
I won't say father's are underestimated, that's like saying men are underestimated which is so not true, otherwise you wouldn't be hearing of feminism and the feminist movement. On the other hand if you say fathers and men in general are under appreciated then I would agree with you, most times men are the caregivers and breadwinners of their families but it seems not to register, starting from the homes, children appreciate their mothers more and I think the biggest reason why is because, mothers are the ones that are readily available as a large percentage of moms stay at home with the kids and they are the ones the children meet when they have issues. So I believe the best way that fathers can start being appreciated more is when they start being more involved in the lives of their children.

In the word's of Don Vito Corleone, A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man.

A man must put solid structures in place before venturing into starting a family and leave nothing to chance.

Our ancestors back then used to have lots of farmlands and animals to sustain their families and have little or no business waking up by 4am for work and returning by 11pm.

In today's world, A man that wants to start a family must have interests and controls that gives him the flexibility of time to enjoy moments with his family.

I believe that the quality of children been shipped out to society would be enhanced if more Fathers spend quality time with their very creation.

fathers are not really underestimated but its just that many kids/adults tend to celebrate their mothers more than their fathers and that is why everyone of us would have noticed that mothers day gets more attention than fathers day simply because many people to tend to celebrate mothers more but that do not mean fathers are underestimated,we have so many amazing fathers that deserve to be celebrated too..

fathers are not underestimated but i would say they are not as praised as the way mothers are praised,many people keep prasing their mothers but they hardly praise their fathers and it could be weird whenever that happens,i think the reason why many people hardly talk about their fathers is that they are more attached to their mothers or probably they feel their own fathers are not playing their role well as a father so because of that they do not believe that their fathers deserve to get some accolades but as for me i believe that there are many great fathers that should also be praised too because they play a very vital role to make many of us successful and be a good person in the society..