Let's talk witch sosial media do yuo user the most after joined steemit?

in #my7 years ago

Ever since I discovered Steemit my time spent on alternative social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has significantly reduced. In fact on most days I'm likely to be surfing through Steemit looking for some interesting content that may spark an idea in me for a post or an activity I'd like to do.

Ofcourse, this doesn't imply that I don't use FB. I'm very active on Facebook but maybe I spend a little less time there. It's still a great place for connecting with your friends and family. The potential for networking and marketing yourself or a product is very high on Facebook.

Steemit is fast growing and offers a great range of content. You can search these by tags: https://steemit.com/tags. Steem based applications such as Steepshot has made it easier to convince people to use our blockchain technology over products that offer no return for your effort. For a majority of users they don't generate engagement in the thousands on these social media. Sure, it's probably the same on Steemit.

But here there is a good chance that you might earn some money. For many that's a motivating factor I would assume to use this platform over anything else. However, we're still a long way to go from mass adoption and that too will happen over the course of time.

Steemit has a long way to go from becoming an authoritative site from a quality of content perspective. That's the argument I hear sometimes image from people that there isn't a lot of quality stuff here. But, probably because we aren't quite there yet-in front of the audience we want to attract.

Meanwhile, I wanted to do a poll via comments with my readers and find out in 2018 which platform you prefer to use the most and why. Maybe the responses will give me new ideas when I approach people to onboard them to Steemit.

Let's hear it!


Yeah steemit is too good

Yeah,steemit is very good