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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🦊

in #musing7 years ago

If you had ALL the money in the world, the currency would be both useless and worthless. Since nobody owned the currency but you, it would have no value for the purpose of trading goods/services.

Suddenly the means by which to pay employees or buy food would abruptly vanish. World economies would probably collapse.

Your dreams of sipping fruity drinks on the beach would be snuffed out by the apocalyptic  devastation that you caused with this seemingly innocent wish.

You could try to distribute the wealth BACK to the rest of the world, but by then it's too late. The damage has been done. No water. No electricity. Raiders are looting and pillaging.

If it's paper money that you have, your best bet is to burn it for heat and to destroy any evidence that you are the reason for the end of days.

If it were me, I'd try to find a clean water source and a hidden but defensible position from which I can store supplies.