I have so many different hobbies and interests, so it's actually a challenge for me to decide to take this to explore my mind more deeply when writing in steemit.
This is an entry for My 2018 - This is my Hobby Contest. The contest is meant to show my true passion, why I have it and what motivates me for it. I hope that more steemians can join in this contest.
1) My hobby is reading love and romance story
What is my true passion?
I really love reading romance and romance stories and some of the news that usually exists in the newspaper porch of Indonesia and articles in online blogs. I love to love and romance story because it makes me understand love and love to be a human need.
I've been reading since I was in grade 5 of elementary school. At that time I liked the stories and legendary stories. There are storybooks and comic books that I bought after school. Usually, before bedtime, I read some stories that made my heart and feel more relaxed.
Then, after I was 13 years old I already liked and very hobby reading stories about love and romance. The love story I read makes me understand and understand love. From the love stories I have ever read for me to know some love, eternal love, true love, and love of monkeys.
I found a post about My 2018 contest organized by @anomadsoul and that's inspired and motivated me to join.
This novel tells of an Indonesian young man who sought knowledge deep in Arab land. Armed with strong faith and steadfastness, he experiences many things that thrill his life, which momentarily made him question his way of life.
What makes me love for reading?
By reading make my imagination more active and play in the story and definitely after reading a story from a book or novel, my imagination will still play and imagine how the next story of the story but that is just my imagination (my own version), and that which makes me very fun and loves reading.
Initially, I was motivated for reading from the first Word of God is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, "iqra '" means "read!". The verse shows a reading command. God told us to read and when I read that verse, in my heart I asked "What am I reading ?.
My imagination keeps playing, thinking about what this verse means. Because I was curious about what the Lord told me to read, which I finally read various books to find out the intentions contained in the verse.
After I know the meaning, it turns out that the verse commands me and everyone to read anything, both written and unwritten.
This is why I keep my hobby for reading anything. Besides, for me to read is the key to success, the key to being someone smart. And for me, any book or writing a source of knowledge and I consider it a teacher who has taught me and gave me various knowledge. For me, reading makes me rich in knowledge, the more I read the more I know.
2) My Hobby is Reading The News

I also like to read the news, usually, I read news published by Serambi Indonesia newspaper. For me reading the news can make me more understanding of something that is being discussed and trending and also can add knowledge to me.
For me, the newspaper is a medium of information, and I think that we without know a information died before death. That's why I make reading news as my second hobby after reading love and romantic stories. Gap information binds me out of date and does not know what's happening. I read the news from the foyer only to find out what happened and what was happening in my country.
In addition, I also follow online news from online media to know all the information about the development of the world today.
This is the era of globalization that almost all in the pack in digital form, the more sophisticated the technology we have, the faster the information we get. One of the causes of information gap is the inability to have sophisticated information technology.
Not everyone gets the same information as us, not everyone can read the same news with us at the same time. The more powerful and sophisticated information technology we have, the faster and more news we read. No matter how busy I am, I will take a little time to read some news, both domestic news and foreign news.
3) My hobby is Writing
I also have a hobby of writing in addition to the reading hobby. What I read and that I consider useful to me, then I will write it because our memory is not always able to remember everything (all information) that we read from books or newspapers. Therefore, I make writing as my hobby.

All the information I get, either from reading or I hear from others if it's something useful I will write it in my notebook. Wherever I go, I always to bring my notebook.

For me, reading and writing is the key to achieving success and it becomes a medium or a way for me to be smarter, smarter in everything positive and profitable.
Speaking of the hobby, of course between someone and others have different hobbies. And my hobby is what I think can bring benefits for myself. And this makes me more happy in living life on the earth's surface of this god.
By make reading and writing as a hobby, my time is no longer wasted in doing something harmful, harmful to others and to myself.
I love your hooby, @ijoel. Hobi anda hampir sama dengan hobi saya. saya juga suka membaca kisah-kisah romantis dan percintaan. itu menyenangkan sekali, kak. thank you very much, emmmmmuach
mekipun hobi kita berbeda, tapi saya menyukai hobi anda. ini adalah hobi yang luar biasa
ia benar @abuz, setiap kita memiliki hobi masing-masing. yang penting hobi itu bersifat positif
hobi yang luar biasa, saya sangat menyukai hobi ini, semoga hari anda menyenangkan
thanks sweet
ia memang tidak bisa dibantahkan lagi kalau membaca dan menulis adalah kunci sukses. Mari kita jadikan membaca dan menulis sebagai hobi. ini adalah hobi yang luar biasa
thanks akhy
saya kagum dan salut dengan anda, anda memang berjiwa pecinta sejati dan hobbi anda itu sangat menginspirasikan saya untuk membaca dan menulis
saya juga kagum dengan kamu @steemcarny86. kamu cantik dan kamu pasti memiliki hobi yang jauh lebih bagus dari hobi saya
terima kasih, kawan, @ijoel anda luar biasa dan andaa berutung memiliki hobi yang profitable, berbeda dengan saya, saya lebih mencintai main game
main game juga hobi yang menyenangkan @aqli, selama itu tidak membuat anda meninggalkan yang positif, silahkan mencintai hobi anda
Good hubby
kerja yang bagus kawan, anda merupakan inspirasi saya. I love yours
LOL the first is containing adult material. But i think we need it alot. Hehe..