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Sadly enough, there is no solution for that problem.

That has to do with humans and with the amount of obligations they have in life. The most obvious solution would be education, improved and higher education levels for all.

But, even educated and smart people also enjoy easygoing, not challenging content. Where social media has democratized the creation, and propagation, of such the problem has always existed and arguably in much worse forms: centralized media.

Most media organizations have a political position and thus bias. While that bias may not show in news coverage, it often shows in the topics they select to cover and the type of specialists they invite to talk/write about those topics. Even history channel has been know to romantize topics.

Because humans like being entertained and many refer, after a day of hard work, easy content over difficult topics. Whether more easy content - and thus pseudo truth - is found on social media than in centralized systems is debatable. News Corp and many a tabloid do not excel at fact-checking either, they do excel at pushing an editorial agenda and thus influencing their audience though.

Despots and demagogues cleverly make use of that as well.

But it is true that social media has made the consumption of “much content” much easier, and also cheaper, than before. At least the consumption of headlines.

Hate to say this, but YES!

As what I have seen on my Facebook news feed, it is unbelievable how people are so gullible and quick to believing what they read online. People no longer verify facts and would quickly jump into believing whatever they read especially if they love and agree with it.

This problem is magnified with how easy it is to create an account in social-medias. People who have no authority and/or credibility to spread news and information are acting like they do, all for the sake of followers, likes and influence which is very unlike before wherein the only source of information for people are credible ones like books, newspapers and television. 

Also due to how easy it is to create a website now and since it pays really well. A lot of people took this opportunity and have started creating "click bait articles" just to earn some extra money. This I think is why pseudo-knowledge or false news is so rampant on social medias nowadays.

The only solution I think for this would be a law that forbids anyone who is unauthorized or don't have any credibility to disseminate information or a law where it prohibits anyone to spread Fake News. It would also be great if everyone verify first what they read online before sharing it.

Don’t you think that constantly highlighting (bolding out) few important bits contributes to a culture of only skimming and thus possibly even more adoption of barely fact-checked knowledge?

Now that you mention it, Yes I think so too!

Highlighting or emphasizing certain parts do create a culture of only skimming but I somehow think it is much more better than not highlighting or emphasizing your point at all. People now are usually in a hurry to read and will only skim a long article and/or mostly focus on the images being presented. Emphasizing your points makes the reader easily grasp the whole article.

I do apologize for the many bold parts in my answer in here though. :)

I don’t mind because I’m a reader. Yes, I *do* skim, and especially for subtitles, but I’m a fast [skim] reader and thus often find other words than those you highlighted.

Yet, if you look for example at the Daily Mail, they have an actual TL;DR: section above each article. Interestingly enough, it’s a news property which isn't know for having a highly intellectual audience.

Perfect example, picked from their actual front page:

Remember though that highlighting targets eyeballs and can thus be a mechanic to bias.

>highlighting targets eyeballs and can thus be a mechanic to bias

Can't agree more and is actually a common media tactic nowadays :)

Nice book excerpt in the Guardian today.

Do you agree that everyone can be content creator with Steem?

I believe if you're working towards being a successful content creator within Steem DApps then should focus on one simple idea. Showing up every single day and doing the work and first and foremost if you never been a content creator before then it'll probably take some time to figure out your simple idea.

When you show up and work the magic happens. One of friend who spend 12 months of creating various consistent youtube content before he found his simple idea.

So within Steemit I see many people are creating content even though they never have any intention to become a content creator in the first place. But Thanks to the Steem DApps because they're helping us to find the right place to be.

If you are a writer, write on SteemPress, Musing etc.
If you are great at talking, do a podcast on Dsound...
If you are someone who loves performing, do videos on Dlive or Dtube
If you're foodie then use Tasteem, If you're good photographer then post on SteepShot and so on......

This question didn’t need Steem. The Internet has democratized creation and (self) publication since more than a decade already.

Around 10-12 years ago, which was years after the popularity of Tripod, GeoCities and later MySpace, the Web 2.0 era truly kicked off and combined with ever cheaper Internet access, platforms like Blogger (blogspot), Flickr, Odeo (podcast platform pre-Twitter by Twitter founder Ev Williams), as well as the early days of YouTube made the UGC (User Generated Content) a reality for everyone. Even to those who didn’t want to invest in hosting their own site. In that same era also launched and allowed everyone to operate an own blog with without needing to use the then popular Blogger. Soon after Tumblr would also launch.

Obviously, the platforms mentioned are but the most popular ones and blogging was much older already. Before blogging it was already rather easy for forum operators to start a forum, most would use the excellent phpBB open source package, others would resort to the more platform/CMS focused open source PostNuke, while others would opt for paid platforms like vBulletin which came with a built-in CMS option.

It was around 2005-2007 though that faster Internet became more accessible and affordable to anyone. Combined with always more, and simpler to install platforms, the era of User Generated Content kicked off and everyone had options to become a creator.

Little later came Facebook, Twitter, YouTube went viral, and SoundCloud also became a mainstay.

Technically, the Internet is recursive and the Steem-ecosystem has started to replicate the history of the Internet. We are just past the MySpace era now, somewhere 2006-2007. We just had our own ‘Million Dollar Page’, SteemPixels some months ago.

Online... everyone can be a creator.

Yes definitely everyone can be a content creator because the STEEM dapps made this possible. If it were during the days when the dapps where not available I'd have said it's impossible, because steemit then was built to accommodate mainly the writers,

But with the inception of the dapps really everybody has a space no matter what they can so or not, be it singing performing, writing, or even writing reviews about food and restaurant or even photography.

And now most recently I however know that other dapps will surface and steemit will become even more decentralized by the day

I totally agree with everything you said above. Given enough time, anyone could become a decent-to-exceptional content creator here on Steem.

When I first stumbled upon the Steem platform, I honestly thought that this platform was not for me. I have no knowledge nor the experience needed in blogging and writing articles. I still remember back then during my first month of being a content creator wherein I still don't know how to properly format my posts and don't know how to correctly source the images that I am using. But over time, I learned many things due to my consistent blogging and writing. I might have even improved my writing and blogging skills here as I can now easily write a 500word article in less than an hour which honestly was very hard for me to achieve months ago. 

So yeah, I believe anyone can become a content creator in here if one is determined to be one. I even gained loyal followers turned friends in over half-a-year that I am in here. :)

Yes, I am totally agree with you and I am strongly believe that every body have a creative power. Somebody discovered their creativity and somebody uncovered their creativity.

So, let's try to do something, Let's go ahead. 


A very very wise man on steemit said everyone has something to offer (surpassinggoogle). I heard things when I newly joined steemit and was looking for what I could offer to the community since I don't draw, sing, play any instruments and I don't design. But what I could do was interact to people well, write on any topic, compose poems and am also good with technology. So I decided to give up it a try and see anyone that works for me. The first three worker that I didn't bother to try out the rest

If you try what I did and feel that you still have no talent pick something out and develop it. I f you still feel like you aint going anywhere. Thanks to steemit, there are different dapps out there (platforms associated with steemit where you participate and get rewarded in steem) try out each and everyone of them. Something must work out for.

Got off your lazy and try something new. Remember "everyone has something to offer "

Why is Flouride put in our water supply?

Not the natural Calcuim Flouride but the toxic, synthetic Sodium Flouride which is considered to be a neurotoxin.

IMPORTANT! No. Preventing cavities isn't the answer, It's just a PR stunt that with the help of dentists became a fact. Countless researches have been done which without a doubt prove that people still have the samme issues with cavities in low and high flouridated areas.

Give me the real answer. Dig deeper :)

When it comes to "why" questions, we will certainly dip into speculations. Before we do, let's look at some facts about hydrofluosilicic acid and sodium fluoride, the substances used to fluoridate the water supply in the United States, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, the UK, Vietnam, and perhaps other nations. (Most other European nations have banned the use of water fluoridation because it is highly toxic, unneeded, and criminal as the populace has not consented to being medicated in this insidious manner.)

Let us look at some of the effects of ingesting fluoride, as well as some of the other toxic elements and chemicals introduced to the water supply along with it due to using impure sources of fluoride (industrial waste.)

The following information has been taken from, a good source of additional information on this topic. 

In the doses that fluoridated water provides, fluoride is associated with higher rates of birth defects, cancer and immunosuppression, lower IQ of children, dental and skeletal fluorosis, and neurological problems.  It has also been shown to cause increased bone fractures, cataracts and infant mortality, and some 20 other health effects.  A study in Brain Research, vol. 784:1998 showed that fluoride in the water fed to rats increased the absorption of aluminum into the rats brains, causing alterations in the brains similar to Alzheimer’s Disease.  Also, fluoride is highly corrosive.  Several studies in Massachusetts and elsewhere found higher levels of lead in the drinking water in fluoridated areas.  This is most likely due to corrosion of lead pipe joints as a result of the corrosive chemical.

 A new study also showed that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland.  This is a hormonal control center and causes severe imbalances in some sensitive people.  The work, titled Fluoride Deposition In The Aged Pineal Gland was done as a PhD thesis by Jennifer Luke and published in Caries Research.  It can also be found at

The fluoride itself isn’t the only problem.  The chemical used to fluoridate is not pure.  Hydrofluosilicic acid and sodium fluoride are industrial wastes, by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry.  This was challenged by the fluoride promoters in Ohio, but later they were forced to admit this is the truth.  They contain traces of lead, arsenic, mercury, kerosene, napha, and other pollutants from the smokestack scrubbers of phosphate factories.  They also contain radioactive elements. 

Fluoridation of the water supply is a completely insane practice that has never been proven to have any health benefits and is a criminal form of medicating the populace without consent. If I had to speculate about why it is done, it is most likely to weaken and stupefy the general population so they are easier to manipulate. The day water fluoridation is halted worldwide will be a great victory for the progression of humankind.

Thanks for this answer @d-pend This is exactly the kind of answer I wanted to get but sadly curators seem to be under the influence of all of the years of propaganda on this subject. I already know all of this and much more but, I wanted to see what kind of answers I would get. Glad to know that you are informed on this.

You are from the US if I recall correctly, right? How heavily is water flouridated where you live, and how do you combat it? Thankfully, in Europe the practice of water flouridation is not so popular.

Btw, check this video out if you want to find out more on flouridation.

The guy that made it also makes a ton of great videos on many interesting subjects you might enjoy watching. He is on steemit also with the same username.

I knew you were aware when you asked it the way you did but I still wanted to respond to hopefully spread some awareness. Like you, I was forced to conclude that Musing moderators were "drinking the kool-aid" on not just this topic, but many, which has greatly dimmed my enthusiasm for the service. You can tell by the mediocre replies they often choose to give huge upvotes. I am not trying to be elitist or mean, either. Whoever is doing the curating simply doesn't have the expertise beyond mainstream views on certain topics. Thankfully, I rented large amounts of SP for specific situations like these.

Yes, I'm from the U.S., and it varies how heavily it's done state-by-state and county-by-county. My hometown in Texas actually has smaller amounts than many other places. About where I live right now, I'm not sure, because I haven't drank any tap water for at least the past 7 years. I won't drink water at restaurants, either.

Unfortunately, I am forced to use it to wash dishes and bathe, although I do the latter sparingly even though most Americans are obsessed with showering every day. I typically cook with and drink Spring Water, even though it is not perfect.

It's very, very sad how harmful this practice is, and I know it will end eventually. The calcification of the pineal gland and lowering of IQ is among the worst, because it leads to people being cynical about humanity thinking they are stupid, but they are really brilliant, just held down.

Yes, much of Europe is the ray of light (at least on this topic.) Ozonation is an incredible way to filter water using just oxygen, but it costs much more. I hope this and other methods will be adopted in the future. I'll check out the person you mentioned, thanks!

Glad that we are on the same page on this and most likely many more simmilar subjects. How deep in the rabbit hole are you? WHat's the worst thing you have found out?

Yes, sadly, that is currently the case but, like all other Steem based dapps Musing is just a baby. Needs a lot of time to mature. The problem with curation may be fixed in the future. I talked to them in discord and the curator in question was very rude about it. Think it was his cognitive dissonance talking, not him.

I'll keep asking this kind of questions on Musing anyway. The information about the subjects that really matter should be discussed on Musing no matter if their curators can't understand them. That's why I'm glad to have people like you answering my questions.

Hope that you will find my questions in the future and drop some knowledge bombs. You should answer the one I'm about to post now. Who coined the term "conspiracy theory" and why? I'm sure that you know the answer :)

Oh ye, and thanks for the support with xlent and a nice play with letters in the username. I knew it was you straight up :)

There is no digging deeper without getting into the scientific research. That will not alleviate concerns or remove doubt without investing substantial time into the topic. What I can do is to show which countries are using fluoridation and which are not.

It is a widespread myth that only western countries fluoridate their water. The fact is that most western countries DO NOT fluoridate their water. Almost all of the Europe doesn't fluoridate their water. Even Japan doesn't use artificial water fluoridation and that is as East as you get.

I find this remark very stupid - 'after the emergence of industrial revolution the dental problems increased so much that governments started to use fluoridation to curb the endemic'.  Somebody needs to remind these morons that industrial revolution started in Europe and they themselves are not using artificial flouridation. 

We need to stop this whole argument about government trying to solve our tooth problems from the water we drink. A government that can't protect the children from its own child protection services is sure is a hell not 'protecting' you teeth. 

Take look at these results:

It feels like that there is no patter to it. Fluoridation or no fluoridation, it seems that countries of both kinds are struggling with tooth problem.

To me it feels like that people don't really need it since the problem is not going away by doing it. It makes me wonder why they are trying so hard to keep this scam going. The only logical conclusion is that they have something going on behind the scenes - and its not about solving our tooth problems.

Good conclusion. If you want to know more about Flouride I suggest you watch this short video about it. It will blow your mind.

Fluoride is put in water supply in order to reduce the occurrence of dental related health issues like tooth decay or bacterial growth in the mouth.

Fluoride is a compound of fluorine which is a naturally occurring element found in ground water and mineral rocks. When put into water supplies, it helps prevent tooth decay and is so effective in doing this that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named it one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.

Taking into account the huge amount of time that is spent on tooth related treatments yearly in the United States(51-161million school/work hours), fluoridation of water is a healthy and cost effective means of reducing these numbers, and according to the American Dental Association, the life time cost of fluoridizing your water is less than the cost of one dental filling.

Basically, the idea behind putting fluoride in water is to prevent and reduce the occurrence of tooth decay in both children and adults.

Didn't you read the description of the question? Your answer is very far from the truth and it's a shame upvoted it as if its a correct answer. Please at least watch this video for a little eye opener.

I don't believe that a perpetual motion machines PMM exists, although I've seen videos on YouTube of people who have claimed to create PMMs. It fundamentally impossible to create one simply because of the fact that to create one would be to break one if not all the laws of thermodynamics.

First this first, the first law states that energy can never be created nor destroyed, but it can only be converted from one form to another.

Energy input = Energy output

So for a machine to move forever, then all the energy that starts it's movement must not only do that, it must also keep it moving. If that was possible then maybe we'd be able to make a PMM.

Theoretically speaking, even if we could somehow circumvent the first law, the second one is iron clad. It states that the entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time. In the case of PMM what it's trying to say is that no matter how efficient the system is, some parts of the energy will escape due to the interaction of the machine with external forces like wind and moving parts which in turn will build up friction and that will end up creating heat. Thus, the heat created will lead to energy loss and if all the energy that was used to make the machine move isn't available, then it will inevitably stop moving eventually.

It's just not possible, at least not right now.

What about magnets? They don't need an input to create energy when they repel each other on same poles. Imo, we should be able to create a PMM using magnets.

That would be possible if the strength of magnets didn't reduce over time. Seeing as they do, then it's not possible.

How is that an issue? They can always be replaced with new ones. Considering it doesn't happen that often and that they produce mroe electricity than they cost to replace it would still be profitable to make such a machine.

This is where you're getting it wrong, using a magnet would require precise calculations and once the magnetic force drops by a single percent, those calculations would be wrong. If a PMM was made that had a magnet that was supposed to pull a steel ball in its direction at a particular speed so that the ball can fall through a hole in front of the magnet, if the magnetic force of the magnet reduces even a little bit, that speed reduces and the other mechanisms of such a machine would equally suffer for it.

Well it's human nature to want what you don't have, one of the core principles of economics is that human want is insatiable. It's only natural to envy someone who's successful or better yet, more successful than you are and this is because he/she has more than you do.

When you see someone that's more successful than you are, you can react in 3 ways

1: Be happy for them: These days, this has become the least popular reaction because most people don't want anybody to do better than they are

2. Envy them: From time immemorial, even dating as far back as Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, human beings have always envied people who are doing better than them, simply because we want to do better than everyone else. People that envy others often don't want the people they envy to do badly or not be successful, they just want to be more successful than they are.

3. Be passive about it: Some people just don't care and whether or not you're more successful than they are doesn't matter to them. They'll go on living their lives like as if nothing happened.

Exactly the question I am asking myself all over again... But, whatever someone does that is considered a bad behavior, the root of that is in EGO. EGO is our worst enemy and we are not thought enough in our schools as a kid about the topic of EGO. 

EGO kills humanity, in one sentence. It literally destroys everything around you and making you feel better about it. It seems not that logical that you can do that, but EGO is that powerful. I know it's hard to see your EGO, and for someone, it's even hard to admit that they have EGO, but it's the ''thing'' we need to first learn about so that we can fight against. 

So, my blame falls to educational system that is shaping our kids into same boxes, killing creativity, not teaching kids about emotional intelligence and not teaching them about the EGO... and many other things...

Envy is an instinctive feeling experienced by every human being. Buunk (2012) argues that envy is a response to others who have the success, success, skills and quality of life that we want.

Sometimes jealousy can grow in a nearby environment such as a family where brother and sister can emerge social jealousy. Or for example envy can happen to see friends own what we don't have.

A study by taking data through questionnaires and interviews shows that most people are dishonest in answering whether they feel jealous or do not see the success of others. However, in a meeting between clients and psychologists, it was found that the actual disorder that appeared was often triggered by jealousy or social jealousy that was not easily recognized.

I observe the social trends that occur, why do easy people feel jealous of the success of others? Even though we say "No, I'm not jealous! "Actually there is a part of a small heart that is instinctively jealous of others.

This is common. People compare themselves to others because of vanity and bitterness. Pride? Yes. But I guess the most obvious reason why people envy on other's success is greed. They want to be in the position where they want to experience that feeling.

It is a human nature and a very common trait for people who are evil. They got envy because they want to be in the position. They got envy because they feel they deserve it more than you. They got envy most importantly because they are evil. Their hearts are filled with hatred and bitterness.

Success is defined by a person's hard work and a little bit of luck. If they fail to achieve that, they start worrying on the things around. They wish to be the person as they want, but they fail to achieve it that's why they got envy on people who achieved success in life - simply because they failed to achieve it.

One advice, be passive. Don't dwell on their shits. Focus on your life and they're just a little stumbling blocks that hinders your way. Be focused and stay in line with your goals.

It is normal to feel a little sad or worried when you see others all around you making it big in their respective fields in life and you just seem to be stagnant. It is such a saddening feeling that gradually develops but if it is not controlled, you begin too desirous of what they have and jealousy comes in crowning the whole envy thing which is really unhealthy..

People turn to be envious of others out of sheer jealousy to see others making it and not them. This is very vommon in humans nowadays as jealousy has been the character of the day that friends became so jealous of their friends that they even end up harming them. Envy and jealousy are two things that floe together and where you find one, the other's presence is not a doubt.

Also, so many people have been pushed to be envious of others because of pressure imposed by their families, loved ones and society on them. Many people out there who were content and leading content lives have turned to be envious as a result of pressure imposed on them by the society. It is common to see how parents lash out on their cgildren comparing them to their other mates who are very successful. These only mounts pressure on such children and only promotes envying in them.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Really for me, I no longer believe in any tool. The more I study use, technical analysis and other tools. Always something bad happens, the markets fall and I have to sell and wait to buy again.

Lately I was based on the news and thinking about what the whales should do.

A small rumor or misinformation makes any asset devalue.

People panic and start selling, that is not foreseen by any type of study, it has already happened to me., For that reason I focus on fixing certain limits buy low and sell hig

Witnesses are the governance of the Steem blockchain.

All decisions about the Steem blockchain, its mechanics, its future and for example how the rewards function are made by the Top 20 witnesses.

If tomorrow the SBD is truly pegged, that’s a decision only the witnesses can make.

If rewards are changed to 50% for creator and 50% for curators, that’s a decision only the witnesses can make.

The same applies to HardForks. The upcoming hardfork is not the decision of Steemit Inc, they prepared and released the code (in collaboration with witnesses, stakeholders, and community developers). But the acceptance of the HF is done by witnesses. If less than 2/3+1 witness deploy the HF on their server the HF is rejected. HardForks require super majority (2/3 + 1 vote).

The Steem community is a community owned and operated blockchain but the witnesses are its government.

Withnesses are one of the most valuable members of the Steem community, without whom the Steem blockchain wouldn't function. They are expected to run  a block-producing Steem node running 24/7/365 and  provide a correct ongoing price feed of the value of STEEM in US dollars, set the mininum Steem Power deposit to create an account, set the APR% for the Steem Dollar interest rate and many other things.

 It's of crucial importance that you:

  1. Inform yourself very well about the withnesses before voting (who they are, how trustworthy are they, what did they do for the Steem blockchain, did they create any dapps for it, etc)
  2. Spend all of your 30 withness votes


Because only if all, or at least most Steem users have handed out their withness votes can we assure that our top withnesses really are really the most trustworthy and valuble members of the community which have nothing other than the success of the Steem blockchain on their mind. 

If you don't excercise your right to choose a withness, some that don't deserve to be ranking high on the withness list might get there.This is very important  as the top Steem withnesses make a huge amount of money and we wouldn't want to have someone that doesn't have the best interests of our community to be raking in so many rewards. Wouldn't we?

Android and iOS have been the leaders of smartphone OS systems for so long that it's hard to picture anything possibly taking over from them. For a randomly and completely new OS to take over then that OS has to provide a service which the two previously stated OSs dont, and that's not likely at all.

Frankly I can't see this happening but if it did then then it would add some spice to the smartphone market. With blackberry and windows operating systems both completely being phased out of existence Android and iOS haven't really had any competition apart from themselves.

I think it's possible but not likely for something like this to happen because taking a page from Nokia and their Symbian OS which was the pinnacle of smartphone operating systems only a few years ago but is none existent now, I'd say that anything is possible in the smartphone market.

I wouldn't mind if this happened but seeing as both iOS and Android are constantly fine tuning their user experiences, it would be awful hard for another OS to take over.

O.K. First, full disclosure. I was one of the idiots who lost cryptocurrency to Cryptsy. It seemed legitimate to me at the time but in hindsight very small to no transaction fees should have been a warning sign. Also, long delays and problems making immediate withdrawals should have been a sign also but I bought the constant "maintenance" excuse from Cryptsy.

When I have to use a centralized exchange now I use Poloniex. However, there are decentralized peer-to-peer alternatives for cryptocurrency exchange such as openbazaar. Also, when trading ethereum tokens a "trustless" smart contract dapp such as etherdelta or forkdelta minimizes the risk of scam or fraud to near zero (as long as you are using the right contract addresses).

Thanks... for letting me know. I used Poloniex before. Looking forward to a better decentralised exchange in the future.

Well modern glitter is made from plastic. It starts out as a large plastic sheet which has been extruded from melted plastic pellets. It is usually covered with a layer of foil which is what gives it that shine that everybody loves. Once the plastic sheet has been formed, it's cut into tiny pieces until it looks like stardust. This process is obviously done by a machine though.

Hexagonal or square pieces are common but there are other shapes as well. The entire process can simply be simplified into feeding the foil-plastic sheet into the machine and having it cut it into the desired shape.

The resulting pieces of glitter are then packaged into final products, and this depends on what the customer wants. It could be a bag of glitter, hair spray formulation, make up etc.

Is there a way to naturally straighten your hair?

I love straight hair on myself but I hate damaging it with a flat iron, is there a natural/no heat way of making it straight?

Straight hair is stylish, pretty, and convenient, especially for wintertime. The problem, however, is that many of the tools used, such as heat and chemical straighteners, are really bad for your hair. Over time, they dry it out, split the ends, and you end up with straight hair that’s not nearly as attractive as it once was.

Fortunately there are some other methods for encouraging curly or wavy hair to straighten out naturally, without using heat or chemicals. You won’t get the pin-straight look from the iron, but you’ll have healthier hair that’s more or less straight with volume.

1. Brush wet hair until it dries

After washing your hair, let it air dry completely, but continue to brush it every five minutes. Pull out and hold each section of hair for a few seconds to encourage it to straighten out. You can also do this in front of a fan, which is faster, but requires constant brushing.

2. Wrap wet hair tightly

When your hair is wet, comb and divide it down the centre. Comb the left portion all the way over to the right (yes, it’s a combover of sorts) and wrap around the back of your head, securing with bobby pins. Flip the right section over the left side, wrap, and pin in the same way. Let it air dry completely. You can wrap in a silk scarf and sleep on it to reduce frizz.

3. Roll your hair

Use large hair rollers, i.e. the size of soda cans, to roll sections of wet hair and secure them tightly against your head. Let dry completely. This is important, because the slightest bit of moisture can make the curl or wave come back.

4. Use overnight hair hands

Divide damp hair into one or two low ponytails. Fasten with a soft hair elastic, then add additional elastics every inch or so down the ponytail, in order to hold it together. Make sure the elastics are fairly loose so that they won’t leave a noticeable mark on your hair. Go to sleep and let it out in the morning.

5. Twist hair into a bun

If you have fairly obedient, straightish hair to begin with, then this method will likely work for you, though it’s not effective on my stubbornly wavy hair. Make a ponytail of damp hair and twist like a rope. Wrap around itself to make a bun and secure with an elastic. Let air dry, then brush out.

6. Make a natural straightening mask

The Free People beauty blog recommends making a milk and honey mask. Mix 1 cup of whole milk or coconut milk with 1 tbsp of honey and let it soak into your hair and scalp for one hour before washing out.

You can also mix 2 cups milk with 1 egg. Soak your hair in it for 10 minutes, then squeeze out, don’t rinse, and wrap with a plastic cover for another 30 minutes. Wash out and brush dry.

A recipe from Glamrs recommends applying the following DIY straightening mask twice a week for 2 months in order to relax and straighten your hair: 1 cup coconut milk, 5-6 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp olive oil, 3 tbsp cornstarch. Heat at low temperature and stir until smooth. Cool, then apply to hair.

To all of these methods, add a few drops of sweet almond or coconut oil to tame frizz and smooth out the look.

This is 1/1 plagiarism buddy. You copy pasted the full answer from this article

I guess no straightening of coily hair can only be done artificially

There are 5 ways that I found to straighten hair naturally.

1. Wash and use conditioner on your hair. Use soft shampoo and hair weight conditioner to lock moisture in your hair. Avoid shampoo with surfactant or sulfate, because this can damage your hair.

2. Squeeze excess moisture from the hair using a towel. DO NOT rub your hair because this can cause damage and tangling. Simply press the hair part by using a towel to remove excess water.

3. Use an anti-tangle comb to comb your hair. This type of comb has less teeth so they will remove your hair without getting stuck. Follow with a tight-toothed comb to further smooth the hair.

4. Divide the hair into two pigtails. Pigtails must begin near the nape of your neck; the higher the pigtails will cause more bending in the hair when it dries. Tie it with elastic hair ties.

5. Tie elastic hair ties at intervals along the rune. Every 2-3 inches, tie the elastic hair bands around each twist. Don't tie it too tight or you will create a lump in your hair when it dries. You have to end up with what looks like a "striped" pigtail


We guys have this believe that girls use makeup to deceive us by hiding their real appearance. Let's look at it this way, you are in a market all of a sudden you are attracted by a fruit. So you decide to buy it. On getting home already salivating over the fruit you then opened it only to see what's on the inside. A normal person will person would feel cheated go back to the store and ask for a refund.

That's the same way guys feel when girls deceives them with makeup ( especially the ugly ones). Now if you are naturally beautiful why dont you flaunt it and occasionally you can use makeup then everyone will know that that girl is a double threat (fine with or without make up).

No guy wants to wake in the morning to see a beast after the makeup have washed away.

Well I believe this question is a matter of personal preference but let me answer as best I can.

Most men obviously prefer their women to have a more natural look thank the fake one that women present when they wear make up, but at the same time, men always want their women to look good so if you're going out with him to see a movie of a fancy dinner then he'll definitely expect you to look good and as such he'll expect you to put on make up.

Now if your alone with him or just going out for a quick bite to eat or maybe a walk in the park or doing anything that lets us spend quality time with you guys then we're probably not going to want you guys to out on any make up. If we just want to spend time with you then we want the real you, not you with a plastered face, you with all your imperfections.

It's not a question of if we prefer you guys without make up, it's more along the lines of *when* do we prefer you guys without makeup.

Interesting Question! :)

While a girl's make-up does really capture a man's attention at first sight, over time it is what a girls personality and attitude which will matter to most guys.

Men want women who are confident, content and strong enough to face her flaws. A woman who has no make-up on most often than not exudes these three characteristics eclipsing their physical appearances.

Another reason is that girls fully-covered in make-up makes them look like high maintenance which makes most men think that they are way above their level.

When you take a look at instagram you'd servants whole lot of girls with heavy makeups getting attention and likes and Shares, we may say men do not like girls with makeup but if this is true then the social media will not portray this.

The truth is most men likes flashy women and flashy women are never be flashy without makeup.

Howbeit beauty is determine by the the foresight of the viewer and some men like girls with makeups others probably do not

Why are some bottled waters more expensive than others?

Isn't water just water? Are we paying more for some just because of "the name"?

In a way yes! You are paying both for the container and the brand name that guarantees your safety while drinking the water bottle. While water itself is basically free, there are a lot of processes and ways that water can be made drinkable. 

A lot of water bottle companies claims that their way of processing water into drinkable ones are the safest and the best way but unfortunately consumers have no way of knowing which one is better. The more consumers believe that one product is better than the other, the more that product can increase their price because the demand will likely increase. 

Aside from that there are also others who claims that they added a little something in their water bottles like electrolytes, which entices more people to buy the product because of it's added benefits.

Yes, water is water and we pay for the name.

While of course there may be different standards for the water itself, for the bottling of the water, for the stability of the bottle, the majority of bottled water is simple drinking water. Sometimes it comes from springs and wells, sometimes it even is made from tap water. Imagine: tap water is carbonated, filled in bottles and sold.

Stories from Around Springs

One of the many springs that Aqua exploits and sucks up to this day is the Kubang spring located in the village of Kubang Jaya, Babakan Pari village which is located at the foot of Mount Salak, northern Sukabumi.

Springs in Kubang have been exploited by Aqua since around 1992. Kubang spring area, which was previously an agricultural area, was later converted by Aqua into an area like a forest that is not allowed by local residents. Around the Kubang spring area, Aqua is lined with walls and is guarded by rented security officers for 24 hours a day. No one is allowed to enter the area without a permit signed by the head of the Aqua Group headquarters in Jakarta.

Initially the water exploited by Aqua is surface water, which is water that comes out directly from a spring without being drilled. But in 1994, Aqua began exploiting underground water by digging waterways with high pressure drilling machines.

Since the water in the Kubang spring was drained on a large scale by Aqua, many changes were felt by the surrounding residents. The most noticeable is the decline in the quality and quantity of water resources in the village, and this has a negative impact on the lives of the villagers themselves. The decrease in the carrying capacity of water is evident from the emergence of problems related to the utilization of water resources at the community level since the Kubang spring was controlled by Aqua. One of the problems is the lack of availability of clean water for daily household consumption including water for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing and others. This problem can be seen from the conditions of the wells owned by citizens which are the source of fulfillment of daily clean water needs. Now, the maximum water level of the well owned by most residents is only an inch or about 15 cm. Even some wells have become completely dry. Whereas before Aqua controlled the water there, the well water level usually reached 1-2 meters. In the past, just by digging wells 8-10 meters deep, the need for clean water for everyday was very fulfilled. Now, residents need to dig up to more than 15-17 meters to get clean water. In the past, residents did not need a pump machine to suck water to get out of the ground, now in a single suction using a pump, water is only able to supply 1 tub of water and after that the well is immediately dry. Even in some villages, if it doesn't rain in just a month, the well becomes completely dry. Whereas in the past, when the dry season entered the 6th month did not make well water dry.

Another problem is the lack of water for agricultural irrigation needs. This problem was experienced by farmers from almost all villages in the Babakan Pari village. At present the farmers in several villages are fighting over water because of the lack of water. Even some rice fields don't get water and rely on water from rainwater only. As a result, many rice fields are drought in the dry season and of course this causes serious economic problems for farmers.

The same thing happened in Polanharjo, Klaten Regency, Central Java. Aqua exploited water from a large number of springs in Klaten District since 2002. Similar to what happened in Babakan Pari village, the majority of residents in the area also supported their lives from agriculture. Because the water debit has dropped dramatically since Aqua operated there, farmers are now forced to rent pumps to meet the irrigation needs of their fields. For daily needs, residents must buy water from water tanks at high prices because their wells have started to dry due to the massive "pumping" carried out by Aqua.

Well water is definitely not water and let me tell you the reason why, in actual sense water is better than others because of the process of purification, the treatment it goes through in several bottling water companies are very different and the individual purification process are more costlier than the other.

Another thing is the packaging of the company, for example, the kinds of people that purchase let's say a particular kind of bottle water may be very rich individuals and as a result of this the company may increase the price of their bottle water because of their rich consumer, while others may not be so expensive because they're fighting to establish their brand.

Name is another thing. If a bottling company has a more recognized name than other bottling companies selling the same composite water produce, this will definitely make the price differ

Great question! One that bothered me so much I had to look it up a couple of years ago when it first came up to my mind. The answer I found then was staggering.

Before it was first synthesized in 1856 by Sir William Henry Perkin it was created from a certain species of sea snales from the Mediterranean sea. Reports say that it  took 10,000 of these snails to produce just a single gram of purple dye. For this reason, purple was worth more than its weight in gold and was never used in national flags because it would be too expensive to manufacture. 

The only people who could afford such luxury at the time, were royal families and they used the die to color clothes which separeted them from the pilgrims and served as a symbol of wealth.

Well to answer this question we have to take a trip down through history. To put it simply prior to the mid 1800s purple dye was simply too expensive to purchase for most people and as such purple clothes were only found on the backs of the extremely rich and royal people.

The purple dye was gotten from a snail which was only found in the Venetian trading city of Tyre which today is now located in modern day Lebanon. The dye required about a 1000 snails to produce just 1gram of it and as of then it was so expensive that it became a symbol of royalty.

At a point even the royals couldn't afford it as it became more than worth its weight in gold. As of then a pound of that dye cost about 3 pounds of gold which is worth about 56,000 dollars right now...imagine having 56,000dollars worth of steempower.

At that point, no country could afford having purple on their flags, not even the richest countries in the world.

It wasn't until a certain chemist by the name of William Henry Perkin accidentally created a synthetic purple compound while attempting to create a malaria drug. Once he realised that he could use it to dye clothes purple, he patented his discovery and became super rich.

After that purple became more Accessible to everyone but it still wasn't a norm to use it in national flags.

If that happens, Hard Fork 20 will simply not push through and the mechanisms and rules of HF 19 (the one we are on right now) will be followed. Nothing changes.

It is worthy to note though that in order for HF20 to push through, a supermajority of the top 20 witnesses needs to reach a consensus. 17 out of the top 20 witnesses needs to update their system into the latest one (HF20) before Sept 25 in order for it to be implemented on the whole blockchain.

If consensus amongst the withnesses about implementation of Hard Fork 20 is not achieved, then it will not be implemented and the Steem blockchain will continue operating on the old HF 19. 

Human rights or abbreviated "human rights" are the basic rights possessed by every human being obtained from birth in which human rights are inherently inherent in human beings and no one has the right to disturb the claim because human rights are part of God's grace, that is the belief held by human beings who are aware that we are all creatures of God who have the same degree as other humans so that they must have the right to be free and have the same dignity and rights. If you still don't realize how important human rights or human rights are.

From birth, humans have human rights that must be upheld and acknowledged by everyone. This right is more important than the right of a ruler or chief. Human rights come from the only God, given to humans. However, human rights are often violated by humans, they will retain their personal rights. What is human rights? Well, on this occasion, he will discuss thoroughly about the Definition of Human Rights (HAM). Helpful. Check this out !!!

Human Rights (HAM) emerge from human belief itself that all human beings as God's assembled creatures are equal and equal. Humans are born free and have the same dignity. For this reason, humans must be treated equally as civilized and civilized. Human rights are universal, meaning they will apply to all human beings without differentiating based on race, faith, ethnicity and nation (ethnicity).

Talking about Human Rights (HAM), the scope is very broad, both individual (individual) and human rights that are communal or collective (community). Its enforcement efforts have also been going on for centuries, although in various parts of the world including Indonesia, it has been explicitly seen since the end of World War II, and has intensified since the end of the 20th century. There have also been many documents produced about it, which from time to time continue to grow.

Especially in our national life, since the last few decades there have been quite encouraging developments in relation to the efforts to uphold and fulfill these human rights. For example, we see the formation of a number of National Human Rights Commissions; some are general or comprehensive (ie Komnas HAM), and some are specific, for example for women (Komnas HAM) and for children (Komnas Anak). In the field of legislation, the latest developments worth noting include the results of the 4th amendment to the 1945 Constitution in 2002, which among others made the addition of a special chapter on human rights (ie chapter XA, which consists of 10 articles, namely article 28 A -28 J. These chapters and articles absorb a lot (adopt and ratify) the contents of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights documents that are compiled and agreed internationally

Understanding Human Rights (Human Rights)

The foundation of human rights becomes the forerunner of the presence of justice and civilization, unifying differences without discriminating between religions, races, tribes, and nations. This statement also received support from experts so as to provide some understanding of human rights according to experts, following the understanding of human rights according to experts:

1. Definition of ham according to JOHN LOCKE

JOHN LOCKE defines human rights as a right granted by a natural God whose human rights are never and cannot be separated from their essence, so that human rights are sacred and must be guarded.

2. Definition of ham according to DAVID BEETHAM and Kevin BOYLE

The definition of ham according to David Beetham and Kevin Boyle is a fundamental freedom and has a connection with human capacity and human needs.

3. Understanding ham according to C. de Rover

The definition of ham according to C. de Rover is the same legal right for every human being, both poor and rich, women or men. Even though the rights that have been mer

Yes, in a way it should be. But I suppose that we'd best start by ensuring all people have access to the currently known basic human rights: food, water, shelter, security and internet ;-)

The simplest answer is that humans overwhelmingly rely on their eyes as their main sense organs. So when someone has a tattoo on a part of their body that is visible, they will inevitably be treated slightly differently (on a subconscious level) than someone who does not.

It will depend a lot on the culture and the beliefs of the individual whether tattoos are seen as positive, neutral, or negative. For instance, in tribal/aboriginal cultures, tattoos often serve a spiritual purpose and will be seen positively by that culture. In others, it is more neutral or will depend on the individual's views.

In still other cultures, it will be viewed in a negative light for various reasons. I won't cover all the reasons for viewing tattoos negatively in this answer as it's a bit beyond the scope of this question. Some reasons could be: 

1)Tattoos can be seen as a form of self-harm/self-abuse by some.

2)Getting tattoos may go against one's spiritual beliefs because it is viewed as desecrating something sacred (the human body) which is already perfect.

3)People may have stereotypes that people with tattoos are more likely to be users of drugs, criminals, mentally unstable, and/or engage in other high-risk activities.

Some of this is based in reality, and some is based in ignorance: but let's remember, the main reason people with tattoos are treated differently is that they look different, which is the most important sensory data the brain uses to categorize and collate information about the physical world. To emerge from this prejudice requires significant mental effort for many. It's important that we treat all human beings with love and respect, regardless of what they look like, but that doesn't mean it is effortless to do so.

It is all about culture in an area. Maybe in your area people who have tattoos are treated differently without knowing them is a thing done. But it is not in other countries.

I live in an place where I feel the same as your question. But I've seen a country that doesn't care of it at all. I've seen a place where they see tattoo as an art. I've seen a country that tattoo is a traditional thing that should be embedded on their body.

It is all about the culture of a place so if you see that people who have tattoos are treated differently, go to another place that treats people with tattoos as classy.

Tatoo is a drawing that some have on the part of their body. It is very clear how people detest others with tatoo because of the set of people wearing it and how it has been turned to something else. Mostly those in the entertainment industry are fond of this drawings and if we look at their lifestyles and how they parade themselves,we begin to have a corrupt mind towards them, some change their entire look with this drawings and most times, what they draw are seeing anyone with tatoo will make us think of them with like mind which makes us begin to judge people seeing stereotype and not attitude.

However, People look at the tattoo wearers with an I'll feeling because most hooligans love it. They draw all sort of things on their body for self glorification.

The truth is that most people that draw tatoo see it as fashion, some feel confident putting it on. Some just love it because its beautiful and they want to have a piece of it.

I believe the reason for seeing people with tatoo as something else is because of the corrupt use of the fashion. It has been abused and most people feels that no decent person will follow such part knowing fully well how devilish the use has become.

The use of tatoo should not be used to judge the attitude of others. Some people just want to feel among, some just love it, its not everyone with tatoo that have bad attitude, some without it are worst. Its just how some bad eggs abused its use that corrupt peoples mind towards it. And as they say " Too much cook spoil the broth" If tatoo is moderately used, it wouldn't have been seen as something bad. Let's change our mindset. Anyone with moderate tattoo should not be concluded, there is more to everyone than the stereotype on them. Who knows, the person you detest wearing tattoo might be 200 times better in character. Don't judge people with what you see, you might be completely wrong.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Countries have sovereignty within their own borders. Peace is kept because it is understood through various treaties that each country will respect the borders of other countries.

That statement good is better than the best depends on what angle at which you're looking at it. If for instance a second class degree graduate gets a good paying job while a first class degree student is yet to get one several years after school, then that statement holds true.

But I don't believe in that statement though. I think people should strive for excellence and not be content being average or a mediocre at anything in life. Good is not good enough. Life thrives on dynamism. Seek to be better.

A lot of people who were good at certain vocations years back are out of job now because the society has long taken a great walk along the path of progress and these people didn't fit in any longer.

Keep improving your skills, upgrading and updating your knowledge on recent developments around the world. Don't be comfortable settling for less, be the best.

While being motivated and want to be (or get) the best is not the way to go. Sometimes it's better to be content with what you have than always wanting something better. There a saying "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" - of course two birds are better, you have more to eat. But first you have to catch them. So be content with the one bird you have.

This is a frequently asked question and everybody has different opinion about this topic. In this post, I'll share a piece of the cake and answer your question based on my own opinions and preferences.

In that case, It's a No. I don't think age really matter in choosing a lifetime partner. First, one cannot control themselves on who they've fallen in love for. Second, One can be attracted to the person itself (his characteristics, personality, morale, traits,and etc) and not because of his age. And third, It is the love that bonds the two person in a relationship no matter what the age gap is.

With that being said, my personal preference for a partner is being "mature" in every aspects of life. And being mature doesn't mean he has to be older than me because maturity is synonymous to life experience and common sense. There are a lot of men that mature at a very young age because they have to. It's a necessity, It is whats needed for his current environment. Likewise, there are also men who is older in age but acts immaturely and childish.  So really, I don't think age matter in a relationship, as long as you love each other and understand each other. That's all that matters. :)

That's a though question and I think it has thousands of answers to it so I am gonna give mine also. I would say that when you are searching for a life partner you are searching for someone to love you and be there for you for a lifetime so I don't think age would matter that much because it's the persons personality that can make someone love for a lifetime and not just the body and the age. There can't be a too big age difference also because if for example the man is 60 an the woman is 20 there would definitely be a lot of differences between the two and I don't see that couple "living too much". With a difference of 10-15 years between partners I think there could be a lifetime relationship going on. I wouldn't mind to find myself a life partner that is 10 years younger than me. I do consider though that the best couples are the ones close in age. 

In my opinion it is pretty close to truth the statement you wrote in your question. Not entirely truth as the woman is already married to that guy, but the attitude is still of a prostitute. Prostitutes usually accept to have sex with different men for money, otherwise they wouldn't do that with so many and especially with anyone so we can say that they offer their "body and sexual" abilities for something in exchange which is money in general. Now the woman you mentioned about usually has sex with her husband as they are married, but in order to get something from him she might "offer some extra", she will trade some of her for a favor. It's probably that she was not in the mood for sex, but still did it because of that favor. 

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

That's insane how cheap it is to create money. Thanks for the answer!

That's insane how cheap
It is to create money.
Thanks for the answer!

                 - runicar

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Kevin Feige talked about the reason behind the survivors of the original Avengers superhero from annihilation by Thanos in Infinity War. At the end of the Avengers story: Infinity War indeed leaves more old champions, such as Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, and Black Widow.

According to the boss of Marvel Studios, it's no coincidence that the original Avengers superheroes were saved. Marvel wants the original superheroes to become the main focus of the story climax that was built over the past 10 years.

"I think, for the film series that has been running for 10 years and heading to the conclusion with Avengers 4 later, which you don't usually find in these kinds of movies, you are like doing math (doing calculations). Then realize, the Avengers aslilah are left , "Kevin said to io9, quoted from

Even if you don't talk bluntly about Marvel's plan for the original superheroes in the upcoming Avengers 4, it's clear, if the studio wants to make Iron Man and friends who are the founders of the Avengers say goodbye well. These original superheroes, like Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, and Robert Downey Jr., have already admitted Avengers 4 will be the end of the contract with Marvel Studio.

Despite eliminating other superheroes, fans believe, the death in Infinity War is not eternal. Moreover, a number of champions, such as the Black Panther, Spider-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy have been confirmed to be returning with their respective solo sequels.

Avengers 4 hasn't announced other leaks. The film is planned to air in the early summer of 2019.

DAAP's will have positive effects on steem economy. They will attract new users to steemit and maybe new investors. Steem will be more popular after dapps.

Can you list all Dapps present on the Steem blockchain?

The Steem blockchain is growing. Who has a comprehensive list of all the Dapps present on the blockchain

The json_metadata information for each Steem blockchain post or comment typically has an "app" key. By analysing this data we can get a list of all the potential dApps.

Here's the list of the top 50 from the analysis I carried out in August. Musing is in there at number 13 and rising fast!

There were in fact 235 different "apps" in the json_metadata but not all of these are real applications or websites. Some are just bots. However the above is a pretty indicative list. If you manage to make a post with each of those I'll send you the full list!

This actually is pretty cool! Saved the images above for future use. I know there are many out there but didn't expect it to be this many lol

There is now an ongoing Steem directory which tries to list all apps, sites and tools build by the Steem community. It is called SteemProjects and can be accessed at

It's mostly sorted by categories there from tools for account creation, gaming apps like steemgar, steemmonsters, steemsnake and generic steem interfaces like steemit, partiko and musing and is listed here:


Presiden Donald Trump

decided to maintain their presence in Afghanistan and fight for victory 'to avoid mistakes in Iraq with troop withdrawals

He said he wanted to divert US troops from their original target be according to the needs of the conditions in the field. Therefore he will not form time.

Very good question. I imagine people from different generations and in different parts of the world would give quite opposing answers. The answers people give will also be powerful indicators of their level of consciousness. Now, on to my (admittedly biased and based on speculation) answer.

I find the scenario of an actual "hot WW3" quite unlikely. We have reached a point where our weapons are simply so destructive that using them without restraint they would destroy all of humanity. This became clear from the day the first nuclear bomb was dropped, and since then technology has only accelerated. Most of what is practiced as "hot" war today is not all-out-carnage with supertechnological arms but either 1). Strategic, guerilla warfare like drone strikes, stealth bombing, etc. or 2. tribal warfare like genocides in Africa and other places.

Now, war in its more general sense of conflict will exist forever, but it becomes more "civil/subtle" over centuries of the evolution of consciousness. At least, as an average. There will always be anomalies like serial killers that are caused by energetic aberrations. In general, warfare becomes more mental, psychological, and covert rather than physical, emotional, and overt. We see this occurring with the trend of people inventing terms like "microaggressions" which would have been completely laughable in past decades because it is an idea of harm on a subtle level. (Of course, it can also be the expression of false and toxic victimhood, but I am just using it as an example to show where we are at.) In the medieval ages we were literally stretching people's limbs until they snapped on horrendous torture machines to punish them for crimes.

This is an indicator that humanity as a whole is on the incline when it comes to becoming more sensitive and compassionate, though we have a very long way to go before you can say we're a "peaceful species." Much of the war occurring in the world today is growing pains of this hyperevolutionary process in which our collective intelligence continues to increase while our physical bodies do not change nearly as much. It also gets into speculation about DNA activation, where areas of our genetic code seem to be "coming online" gradually.

TL;DR In my view: huge, physical, global catastrophic war is becoming obsolete as humans accumulate more understanding of reality, even if it doesn't seem that way. The process is gradual and there are many obstacles along the way.

I can agree with you on the fact that we are less barbaric in the ways we conduct war nowadays but, not with how you said that we are getting more compassionate. I mean we, "the general population" are but, those in power, the ones orchestrating the wars aren't. Not even a tiny bit. They have been and will always try to push wars onto us as they bring insane profits for them.

Considering the fact that tensions between America and North Korea gets worse every day and the relationship between the Russians and America is dicy at best I'd say we're not to far off from a third world war. All it takes is a misplaced statement from a certain blond haired head of state and the whole world could literally go to shit.

Despite all this, I'd like to believe that the world has come a long way and even though tensions are high, everyone knows the cost of war. With the level of technological advancements that exist in the world right now, a third world war would probably be the war to end all wars with the death toll higher than any war before it.

I don't think anybody is willing to push the "destroy the earth" button just yet so even though the third world war could be close by, all the involved parties know what's at stake and will probably not want to start it.

We are very far from the third world war. Gone are the days of wars. Extending an arm of friendship is the next thing now. We can see Kim Jong Un is already making peace talks. This is good news and I believe there won't be any issue for a long period of time that may warrant Third world war.

Gone are the days of wars? THere has been only a couple of years in human history when there hasn't been any wars worldwide. The past 100 years aren't one of them.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

For a metal to be deemed precocious - the reasons have as much as to do the economics, as they have to with chemistry. So the fist thing I would like to say is that like everything in this world only those things have value which we decide to give value to. Obviously our decision of considering gold worthy of being trusted as 'precious' has several reason. Gold has been deemed precious for the following reasons:

1. Rarity: 

Gold is a rare metal. Humans desire that which is rare. In fact this law gives us the very bases of pricing of goods in market. But other elements in periodic table are rare too. 

Some are gases/volatile/flammaable - thus difficult to capture and store. 

Some are liquid and thus difficult to handle. 

Some are poisonous or  radioactive and thus harmful.

Some are so rare that we just don't have enough of it to make it work as money. Gold not too abundant or too rare.

Some are so reactive that they just wont stay pure.

GOLD - has none of that. Gold is rare in way that is useful to us. 

2. Purity:

Gold usually can occur in its pure form. It doesn't easily gets mixed with other elements and can stay relatively safe from the environment without corroding away.

3. Usefulness as Store of Value/Money:

The above properties of its special kind of rarity and purity makes it valuable. It rarity makes sure that there is only a limited supply available and thus prevent over inflation. Its purity(being a noble metal) makes sure that it is not easily corrupted (similar to counterfeit of fiat money).

4. Malleability:

Gold is easy to work with. You can make out if what you want - much easily than other metal. Thus it is easy to make coins and bars out of it. We can also easily makes jewellery out if it and thus we have its ornamental use

5. History

Gold has been established as a trusted form of money since ancient times. This means a lot more than we can imagine.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment that gives most plants their color. The reason leaves appear green is because it absorbs other colors of light that is incident upon it but reflects only green.

The colour of an object as perceived by the eye is determined by

1. The incident light falling on the object.

1. The reflecting property of the object and

3. How sensitive the observer is.

In the case of plants, the incident light is sunlight which contains all wavelengths in the visible spectrum in nearly equal proportions. So, a full visible spectrum falls upon the chlorophyll-containing plant and helps it absorb specific wavelengths of light which is used to form the chemical bonds of sugar molecules by a process known as photosynthesis.

In plants, the particular wavelengths that re needed to form these chemical bonds are in the blue and red ends of the visible spectrum, so these wavelengths are absorbed (or subtraced) from the visible spectrum leaving only the green middle wavelengths to be reflected off to the observer. That is why plants are green.

However, when plants lose chlorophyll pigments in them, the leaves turn yellow and eventually brown. Without chlorophyll, leaves of plants won’t be green, and it would be difficult for the plant to trap solar energy  for photosynthesis, leading to death of the plant.

How different would our world be today, if it wasn't for Nikola Tesla and his genious inventions?

He was without a doubt one of the smartest men that has ever walked on this planed.

Let's give him some credit by trying to think about what our world would be like today if it wasn't for his inventions.

Why is industrial hemp still widely illegal in many countries worldwide, although it has no psychoactive effect?

You can't get high from smoking industrial hemp as it contains less than 1% THC but it is still illegal in many countries worldwide. Why?

Armed robberies can be pretty scary, trust me I've witnessed it before, in my experience, here's a list of does and don'ts that you should strictly adhere to.

1. DO only what he/she tells you to do, do it quickly and smartly so as to not aggravate the armed robber.

2. DONT move unless told to, if you got to pee then hold it or piss on yourself.

3. DONT have a discussion with the robber, speak only when you are spoken to.

4. DO not look them in the eye. This sounds weird but if you happen to know them from somewhere and they figure that out then you're as good as dead.

5. DONT deny him what he wants. Life is precious, a phone, a bag, a car, money, they can all be replaced, your life can't.

6. DONT try to chase him, I lost a friend who tried to trail to robbers who just took his phone. Note the direction that they followed and leave it at that.

7. Take note of everything you can about the robber, if you can get a good look at their face without them noticing then do it, but I'll advice against that. Take note of their height, stature, race, sex etc.

I hope you never find yourself in any situation where you have to call to memory what I've written above.

Depends on the laptop. Which one do you have?

It's an hp laptop with the amd A-series APU. It lacks a thunderbolt port so external GPU is out of the question.

Yes, it is possible in some older laptops. Most laptops now have integrated graphics card. The graphics processing unit is permanently attached to the motherboard of the laptop. In this kinds of laptop. The best thing is to get a new one.

However, in some laptops that the graphics card is not integrated. You can upgrade your graphics card to any compatible one recommended by the laptop engineer. It is a must you consult with an Engineer before taking any decision.


Many of these are inspired by real events, sometimes there is exaggeration, but there is usually something that the  caricature ´s  creator never tried, it was only a product from his imagination, apparently it should not happen, it ends up working after doing the test.

This question reminded me the myths busters program in which they made a special about the simpsons in which they try to verify the myth that bart puts a cherry bomb in the drain and a teacher goes flying from the toilet.

The conclusion is that the basis of the idea is real, but a greater explosive charge was needed to achieve the caricature.'s effect.

Yes, they are. And even our "sugar" (scientific name: sucrose) is made from those two smallest sugars, glucose and fructose.  But other carbs are more complex and it takes longer for them to be broken down to those smallest parts. Industrialsugar is broken down fast into glucose which goes into the blood immediately.

This glucose in the blood is needed for several things - but too much isn't good. A glass of coke sends the blood sugar to several times it's normal heights very fast. (which is said to be one of the reasons for daibetes). 

Our body isn't prepared for that much energy and does what it is supposed to do: it stores the surplus energy in our cells. That was the best way to go for ten thousands of years - "waste not, want not". But our bodies are rarely in times of longterm hunger where they have to live on these depots. So we get fat ;)

Thanks @muscara. But what's the role of INSULIN in all these?

Insulin is a hormone, its job is to regulate the glucose level in the blood. If there's too much glucose in the blood insulin makes the cells absorb the glucose and store it.

One problem is that nerve cells do'nt talk with insulin - so if the other cells get the order to absorb the glucose (because we just had a nice glass of coke and the blood sugar went to the moon) they do it. But since there's no other glucose following the rush (like it would do with longer carbs like dark bread) the nerve cells don't get enough sugar (=bad, cause they need it for their work). Another problem: insulin decreases the decomposing of fat in the cells.

So, imagine we drank that glass of coke, blood sugar is high, insulin makes the surplus of sugar disappear. When the blood sugar get's too low there are other hormones and messenger substances that deal with that. But now we decide it's time for some cookies. Again a lot of sugar at once, insulin starts to be built and to work, blood sugar goes down fast, goes down too much - insulin production is stopped, other substances work to keep the blood sugar level as constant as possible.

With "longer" carbs that need more time to be broken into the smallest components this rise of the blood sugar content is slower, all the hormones etc. of the body can do the work they're supposed to do. The fast up/down with industrial sugar overwhelms the body. If the messages "more insulin" - "no more insulin" - "more insulin" etc. change fast the body can't start and stop the production in the amount of time needed or it might not have the material needed to build insulin. And if this loop doesn't work anymore you get problems like diabetes.

I checked and I used them for months, but I quit them because there's too much spam in them.

My 2 year old daughter has a sign of tooth decay but she loves candy and chocolates, what should I do know?

I don't want to stop her eating what she loves immediately from what she loves but I want some best advice.

Stop giving your daughter sugar. It's highly addictive and very harmful to her health. 

Here are some of the most well known issues processed sugar can create:

  1. Tooth decay
  2. Decreased IQ
  3. Increased stress
  4. Chromium defficiency
  5. Messed up glucose levels
  6. Weight gain
  7. Increased risk of heart disseases
  8. Acne
  9. Diabetes
  10. Can cause hyperactivity
  11. Increased risk of cancer
  12. Increased risk of depression
  13. It drains your energy
  14. Increased risk of kidney disseases
  15. Can cause gallstones
  16. Can cause accelerated aging
  17. Can cause arthritis

These are just a couple of the most well known issues processed sugar can create. 

If you love your daughter and care for her health, you won't allow her to eat processed sugar no matter how hard she begs for it.

Thanks, Yea, I stopped giving her but, how can we give them the candy-taste alternative without damaging thier teeths,any ideas?

Find a recipe for any candy she likes. Replace processed sugar with stevia (natural sugar).

Don't do that. Only if you hate your daughter, than give her more candy and chocolate. Kids shouldn't even eat sugar, because today, you got sugar in almost everything you buy in store - even in bread. So, your daughter will get enough sugar in any way, even if you don't give here sweets. But if you do, her life with diabetes and teeth falling out... will not be much fun at all. 

Contrary views can sometimes make us feel uncomfortable, especially when it is a direct attack on a belief held so strongly knowingly or unknowingly. In such situation people tend to react from a defensive stand point, digging up instances that will make them right even if it is unreasonable....

However, having a open mind will turn the table around, an open mind gives a neutral view and observation comes before decision. The discuss is then considered objectively, weighing both sides before interpretation is done with careful reasoning.

Edward de Bono in his six " Thinking Techniques " called this type of thinking White Hat .

Thinking with the White Hat will definitely help accommodate others opinion with no irritation..

Thanks so very much. You got it from my perspective. I'll go with your idea.

You welcome. Glad i could help.

What platform or app should I use to start trading cryptocurrencies?

The hype is real and I want to see what the hype is about but I have no clue where to start.

What is the value of ethereum when you can do smart contracts on a bitcoin sidechain?

Are smart contract blockchains overrated when you can do smart contracts on bitcoin and it's the safest way?

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