep also.

One thing learned in this bad situation which is to calculate possible numbers of lottery tickets which will play in next game but here my luck did not favor lot.
I am able to tell the 5 numbers which can play in next game and many times i grabbed the prize too but in small amount although whenever i have chose the number for others they have grabbed the prize in million. One day i have calculated the amount i have left or suggesting to others is around 6.9 M rupees which was much enough for me to coverup all loss and re-payment of all debts but it was my bad luck and i forget all those numbers. This time lottery can help me to arrange money but due to lock down it is also shutdown completely.

Covid-19 Awareness In India
I have read a post of @bobinson where he has mentioned all important things and also read some comments by other users too such as @sanjeem. According to @bobinson how citizen of India can registered themselves if they don't have mobile numbers for this i have one solution.

  1. As per my knowledge and i have deal few cases like that who has not own mobile number. In this case i use his friends mobile number or other mobile number from which he can get message regarding Covid Vaccine date and time and available slot.

  2. Indian citizen who lives in rural area or anywhere can use onsite registration process visiting Pragya Kendra, Local banking Correspondence such as customer service point and the agent who are dealing in Aeps (Aadhar enable payment service) office also they can find an agent who is working with Spice money all Government agent for public. I am using Spice money hence i am doing registration for others too hence similar service could be available with all mentioned above.

  3. Wearing mask and keep cleaning hand is the main vaccine for me. I have not taken vaccine till date but have arrange for many others. Always wash cloths which you have wear already out side of home and first take bath when you enter home from outside.

  4. Always drink Hot water if possible because i am drinking hot water since 2018 and i know its health benefits and it is able to kill germs if any in lungs.

  5. Daily exercise and yoga can boost immunity hence do this every day at least 15 minutes.



Thanks bade bhai for sharing your thoughts here, sure the last pat year are really very bad for all of us but we all can hope for the best in the coming up months or years.
their is a great line that I love the most and say to everyone mostly that is :

ये वक़्त भी गुज़र जाएगा


!giphy great work

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