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RE: MuTerra : Tamer - Story Writing Contest

in #muterra3 years ago

Contest 3:

Kenshi 剣士

Kenshi, the sword of the Samurai. A good name for a warrior. A bad name for a deceiver. And Kenshi was both.
Fearless and Strong.
Fast and smart.
Straight and broken.
Honest and lying with every breath.

Kenshi is unique in many aspects. The most important one is, that it was no human, but a mutee. Not an Aurora, but somewhat similar to it or humanity. Enough to wear armor and disguise itself as human.
Speaking by telepathy strangely it has worked out so far without blowing up the cover.
The second uniqueness is its unbending will to form a new alliance with humanity. Something changed. Maybe Izanagi und Izanami touche the earth a second time with their godly spear. Or it was Susanoo that caused not only the sea but also the land and many of its inhabitants to change.
Kenshi understood some of them. Kenshi wanted to use this chance to bring peace to Earth and all of its inhabitants.
And for that Kenshi needs to know the most important humans that are still alive. Even if it means travelling to a little lonely island in the southwest.

(technically the kanji in the background may also mean "swordsman", but.. wanted to break with tradition ;) And Sword of the samurai sounds better.)