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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

So following on from earlier question on how to start coding. Please explain to me the terms 'front end' and 'back end' in relation to websites please ?

Sorry if this is a dumb question to many of you geeks but what is front end and backend of a website. Thanks for the earlier answer about what language to learn. I will now learn javascript :-)


The best way for me to understand the terms conceptually is to Imagine a Website as a restaurant.

Front End: The front end is what you as a user sees on the website, much like in the customer section of the restaurant. The atmosphere, the menu, the wait staff, how you order food and how food goes to your table. the counter etc... Just like the designs of the websites, the buttons, the pages, how you navigate the website, the interfaces, the functionalities you have as a user etc... These are all front end.

Back End: Much like the restaurant, these are things that users dont see on the websites. The kitchen, the storeroom, the fridges, the stock purchasing process, the account spreadsheet of he restaurant and all the other  things customers will not know about but is absolutely crucial to the restaurant's operation. So for websites these are the database, the API calls, all the other things.

Hope my analogy is good enough!!

I like this question.

Front-end: For a website this is what you see in the browser. For example when you came here to ask this question what you saw is the Front-end of Front-end is mostly written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Front-end shows user input forms and raw data received from Back-end in a nicer understandable way.

Back-end: This where all request for contents are processed. All the data processing, complex calculations and storing are back-end's job. You can code a back-end in many language including PHP, Javascript (Node JS), Python, C++ etc. From back-end you can generate code for front-end along with user requested data. Many API is a good example of Back-end.

Interestingly with modern Javascript you can use the same programming skill in Frond-end and Back-end. Good luck with learning JS.

Thank you! It was in response to a previous question I asked about the first skills I should learn that someone suggested I learn JS as I could use it on the front-end and back-end.
Be prepared. There could be many more questions coming like this as I re-start my coding journey ;-)



The Front-end part of a website is the part that is immediately seen by the user. Users can also interact directly in this section. This section is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the backbone of the web. All websites that you visit are made using HTML. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the backbone of the web. All websites that you visit are made using HTML. HTML determines the structure and content of the website. The final version of HTML is HTML5.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a programming language that controls the appearance of HTML on web pages . CSS determines colors, fonts, background images, and even how your website looks. The final version of CSS is CSS3, which adds features like interactivity and basic animation.


Back-end is the back of the screen from a website. Programming languages for back-end development include PHP, Ruby, Python, and many others.

One thing you will meet: there will not be many companies posting job openings with "back-end developer" sentences. What you will find more often are job openings for "Ruby developer", "PHP developer",

There are many things that JavaScript cannot do, but can be done by back-end programming languages. Most content management systems are built through back-end programming, for example in complex web applications. Learning Coding will teach you to find the best solution for various problems, and sometimes back-end programming is part of the solution. 

To build a website that runs well, back-end developers usually work with front-end developers.