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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Is there a daily limit to the number of questions you can ask here on musings?

I ask this because I love asking questions. Normally, Google would be my go-to in times like this but is great as I also stand to earn on the side. Haha

However, I wouldn't want to be got for spamming, hence my asking.


I think asking questions that you actually want answered by the community and that can help you gain some knowledge is the best way of asking questions. There is no limit to how many questions you can post BUT in order to garner quality posts musing needs quality questions. They should be clear , specific and in most cases be able to produce an open ended answer unless of course pure logic is needed and there is a definite answer.

Asking a bunch of random questions just floods musing with spam. There are no stupid questions but there are spammy ones.

I doubt there is. You can ask and provide answers to as many questions as you can.

It's all right to be active on musing as long as you're not spamming, or giving low quality one liner answers.

Copying and pasting answers from Google and elsewhere is also not advisable.

Thanks. Yea, copying and pasting would be totally wrong.

This question can better be answered by the Musing owners/ admins.
However, what I feel is that there should not be any such limitation.
As long as someone is asking some quality question. He/She should ask as many as they want to clear their doubts.
One should be kept in mind that there should not be repetition.
Purpose of questions should be to gain knowledge/ information.
Questions should be to the point and relevant.

There is no specific limit put in place by musing, but steem does have a bandwidth limit for every user based on the amount of steem power the user happens. Do not worry about that though because, unless you are a spam bot spamming comments on every post, you probably will not hit the cap.

If you do hit the cap, you can buy more steem power and power up steem., it is a platform where you can ask any questions that you want to know from others and also give answer to anyone's question. By giving right answer to others you can earn upvote which is the only mean of cryptocurrency. is very helpful for the beginner to know about steemit. Because the beginners don't about steemit clearly.

I work on about 4 days for that reason I can't tell you this surely. But I think there is no limit of asking questions daily. If know about this I will try to ask you the right thing surely.