I was surprised to find out that when my grandson first received this toy pictured above, he was afraid to play with it. He is 6 years old now and he is fine with it. However, even though he was into dinosaurs, this T-Rex was too close to his size when he first received it. I guess up close and personal this creature could be quite intimidating. As I am writing this, I have been secretly trying to remember who bought him the toy but it was quite awhile ago.
I remember being about his age now and passing a toy store that had this robot called Big Loo in the window. From the moment I saw it, I knew that I had to have it. My Uncle Eddie was in the car and he saw my excitement and decided that he was going to get me this robot for Christmas. I have good memories of my Uncle Eddie and I only wished that we hadn't drifted apart for so long. I did get to visit him before he passed but that's a story for another day.
Having only seen Big Loo on commercials and from afar, as in that car ride, I wasn't ready to be up close to my new friend until I tore the wrapping paper off the box he came in. Standing about my height, I literally screamed and wouldn't go near him for quite awhile. I can only imagine how my Uncle felt but a kid doesn't comprehend these things.
My mom and dad would occasionally drag him out of the closet and try to get me used to him. It took awhile but I eventually picked up his remote and had fun making him move. It did end up being one of my favorite toys. It ranked up there with Mr. Machine, which is also a story for another day.
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