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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

To be honest learning is a continuous process, the more we give time to something the more we get to learn. 

While one of the most  important thing that life taught me over the past days and it has been acting as a base for my life which is "Having Patience". I still remember in my early days where I started my first job and was really very much arrogant and not that friendly to others and most importantly not having patience. It really cost me much more than I thought and after some time in going through the real life I realized the most important thing in my life is to have Patience and ever Since that I have been in many rough situations but being patient and with my ideas I was able to cross those obstacles and on the process learning in those situations as well.

Well life puts us in difficult situations for the good of ours and going through them makes you a real person.

To answer the question more specifically I should say I learned (better late than never) Having Patience  can resolve many situations in our life.