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RE: My 2018 - Psychedelic Trance - A Gateway To Understanding Life As Human Being

in #my20187 years ago

Your story is inspiring and a similar path I have 'laid out' - the world is calling me. We'll see what the universe says ahaha and the more I learn the more I am willing ot put all bets on nature first and foremost.
Probably a good time to relocate and build an ark soon'ish for me ;)


Definitely man. Come to Asturias, it's gorgeous and green and land is cheap. The food is great to, but you do have to know how to speak Spanish as this is SPAIN. It's very rural with almost no english speaking population.

Got that covered, I have an excellent language course for learning Spanish.
So I finally got a landing location in Spain now, awesome ;) Will let you know if my travels take me there and we can meet up and talk some English for once ahaha. This summer I will go east again, but as I said, I am preparing some exodus here and universe will show me the way.

Will look up Asturias, no idea about Spanish maps. Love the green part, I don't want to live in a desert. Sunshine, lots of it - yes. But not dry land. It sounds just right ;)

Asturias sits in the middle of the north coast. If you follow the eastern border of Portugal north to the bay of Biscay, the new line is roughly the western border of Asturias. It's like Wales mixed with Switzerland. We made a Brexodus here at the end of Jan and are settling in nicely. Still have to find work but it's coming. It rains, a lot, but I have been out in a t shirt most days in the last week so can't complain

Sounds pretty sweet, wasn't that the tropical corner of spain? gotta check up on climate zones. Any bit more sun than here would work GREAT for me, and I hear down South in portugal it can get very hot and dry. The pictures of Boom look incredibly dusty. that said, the dark phase is now just over but when it comes again in late fall I shall be making a move somewhere West-South-East'ish ;)

I wouldn't call it tropical, very much like the UK in that it's quite temperate but warmer. Very green and verdant. Southern Spain is known as the frying pan, really hot and dry. Whereabouts are you a the moment?

Northern Germany, but probably not for much longer. World is calling me into temperate but sunny climates ;)