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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Yes! Emergency contraceptive pills, most popular of which is the Plan B MAP are very harmful. It is not suggested you take them more than once because they have serious side effects.

 Even David A Grimes  who was a presenter for Plan B’s manufacturer before the FDA advisory committee, acknowledged in a 2002 interview that MAP use has a serious negative effect on a woman’s menstrual cycle: 

World Health Organization WHO deemed routine post-coital contraception as “unsuitable " primarily because of the high incidence of cycle disturbances  And that's just the beginning of the long list of side effects which include:

  • fatigue
  • abdominal pain
  • big increase in weight 
  • breast tenderness 
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • back pain
  •  depression
  • ovarian cyst enlargement
  • gallbladder disease
  • high blood pressure
  • pelvic pain
  • respiratory disorders
  • increased risk of ectopic pregnancy 
  • irregular bleeding inbetween periods
  • feeling sick

If you really need to, I guess you could use it once but, with these kind of side effects I wouldn't suggest anyone to use it a second, or third time. But yet, still many do and get hurt in the end.