
Beautiful description of the Psytrance experience! I know and have experienced exactly what you are talking about. I found this post looking for psytrance producers promoting their music on Steemit. I too am on the same journey of making this hobby into the core focus of my life, but I've started with DJing first. I look forward to producing in the future when I can dedicate more time to it :) Keep doing what you are doing, I will be looking for your tracks and I hope to see you out there one day.

Hey thanks so much for reaching out man. I am always thrilled when I can connect even more of the Tribe. Really excited to hear your music as well, do you plan to take part in the music contests on Steemit?
We could really use some more psy <3

I don't know anything about the music contests on Steemit honestly, but now I'll look into it!

As it so happens, we have the theme "electronic dancing music" coming up. Will go for psy definitely this round :)
Just follow chiefmappster, he holds both contests - beatbattle & steemit music league

Thank you for sharing this experience @paradigmprospect. It really chimes with me. I spent a large part of my summers camping out with a huge community of fellow alternative types, surrounded by openess and lack of judgement. It really has a profound effect on how you view the work around you.

I fully agree. The psy community is but ONE way to discover what profound meaning it has to be with people who take each other for who they are and not what they think the others ought to be.
The effect is so long-lasting - a week of profound experience will never quite leave you again and is worth a thousand regular hotel vacations, in my book.
Thank you for your insight!

You are more than welcome. I wish it was something that we could share with everyone. I am going to miss my weeks camping in the summer now that I have moved.

Thought so myself for the longest time, but some people need more pain. They are not quite damaged and hopeless enough yet to go for an adventure like this, further pulling the rubber band back until they can finally let go of their rut. I have many old school friends like this and I wish them well.

I keep meeting people on the floor from everywhere. Spain has a huge scene.
If you want to check out the scene where you are you may start here, festival season just coming up:

Also many communities and self-sustainability projects in Spain if psytrance is not your focus. Or did you recently leave Spain altogether? If so, same website applies, there are parties everywhere - some real diamonds, some way too overcommercialized.

I have yet to go to Spain for psy parties, but I do have friends who go regularly. Whenever the universe takes me there ;)

Totally, that's the way I feel about society and politics in general in the UK, where I come from. The place is in the dumps and getting worse but people keep burying their heads in the sand and sitting on their hands. I think if they had a connection to the sort of society I come from, and that you found, they might think about things differently. As it is it seems that they will have to go through a LOT more pain before they are able to see that the system is as broken as it is.

We moved to Spain about two months ago due to Brexit. Really hoping to meet up with alternative types and fellow off gridders here. We are up on the north coast so it is SPAIN. No English community here (thankfully) and hopefully over time we can make contacts.

There was a really good festival scene here back in the early 00s when I was more connected with the free party scene in the UK. Not sure now. With two very young boys and not a lot of spare time It's not so much our scene but maybe in the future.

Your story is inspiring and a similar path I have 'laid out' - the world is calling me. We'll see what the universe says ahaha and the more I learn the more I am willing ot put all bets on nature first and foremost.
Probably a good time to relocate and build an ark soon'ish for me ;)

Definitely man. Come to Asturias, it's gorgeous and green and land is cheap. The food is great to, but you do have to know how to speak Spanish as this is SPAIN. It's very rural with almost no english speaking population.

I came out of a more structured belief system about 5 years ago and started hanging with a more mystical/spiritual-hippie-free spirit crowd. I have my beliefs that I will always hold onto and have had some pretty intense spiritual awakenings over the years of my life that confirmed a lot of what I believe. But what I found was that when I was surrounded by these free spirit individuals and they all called out to what they call "The Universe" I felt the same spirit at work in that place as I have felt in the past. It is the Love & Kindness that I want to be immersed into not a structured religion that has been hijacked by any and every form of government institution for millennia. It took some work but was finally able to understand a little clearer as to who/what this God figure was/is and how it/he reaches out to me when I call out in my need or even better the voice I connect with when I Shout out in absolute Peace and Contentment and just send out that praise of thankfulness.

I am free- I was created to be that way, just try to rule over me and see how obedient I will be to "The System".

I am connected to LOVE- that is the Kingdom that I daily call out to COME! The Spirit I try my best to walk in is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control. I also like to add Truthfulness and Steadfastness to that list too.


Beautiful. I completely agree!
Our meeting-up is yet another bit of evidence for it - the interpretation is up to any one, but the merit of such an outlook on life is not only provable but also beneficial to living life as a human being in these revealing and challenging times.
I am really grateful I met you. Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey and sharing these insights of your own path <3

That looks like an absolutely awesome time! Its funny how an experience like this just restores your faith in the love a groups of strangers can actually show for one another.
Its proof that its all just a state of mind ultimately, and replacing greed with love and selflessness can be a powerful force indeed!
Dance on.

Ever since, I can deal much better with people kicking their dog and hitting their children. They have not realized the depths of their actions or their true power as a creative being.
Next (and maybe last) Ozora coming up in August. After that I want to look to other parties in other parts of the world, such as AUS and NZ ;)
And make my own thing happen. It's time. The scene is under attack as most other things are that have a real chance to change humanity's outlook. And I will not stand idly by.
Thanks for dropping your thoughts <3

That's a beautiful post, and if I could live every day like that,I proberbly would! Deinen Englisch ist auch sehr gut,vieliecht noch besser als mein hahaha

That really cool to read how it was there and how it has woke you up to see there's people living like that fulltime and broken away from the closed mind :) I was never at any huge commercial festival like ozora but that must have been epic! I was hoping and thinking "I wonder if he would take LSD" :)

Vielen dank fur die gut geschicht!
Welcome to the life,I don't mean the LSD but you know what I mean I hope!

thanks for your time and attention my friend

thanks for the daily sneak thingy :) big love! when Ileave Norway ill be looking for some mad times with the good people so ill let you know!!

I changed my life with a psytrance. and it was completely random
2 years a go a was super depressed
and would not live anymore. occasionally am listen to psytrance am mostly om house/ electronica but am diping in here now an then. anyway.
it was a Saturday am was alone in my flat in oslo norway and listened to a mix on youtube. and it was from burning man and then and there I saw the cultures and human beings and became obsessed. and fuck it i go to the burning man. and a did. now 2 years Later I moved to Canada and restarted my life. one mix by a random psytrance mix. kick me out of hopelessness. into life
The old man is absolutely correct, it's something clean with the music

Awesome life story, thanks for sharing. I have yet to go to Burning man but I know several people whose lives have been put back on track by their decision to make the jump and experience what life can ALSO be. Especially when it seems there is no hope left.
I have a funny feeling we will meet one day. Thank you for dropping your thoughts here, it never ceises to amaze me how much music and a group of people can remind oneself how good life can be.
Followed. story is work in progress but all life are like this. the fun part is a reading about this genre and surprisingly many who have found way in life but most people are watching psytrance like outsiders
but its the opposite. am follow to.

I totally get your point. Coming from a party or festival it often feels like Fight club - only in a good way. It really is everywhere I go now and we recognize each other instantly ahahah.

This is a great psy artist from my country, hope you enjoy:)

Really great vibe for the start of a day in the sun when the legs are still shaky and coffee has not been emptied. Some amazing tracks in there, cheers. Will check him out when I see him playing somewhere this summer, thanks for the tip

You're welcome:) He's playing on the 15th of June in Vitosha Mountain (Sofia, Bulgaria), at Instinct Festival. In case you're in the mood for impulsive unplanned traveling and adventurous tripping with friendly Bulgarians:)

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

They will see it when they're ready. Until then, consider connecting more with those who can appreciate you for your insights and leave the door open for the ones who decide last minute to ask ya about magic.
I cried several times re-reading this. That's how big the impact was on me.
Thanks for your love brother, it means a lot to me <3