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RE: Power

in #musing7 years ago

This really cut my attention

Change your mentality towards life, she might change hers towards you too... you never can tell. Be kind, humble and free spirited. Do not stand on the other end to judge what is happening at the other end, wait till you get there first

Sometimes it's not easy to change our mentality though you made mention of

What ever you are given a chance to influence would never be done better by anyone except you, so trust your capacity always to make things happen for good.

So if we change our mentality towards life how possible is it for us to do the things given to us to handle?


Well the two characters might not be found on just one person but if it is found on just a peraon; it would be that such prrson should just trust his natural strenght and allow thibgs go all well and good. When you try to manipulate or infuse things it gets really bad... let things work out naturally for you and all around you.