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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

This question really got me thinking. I had to reflect back to the day's when I still had to go to school. I think I probably have had more than one 'worse' teacher throughout my school days.

In my primary school, there was once a guy whom everyone feared. His name, if I'm correct, was or is Pascal.

I remember how I had just joined the school in Primary Two and began hearing of him immediately I entered. I was told he was no longer in the school but the dread of him still lingered. Then, one day, he came around when school was on break time (recess). You needed to see the way some pupils were crying. These were those who had dirts on their uniforms that they couldn't remove. Also, those who hadn't worn socks to school were crying.

When he went round the classes, he took canes with him and I really got to understand why people disliked and feared him.

Well, matters got worse when in Primary three, my teacher left and because of his close relationship with the headmistress, he was called upon to fill in for our teacher. That was one of the greatest evil I saw in school then.

This guy would handle two canes and would demand thats the pupil stretched outs both hands as he flogged the two at once. I was generally a good pupil but still managed to fall into his trap some times.

Also, in secondary school, there wash this teacher called 'Apochi'. This guy could flog like he was born with the gift. He was always the first to show up whenever a student erred and he'd flog till the student almost fainted. I was lucky though to always escape his punishments. I was prefect and also had a reputation that preceded his time to take my class. He liked me and so always excused me. The only time I should have received his 'flogging' was when the zonal director(principal) had noticed that my class was always getting dirty and made 'Uncle Apochi' flog the whole class on the assembly ground. My saving grace was that I was on morning duty and was sweeping the class of some senior students when assembly was going on. He sent today call me but I ignored totally.

When I got back to class, I met almost everyone of my classmates crying profusely.

Why do I say these guys are worse? That's because using the cane is the worse way to teach a child. Students should not be be forced to learn by using the cane. Students are humans and not animals that should be flogged. I think other means of punishment are better.