My2018 - This Is My Hobby: A story of harassment, love and dedication.

in #my20187 years ago (edited)


This contest has been a challenge to write. I tend to be quite reserved with my private life, but after a few days, I was thinking about it: this story should be told definitely. I enjoy writing and remembering anecdotes that make me who I am today.

For work reasons, I had my hobby a little abandoned and just took the letters to take them photos. The magic began to flow alone. I really enjoyed this entry and I hope it is to your liking. Welcome to my world. Source


Let us begin!

My family background:

My grandmother and I.
My grandmother loved magic, and my grandfather, that I never got to know, he always brought magic tricks to my mother and his cousins. They said that he was the soul of the party. He died when my mother was 12 years old and he always kept the love for those effects that made them smile.

My story starts here.

I am the brunette girl on the right, who cut her ear.

When I was a beautiful and naughty girl, I loved that my friends invited Illusionists to their parties. I always got my attention the effect of the rabbit or chick that appeared in the Magician's hat or through fire.

Since I remember, I loved the fire. I could say that my favorite smell is burnt paper (I am sorry, but I am not a pyromaniac). I really enjoy that smell.

When I was a little girl, I convinced my parents to buy me a collection of Magic books that came in the community newspaper and each edition had a gift effect to practice. I became a fan of those toys.

I had a cardboard box to disappear objects. Once, I disappeared an egg (and I forgot to remove the inside part) the box was damaged by the smell and I really cried for it. I would be 7 years old by then.


Time passed, I met Luis Otero, an important Venezuelan Cardmagician, who currently lives in Colombia. I made his three levels of Cardmagic, but I wanted more. He told me that there was a School of Professional Magic in Venezuela (that it was years old), but you should have a sponsor to enter there (that is to say, someone who had graduated there and will help you during the year of formation). The name of the Academy was Kassan.

I became obsessed with looking for it on the Internet, without success that name simply did not exist; but one day a man uploaded this:

Taken from the Vitor Gomes channel (July 2010)

I only knew that his channel was called Vitor Gomes and he was in the Academy that I wanted to be part. As a good stalker, I searched on Facebook. I added it and told him that I wanted to belong there. Thanks God his reaction was good and he invited me to a magic show he would take place at the French School that week.


Obviously, I attended and really enjoyed the level of the show. I said to myself: "One day you will be there".

The challenges begin.

We are still in contact and he sponsored me. When I completed the previous exam to enter the Academy, it said: Requirement: Be graduated with a degree from any profession and be monetarily solvent". This is because magic is a pretty expensive hobby. I panicked. I was in 4th year of medicine; and obviously, my parents kept me. I had neither the title nor the monetary solvency.

Even so, I managed to enter with the commitment to be able to finish the year. The prices were really high and my parents helped me, in principle. They could not cover all the materials, so I started giving pathological anatomy classes to fulfill my dreams. This allowed me to have income to be able to invest in the materials that I needed for the classes. Without a doubt, one of the best investments of my life.

My classmates, Alejandro Burgos and Nicasio Camero, were also very collaborators, and together, we created a great team. We always studied together and helped each other”, and sometimes, exchanging exams without the teachers noticing. (Oh, what a pity, I hope my teachers do not have Steemit).

The classes were in the evenings and every 15 days. I did a lot of maromas to change my undergraduate guards; and during the training, I did not miss any class. Those classes at night were a sacred space in my agenda for me.


Are Medicine and Magic compatible?


At the end of the year, we must make a presentation to obtain the title of professional magician. When my friends graduated, I had to do the rural internship commonly called ruralito, in San Sebastian de los Reyes. It was three hours away from the show or presentation place. I could not accompany them, so I graduated months later in a private act. However, I enjoy both passions equally. If we organize ourselves definitely, we can make Medicine and Magic compatible.

Two years later, I sponsored my mother who also graduated as an illusionist in this Academy. My mother is the one on the right of the photo, better known in Steemit as @dibujolandia.


We arrived at the Interview with @leonellaforever or Maga Lia as my friends know me in the guild.

Who do you admire to?

I admire many magicians. The Daba Family, they are from Argentina and are incredible, all their members do magic. They have a daughter called Selene who won a Guinness Record as the smallest magician in the world.

During the Congress, one of its members got sick and I had to take care of. It was a complete honor for me.

Zyro works with fire, his effects are extremely visual.

Rolan is the magician and visionary who has made many magic congresses possible and has brought us quality material in each delivery.

Oh, Guao! Dani Da Ortiz, is GOD literally. He has a skill with the cards that leaves anyone crazy.

Radagast, is a school of comic magic with the duet: One and a half.

Why did you fall in love with your hobby?


Uff, it was a crossing of love at first sight. I have always believed that the impossible do not exist. The first time I tried to enter a magic academy they told me No because I was a woman. I reserve the right to write the name of this place due to years later, the owners belonged to my group of friends and they were also patients of my consultation. Nowadays, they changed their minds and already accept women there. Years later, they debated and said that women were better on stage as they took care of the details.

Magic makes me challenge myself constantly. To be more creative implies discipline. At The Kassan Academy, I learned to respect it, to grow with it and to dedicate it space. The public is always the most important and we owe our respect to them.

I love Magic because it fights rules that you commonly believe as axima or absolute truths. It takes you out of your comfort zone, confronts you with your best face and challenges you to be good continuously. It is a demanding hobby, but rewarding. The spectator's surprise face is worth gold and it really fills me with that feeling.

How did you choose this hobby? Or better yet, how did this hobby choose to you?


No doubt, it chose me. It is already part of my DNA. I am honored to be a member of it. And of course, I represent it whenever possible.

When we arrive at Steemit, many of the great users suggest us that we keep our blog with up to three topics in order to capture the attention of a select group who would be the followers interested in that topic. I would like to take the magic one step further. If you would like to see magic in Steemit, please, let me know in the comment box. I would really enjoy creating material to make you smile and see surprised face all of you. I would love to hear your opinion.

How long have you been doing it? Are you learning more and more every day?

The time is so relative. I have practiced it intermittently. However, in all stages of my life it has been present. In childhood, with magic books; in adolescence, with the videos and classes of Cardmagic; and in adulthood, with the title of professional magic in hand. I have made some presentations for homes and social work. Nevertheless, I would like to exploit more this point. Without a doubt, I learn more day by day.

What do you love about this hobby? Do you like it because you are good at it? Do you love it because it takes away your stress? Do you enjoy it because it is a challenge?


I love the smile of the audience, the surprised face of the children, the impertinent spectators who tell you wrongly how you made the effect, those also make me smile.

I was not good. In fact, I carried a lot of stick because I am a little clumsy. However, as they say: "Practice makes a master". So yes, mine were rehearsal hours which were worth it, without a doubt.

Yes, this definitely takes away the stress, it makes you think of a different micro-world where your only task is to entertain and make your audience happy.

Uff, it is tremendous challenge! Day by day out magic routines with high quality. At all times, new and challenging information and effects are created.

When do you practice it? Is it part of your daily life or do you have to leave your routine to do it?


I practice it at least once a month. On the other hand, there are times of fever where I practice it continuously, every day. Especially, when I am creating an effect and I want to perfect it by showing it to everyone who wants to see it. There are also periods in which I have abandoned it due to pressures at work or academic load mainly. But then, I go back and I take it back more strongly.

Is it something that you share with another person or is your hobby YOUR thing and do it for yourself?


Sometimes, I do it just for myself because it gives me pleasure to create new effects. But, if those effects do not come out to the people, then it is like having a treasure hidden in the bottom of the sea, without any movement. If this effect does not transcend to the public, they lose their essence over time.

What is going on in your mind when you do it?


I had never thought this @anomadsoul. You are really creative. When I practice alone, I think about taking care of the details. When I have an audience in front of me, I think about giving my best to leave a mark in the lives of those people.

Is your hobby a priority? Does the practice take time away from your family or partner? Do you have it high on your list of priorities or is it not so important compared to family and friends?


Everything has its perfect place. Life is a complete balance and somehow within the disorder is the balance

The first time I went to a Magic Congress, I had just met my husband. We met through the internet which is not very common for our families. I think we had a week to meet, maybe. And I had paid everything in Margarita to attend and to live for one week with my illusionist idols from all over the world.

So I decided to take a complete stranger to Margarita and the plan went pretty well. A few years later, we got married.

Knowing magicians

Is your hobby expensive? Do you spend a lot of money when you practice it? What sacrifices do you make to practice your hobby?


It is very expensive. In Venezuela, a classic card package is worth $ 8, special $ 10. The minimum wage as of March 1 will be 915,000 bf which is equivalent to 4 $.

The letters over time and the sweat of the hands bulge, some very well-kept letters last maximum 8 months, in use. However, I always manage to "kill tigers" to buy my accessories.

NOTE: In Venezuela "kill tigers" It means looking for money doing various activities to improve the salary.

Are you an amateur? An adept? An expert? What makes the differences between them? Does it depend only on the skills or do you also need tools or equipment to improve?


All three at once! I am fond of seeing magic and I am adept at the sensation of astonishment that it provokes. And I am an expert (although it sounds very proud) because I studied magic professionally to achieve specializing in my hobby.

This hobby depends on skill and tools. But most of all, what makes you shine from the pile is the discipline and creativity that you show. Never two effects are going to be the same so do the same person and say the same words. Everyone will have something totally unique and original.

My best moment was when I met my idol, Yu Ho Jin, awarded as the best Magician in the world.

Are you lucky that your hobby is part of your work?


No, although I would love for this to be my full-time job. Nowadays, I am ophthalmologist in an office and I have just discovered the magic of Blockchain for 3 months now. I like to create material and I really enjoy the comments that they leave me.

If you had to explain your hobby to an extraterrestrial, how would you do it?


Ok, Mr. Extraterrestrial, pay attention that I do not intend to repeat: "ihidhgiw ducdwncundw ncuwdnciwdn cuinwdnfwe hwuefqewofq ucnbqdfncuqe ncqidnciuqnd nqudciqedui nquibdiuqe ncwuenfiwe ncwebciwef ciuwbciuw ciwbcwed"

Did you understand?

Translation: Google traslate Extraterrestrial-English:

Magic is a different moment where everything is possible, an escape from reality that connects you with the emotion of being children again.

Own text and images taken with Sky Device 6.0 camera

Don´t forget to vote for @blocktrades as a witness here

Thanks @anomadsoul for the support of the steemit community

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Magic has never been one of my favorite topics, except for example: the carriage of ceniecienta ja ja, greetings @leonellaforever

Hi! We, the ESteem Network, have upvoted your article thanks to your post in our Discord channel.

We are just getting off our feet, and could use support from users who are involved in the community.

This is a one-time callout, and you will NOT get comments like this when being upvoted in the future. Hope you understand, and thank you for your support.

What a fun collection of imagery to accompany your story. It's an action-packed presentation, full of animation, just as a proper magic show should be.

Your words honor me =). thanks =)

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