My city Neuburg an der Donau (Prince passage) / Meine Stadt Neuburg an der Donau (Fürstengang)

in #mycity6 years ago

Prince passage

On the north wing of the castle, which was built from 1534-1538 on the medieval fortifications and was completed in 1590 with a pitched roof in its present form, the so-called Fürstengang was built in 1628. This passageway leads from the castle to the Hofkirche. This two-storey building with a pent roof leads directly into the princely lodge of the Hofkirche. Today it is used as an exhibition space and is occupied almost all year round.



An den Nordflügel des Schlosses, der von 1534-1538 über den mittelalterlichen Befestigungsanlagen erbaut wurde und 1590 mit Steildach in der jetzigen Form ergänzt wurde, ist der sogennante Fürstengang 1628 erbaut worden. Dieser Verbindungsgang führt vom Schloss zur Hofkirche. Dieser zweigeschossiger Bau mit Pultdach führt direkt in die Fürstenloge der Hofkirche. Heute wird er als Ausstellungsraum genutzt und ist fast ganzjährig belegt.




Camera: Canon EOS 200D, all photos taken last week


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Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


The building is still in good condition despite of many decades, it is really nice to see how those national treasure still very well cared after and actively used. I bet many people go visit exhibition just to see such beauty from inside, at least I would use the chance.

Beautiful pictures with good resolution@schamangerbert :)

Schöne Fotos - die Wolkenformation im 2. Bild ist super spannend und deine Stadt naklar auch;-)

Beautiful Prince passage. Nice architectural design. Thanks @schamangerbert

Nice photo great place, sir what is the next tournament date

What a beautiful architecture, worthy of royalty... I love that today is still so careful.

His city is incredible, so much art, so much beauty. Thanks for sharing.

Awesome Passage. I like that. Of course will be nice because that is Prince Passage. Thanks.

Very nice! Could we see the inside of the castle and buildings too?! Would like to see the antiques and art work inside!!
Thank you very much!

Wow ! your city is beautiful.

Beautiful this place looks so nice interesting shots from there : ) keep sharing

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