Just a thought.

in #my7 years ago

How do you define happiness and satisfaction? Can you even define it? What makes you happy? Most people i know would argue that being successful in your career, having a bank account that looks like you phone number, always being up to date with the latest trends and tech and having that significant other that is a super model. I would normally call these types of people shallow as fuck and most probably dicks in real life. Normally people who want these things will step over anyone to get it and that’s not ok with me. Also they are loud mouthed narcissists who love attention, you can spot them and if you can’t you probably are one. Anyway i’m gonna try not shit on people’s points of view too much, who knows maybe that’s actually what really matters to them. Who am i to judge right? (but i still do)

Look we all want to have things and be in the now but at what cost, most of the time (unless you have a wealthy background) these people are driven and don’t take no for an answer which ultimately leads to their success. They reach what they aim for and get what they want, but does it make them happy but like really happy. I’m talking about that happiness that you feel in your core…..maybe but i really don’t know. Like i said i’m talking from personal experience, and that just doesn’t work for me.

I can say that i have reached the nirvana of happiness, and i’m sure we all can as long as we don’t base happiness on material things. I think it all starts with the type of upbringing you had as a child, that’s what molds your beliefs. Now let me force feed you my backstory because it might help. As a child i moved from Romania to South Africa in search of the African dream in the process of doing this we moved a lot and being immigrants to a new country with a totally new culture and way of life it was pretty hard. From grade 1 to 7 i changed about 5 primary schools and then i kept to one high school after that. We never had more money than we needed sometimes even less but we did (by we i mean my parents) what we could to stay afloat. My parents would always get me the things i wanted because being a child you want what the others have to fit in, but the thing is they didn’t give it to me then and there because they didn’t have the cash, what they did do is explain to me that they couldn’t afford it and that they would when they could. As a child i understood the situation and knew if i was patient i would eventually get it even if it wasn’t in style by that time but it didn’t matter to me. They tried their best to hide these things from me because no one wants a child to take on their burdens but i knew and understood. Is this a good thing to do? Probably not but in a way i think it’s good to prepare your kids for this shitstorm called life.

So started working when i was 15 to earn my own way in life, i insisted to pay rent but they told me to keep my money because i worked for it. So i did and kept saving like a little banker elf that i am and when times were tough i helped out financially despite them not wanting to admit they needed help. That was the 1st time felt happiness, pure 100% uncut happiness and i loved it. To this day i still do it, they have some debt but this way i can keep them from going further into debt. I want to be their knight in shining armor, i fucking owe them that much. They brought me up the right wrong way and and taught me not to lie,cheat and steal and never do wrong. I have lived my life to these principles and i am happy, everythings works out if you follow those rules.

Life has a way of working things out for you if you are a good person and yes i believe in Karma incase you didn’t catch on. This is how i met my wonderful wife which in 5 years we have not had a single fight, this is how i worked my way up from a shit paying job to a well paid one. This is how i keep sane in this world of masks and secret agendas, and this is why i personally am happy. The hardest part of this festive season which also contains my birthday was what gift would i like, i want nothing in particular because i have everything that makes me happy, I’m healthy and alive and thankful of the people i have around me .

Yes but what if you didn’t have your wife,job,home and were homeless? I can practically hear you screaming this in your head while you read this and my answer is i would be just as happy. I have never done wrong and my conscious is crystal clear. If you have that already you are 99,9% there, the rest is just icing on the cake.

I’m not perfect no is but we can at least try to make the world a nicer place to live….right?

Be happy and be safe.