Hi Steemians around the world
First of all I would like to wish you a Happy New Year 2018 for all of us.
So many stories that we have been through in 2017. There are many achievements and failures of course. The new year is a new hope for those who do not want to waste their age and time in vain without achievement in life. The early resolution of the year is a list that can not be missed for anyone even written, it only comes to mind, or is neatly tidied even in a glass frame.
The beginning of the year is considered a starting line to start an activity aimed at improving oneself and achieving something to be desired is the goal of resolution. In some places, this is a tradition that can be traced back thousands of years ago.
The origin of the tradition of the early resolution of the year
About 4000 years ago, when the harvest season arrived, the Babylonians promised the gods to pay their debts and return the borrowed goods. If they keep their promises, the gods will make it easier for them throughout the next year. This promise can be regarded as the beginning of the creation of a new year's resolution which is now part of the tradition of some of today's society.
Moving into the era of Julius Caesar, the tradition of making the new year's resolutions is associated with the worship of the god Janus-whose name was taken for the first month's name. The Romans believed, symbolically, the two-faced Janus would stare into the past and the future. Because of this belief, they seek to please the God by promising to be good in the next year.
So much hope depends on the resolution, ranging from quitting smoking, losing weight, getting a job, to having a partner.
making certain targets is good. It is capable of encouraging motivation, self-confidence, and self-control. But if the resolution is made instantly without measuring the ability and learning of the gagmaster of the past year, then it is quite possible that resolution is not just wishful thinking.
Considerations Before Making a New Year's Resolution (My Opinion)
Speaking of New Year's resolutions centered on one's self-control. It is important to understand how this self-controlling desire exists: is it based on awareness or self-will to create a better life or external pressure?
As an illustration, when a resolution person gets a leaner body, he or she is likely to set aside more money to sign up for a fitness center, shop for all kinds of sports equipment, or buy organic labeled foods and go on a special diet.
Next, to consider when creating new year's resolution points is realistic, specific, and measurable over a period of time. In addition, the targets to be achieved at the end of the next year should not lead to self-defeating behavior.
From the perspective of social psychologists, self-defeating behavior occurs when a person makes a specific target, but his actions do not support the process of achievement. Ways of achieving a target that cause harm to a person can also be regarded as a form of self-defeating. For example, an excessive diet that actually makes a person sick.
To be able to taste the sweet fruit at the end of the following year, one needs to go through several stages before making a new year's resolution. There are four levels that must be passed by someone if you want to feel the change in the future. It begins with no intention to change, until it contemplates and plans to make changes, followed by the preparation for change, and finally, the actions of change itself. Action on a diet or exercise is not part of the first level, but the fourth.
Running a tradition of making new year's resolutions or not is everyone's freedom. But if not underpinned by full commitment, this will only be a wish or even a burden in the future.
Do you already have a 2018 resolution?

Thanks to @anomadsoul for making this great contest

always have a good post mate