Beginning of fasting 1 Ramadhan 1439 H fell on Thursday, May 17, 2018. It was based on the government's decision after holding a trial Isbat, Tuesday (15/05/2018).
By the full moon of grace that is only a matter of hours, you may have received some messages via instant messaging apps from relatives or relatives who say good-bye fast.
For those of you who are confused or do not have words of speech to reply, the following TribunJabar gather 40 words to welcome the month of Ramadan suitable to be sent to the group instant messaging or to social media.
- May you open the door of the heart to receive our speech. Minal Aidzin wal faidzin, apologize inward and inward. May we all be given strength and lightness in performing the fast in this month that we yearn for