There are 6 pages

 There have been lots of "selfies" before RowanIn 1839 a man named Robert Cornelius ran into the frame of his own picture. Technically that could be considered the first selfie

Photo by The Byron Company via The Museum of the City of New York

" Snapped in New York on the roof of the Marceau Studio on Fifth Avenue,  across the street from St. Patrick’s Cathedral, this picture features  five mustached photographers holding an antediluvian analog camera at  arm’s length. Because this camera would have been too heavy to hold with  one hand, Joseph Byron is propping it up on the left, with his  colleague Ben Falk holding it on the right. In the middle, you have  Pirie MacDonald, Colonel Marceau, and Pop Core."Quoted from:

Photo by The Byron Company via The Museum of the City of New York 

The two above photos from the 1920s would certainly seem to indicate that Mr. Bean was certainly not the inventor of the selfie. Although I believe he has more credit to it than Paris Hilton does 

Somehow yeah, as he was the first to take this kind of photos with his camera decades ago. 

There have been lots of "selfies" before Rowan

In 1839 a man named Robert Cornelius ran into the frame of his own picture. Technically that could be considered the first selfie

 Photo by The Byron Company via The Museum of the City of New York 

" Snapped in New York on the roof of the Marceau Studio on Fifth Avenue,  across the street from St. Patrick’s Cathedral, this picture features  five mustached photographers holding an antediluvian analog camera at  arm’s length. Because this camera would have been too heavy to hold with  one hand, Joseph Byron is propping it up on the left, with his  colleague Ben Falk holding it on the right. In the middle, you have  Pirie MacDonald, Colonel Marceau, and Pop Core."

Quoted from:

 Photo by The Byron Company via The Museum of the City of New York 

 The two above photos from the 1920s would certainly seem to indicate that Mr. Bean was certainly not the inventor of the selfie. Although I believe he has more credit to it than Paris Hilton does

There have been lots of "selfies" before Rowan

In 1839 a man named Robert Cornelius ran into the frame of his own picture. Technically that could be considered the first selfie

 Photo by The Byron Company via The Museum of the City of New York 

" Snapped in New York on the roof of the Marceau Studio on Fifth Avenue,  across the street from St. Patrick’s Cathedral, this picture features  five mustached photographers holding an antediluvian analog camera at  arm’s length. Because this camera would have been too heavy to hold with  one hand, Joseph Byron is propping it up on the left, with his  colleague Ben Falk holding it on the right. In the middle, you have  Pirie MacDonald, Colonel Marceau, and Pop Core."

Quoted from:

 Photo by The Byron Company via The Museum of the City of New York 

 The two above photos from the 1920s would certainly seem to indicate that Mr. Bean was certainly not the inventor of the selfie. Although I believe he has more credit to it than Paris Hilton does


The invention of the calendar (2,500 BC)

For a people in the process of civilization, it is essential to divide time in order to fix the major events of the community. In  the third millennium BC, the cities of Babylon were the first to apply a  calendar, corresponding to the movements of the Moon, to which they  added if necessary additional months to maintain a correspondence with  the seasons of the year

The Roman calendar

The  first Roman calendar, introduced towards the VIIth century BC,  separated in 10months a year of 304 days which began in March. The  months of January and February were added later, but it was necessary  to insert another month about every other year, because the months were  only 29 or 30 days. The  days were designated by a method of counting backwards from three  pivotal dates: the calends at the beginning of the month, the ideas in  the middle and the nones, which fell on the ninth day before the ideas. This  calendar became hopelessly confused when the Roman rulers, who were  returned to fix the days and months to add, abused their authority to  extend their term or change the election date.

In 46 BC, Julius Caesar decided, on the advice of the Greek astronomer Sosigene, to establish a new calendar. This  calendar, known as the Julian calendar, fixed the duration of a normal  year at 365 days and that of a leap year, every 4 years, at 366 days -  the redoubled day being that of February 24th. Caesar also brought back the beginning of the year to January 1 (instead of 1 March).

the Gregorian calendar

The Julian calendar lasted 11 minutes and 14 seconds longer than the solar year. This difference accumulated so much that in 1582 the vernal equinox (see Ecliptic) fell 10 days before the calendar date. To make the equinox fall around March 21st, as in 325 AD. AD  (year of the first council of Nicea, which had established the main  rules of ecclesiastical computation), Pope Gregory XIII decreed that 10  days, that year, were to be removed from the calendar. He  instituted a new calendar, called since Gregorian calendar, removing  all secular leap years, with the exception of those whose vintage was  divisible by 400. Thus, 1600 was a leap year, but 1700 and 1800 were  normal years.

The Gregorian calendar was slowly extended to all Europe. Nowadays, it is used in most of the Western world, as well as in some Asian countries.

First, as soon as I can get a word in while the telemarketer is talking I say, "Can you explain something to me?". The telemarketer says something like, "O.K. What?" Then I say, "You're talking to me through the living room lamp. How are you doing that?" If they insist they're not talking to me through a living room lamp I demand they hand their lamp over to their supervisor so I can talk to them.

When all else fails I move about a foot away from the phone and do a fake voice like I am an orderly at a mental health institute asking the patient to get off the phone and then I hang up.

So far none of those telemarketers have called back a second time.

Yes, absolutely! I try to answer them as much as possible! However, never honest, and most of the time as stupidly and humoristic as possible. :-)

 Behind their graceful appearance, giraffes hide a body that can weigh 1,500 kg and especially measure 5.8 m high. Their  size is based on the presence of long forelimbs and a  disproportionately large neck, yet composed of 7 cervical vertebrae, as  in most mammals. The properties of this region of the body would have been acquired during evolution by natural selection. 

 The long neck of giraffes, a preserved genetic mutation

In the past, random genetic mutations may have caused the appearance of giraffes with abnormally large necks compared to normal. The  advantage is obvious: these individuals were able to reach food  sources, for example branches of acacia, unexploited by other animals  because out of reach. No longer having to fight for food, long-necked giraffes could live longer and reproduce more easily. They gradually settled from generation to generation, while specimens struggling with other species gradually disappeared. 

I'm gonna tackle this question into two parts since you specifically asked for Steemit. 

Probably the most important feature currently lacking on is the "Notification Feature". Around 90% of all users first platform is also and it still boggles my mind how come it lacks so behind to others features-wise. For most newbies this is highly discouraging to use because when a platform is marketed as a "social media blogging" one we expect that we can easily get connected to our followers and the people we follow and the best way to do that is through notifications.

I am just glad that other Steem platforms have already implemented the basic notification feature but truth be told it still is very lacking, the only service probably closed to perfection is GINABot which unfortunately requires you to download and have a Discord account. Tskkk

In terms of Steem blogging, I'm gonna go ahead and say that it lacks the categorizational function we often see on blogging platforms like WordPress. Steem platforms needs to implement a way to allow users to organize and categorize their posts properly. No one likes to scroll way down just to catch up on other people's blog. Another way to sort one's blog posts out and not the default "Newest created post first to oldest".

I think steemit is missing the view counter. As a blogger, the first thing I look at whenever I log in to my blogger's  dashboard is the views each of my post has generated. The views on a post gives you a clue on the type of post that your readers are interested in. Also, as a blogger, one of the most exciting thing about blogging is knowing that people are actually visiting your posts. Steemit doesn't give it's users such opportunity. It judges the acceptance of a post through pay out and we all know that the pay out doesn't truly reflect the true worth or attention a post has gotten. Most people feel discouraged easily on steemit because when they see that their post doesn't have any pay out, it is believed that nobody visited the post. That very wrong and a kill joy. Most people would bother less about their post's pay out and put in more effort in steemit if they can see the views that their posts are generating regardless of the pay out. So the view counter is one of the key blogging features that steering seem to be missing.

It's missing loads. Look at the microsoft word or wordpress  and look at steemit's user interface for posting. It is fairly primitive. 

Financial success is not a function of your certificate. It's a function of your creativity and productivity. Solving problems of economic value leads to financial. thus, anyone that can solve problems of economic value, regardless of their educational background, will certainly have financial success

About as much guarantee as I have to become POTUS

Not at all. it depends on the individual. You can have the best education in the world but it comes to nothing if you don't have the instinct and common sense to use it properly.

When considering most of the things that predate man, there is never a concrete fact as to how they happened. There are only speculations and theories that seem mostly possible. As for origin of water on Earth, there are two theories that seem the most possible and they are the extra planetary source and the internal source of water.

The extra planetary source says that water on Earth came from outer space on meteoroids or comets that came from Neptune. Neptune is a planet in our solar system whose surface is covered in an ice and water layer. Because of this, it's possible that the water on this planet came from the water there. There are also water-rich meteoroids that may have landed on earth billions of years ago.

The internal source says that water came from the gradual dehydration of hydrated minerals here on Earth. Or at least a part of it. Then it's also possible that volcanic eruptions forced water vapour in the atmosphere to condense and fall as rain, thus creating the water cycle.

As I said, these are just theories because they cannot be proven but still they are the two most considerable answers to the question

Earth water comes from the earth. If you look at the biblical creation story, we were told that the universe was covered with water before creation. This implies that water has been a major element in the earth from the beginning. So, earth water comes from the earth. When you dig deeper into the earth, you'll always find water beneath it.

How do you measure a person's intelligence?

Your methods on how you can rate a person's intelligence.

In 1912, William Stern, who was a US psychologist, mentioned for the first time what is now known as the intellectual coefficient (IQ), which he described as the value that is commonly associated with the levels of intelligence that people possess.

This I determine through the results of a series of psychological tests that he performed.

As a result of this, the famous IQ Test or IQ test was born, which are still used today.

The IQ that a person possesses is the resulting number derived from a standard test that measures all the cognitive abilities of a certain person in relation to their age group.

We commonly hear that if a person has a high IQ, their academic and work performance is amazing and outstanding of other people.

The standard IQ in an age group is 100. If a person is over that amount, for example have an IQ of 118, that person is above the average IQ compared to people his age.

If a person's IQ is less than 100, that person's level of intelligence is low.

But if the IQ is a number that far exceeds 100, that person is gifted.

Firstly for security purposes. I for one are happy that it takes 13 weeks to fully power down. If you could just withdraw everything it leaves the accounts at a huge risk of being hacked. this also prevents flooding the markets with steem and keeps the prices more stable.

If people would be able to do that, the whole Steem system would be empty by now. Simply because, if you have a drop in value, as is happening right now, a lot of people become bearish, and start selling their crypto's. What is basically "powering down" in Steem. By having a retention period of 3 months, Steem is buffering this, and keeping its userbase and tokenbase more active.

if Maduro is president and there are still Chavistas- Maduristas in this country everything can be possible my brother. :)

Good answer, now enjoy your profit hahaha

What is a piece of information that you believed where true, but find out it is mnot?

Well, there is no exact question in musing that is like that but there are similar ones, so i might not deserve to be up-voted, yet I find that my answer would not fit in there question so this is a more broader one.

Anyway for me the first wrong fact I believed or thought was true is the fact that heart beats is produced from the movement of the muscles during beating. they in fact do not, however they are formed from the closure of valves in the heart allowing the blood to leave and go between chambers in the heart.

When I was young, I was told that should I lose a tooth and I allowed a lizard to see the tooth, that the tooth would never grow again in my mouth. They would show us some advanced men that some of their teeth have fallen off as a proof to the belief and I used to believe it was true. Whenever I lose a tooth I would quickly rush to bury it in the earth or throw it on top of the roof of a building since lizards hardly visits those places. Funny! Now that I am grown, I've discovered that it's a lie. Every individual stops producing new tooth after a certain age or when the number of teeth in their mouth have been fully grown

I used to believe that breeze came from trees. It was a common belief among the children back then and our reasoning was that it was always cool under trees and a bit windy. But later I learned that tress are actually wind breakers. Which means they stop wind. And that breeze is actually a result of the sun heating up the Earth unevenly. Because of this formation of hot parts and cool parts. A temperature gradient is created and as such, a pressure gradient. This causes the air to flow from the region of high pressure to the region of low pressure.

Consuming food/drinks high in Sugar makes one hyperactive!

It's a common belief around parents worldwide in which many believe and claims that after their kids eat sugary food/drinks they become hyperactive. I'm no parent myself but after hearing that a lot from many people around me, I honestly thought it was true. 

After reading a lot of articles online regarding this one, it seems to be not true. There is just no scientific basis supporting this claim. There was even a study in which kids where given a sugary food/drink for a week but it didn't make them hyper. 

I believed in Santa Clause and found out that he is not reality :(

Since the beginning of May 2018, the condition of the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate is considered worrying, because it often weakens. Despite the fact that many experts speculate that this condition is only temporary. Not only Indonesia, weak currencies also occur in several countries, such as India, the Philippines, Russia, and so on.

1. Factors of weakening the rupiah exchange rate

Parallel Universes Theory - Theory about Parallel Worlds

The Parallel World is a world that runs parallel to the world of reality. Besides the life we ​​know and we live now, there are one or more other lives that also run together in a parallel world.

Initially the parallel world was only an imagination in fiction, but now more and more theories are being used as bridges to explain and support the existence of parallel worlds. Physics scientists are at the forefront as those who try to explain the possibility of their existence.

Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku analogous to the existence of a parallel universe for us as there is an outside area of ​​the pond for a gourami that lives in a pond. The gouramy can't see the area outside the pond because of the limitations of the 'technology' it has. Likewise, humans cannot see the other universe for the same reason. Although gouramy can't see other life outside the pond, but he can know there is another life from the vibration he felt through waves on the surface of the pond due to raindrops. The vibration felt by the gouramy is gravity and light from other universes.

The basis of the parallel Universe theory is the infinity of the universe which gives the possibility of another universe. At present there are an estimated 1011 galaxies in the universe. So, it's not impossible if in addition to the galaxy we live there is a life that is also going on. Quantum physicists clearly believe that every second created a parallel world of people, which contains possible events, including the opposite of the events we experience in the real world. For example in the real world we can cross the road safely. In the first parallel world, we can only successfully cross over but then fall down, in the next parallel world we can't even be helped because when crossing a car that is speeding towards us.

Max Tegmark, a physics and astronomy professor at Pennsylvania University, strongly believes in the existence of this parallel universe. In one of his articles, which was tipped as 'parallel Universe', Max Tegmark revealed that there were 4 levels of parallel universe.

Level I: Beyond Our Cosmic Horizon:

It is a parallel universe theory that has the smallest level of controversy. This theory states that the parallel universe cannot be seen because it is outside the horizon line of our universe. The analogy is like we see a ship in the middle of the sea. We cannot see the ship if it is outside the horizon. But if the ship approaches us, and enters the horizon, we will be able to see the ship little by little. Parallel universe level I by physicists described that our universe is like an air bubble jostling in a space called the universe.

Level II: Other Postiflation Bubbles:

This level states, if the universe at level I can be grouped into one multiverse, then the universe has many multiverses. This theory is based on the Chaotic Eternal Inflation theory, which states that our universe continues to grow ever larger since the big bang happened until now. This theory states that we can never see the other multiverse forever because of the rapid development of the universe which mediates the multiverse.

Level III: Quantum Many World:

This theory states that other universes are around us! This theory developed from the theory of quantum mechanics which states that random quantum processes cause the universe to branch out with the many possibilities that occur. The fundamental difference in level I and III is the location of the universe that is the same as our universe. Level I states that the same universe as our universe is outside the horizon, while level III says the universe is the same as the universe

Sophisticated computers created to process large amounts of power have not been able to satisfy our thirst for speed and computational capacity, which has so far continued to develop. But looking at computer history, it seems difficult to believe what we have achieved at this time.

In 1947, American computer engineer Howard Aiken said that America only needed six digital computers to meet the country's computing needs. Meanwhile, other experts have made false predictions about the amount of computing power that will support our evolving technological needs.

Of course, Aiken does not consider the large amount of data generated by scientific research, the development of personal computers or the emergence of the Internet, which drives the need for more and more computing power.

Will we have the amount of computing power we need or want? If, as Moore's Law says, if the number of transistors on a microprocessor continues to increase twice every 18 months, then by 2020 or 2030 we will find a circuit in the microprocessor measured on an atomic scale.

Also Read: Apple Use Drones To Improve Maps Application Performance

The logical step to meeting ever-increasing computing needs is to create quantum computers, sophisticated devices capable of empowering the power of atoms and molecules to perform data and memory processing tasks. Quantum computers have the potential to do certain calculations much faster than any silicon-based computer.

What is a quantum computer?

The Turing Machine, which was developed by Alan Turing in the 1930s, is a theoretical device consisting of an infinite length of tape divided into small boxes. Each square can have a symbol (1 or 0) or be left blank. The existing reading and writing devices will read these symbols and blanks, which give the machine instructions for carrying out certain programs.

Now, in a quantum Turing machine, the difference is that the tape is in a quantum state, just like the head of a read-write device. This means that the symbol on the band can be 0 or 1, or the superposition of 0 and 1; in other words the symbols are 0 and 1 (and all the points between them) at the same time. While ordinary Turing machines can only do one calculation at a time, quantum Turing machines can do many calculations at once.

Also Read: Oxford Students Create Artificial Eye Retina for People with Visual Disorders

Today's modern computers, such as the Turing machine, work by manipulating bits in one of these two states: 0 or 1. Quantum computers are not limited to two states. Quantum computers encode information as quantum bits, or qubits, commonly found in superpositions. Qubits represent atoms, ions, photons or electrons and control devices that work together as computer memory and processor. Because quantum computers can accommodate many of these conditions and calculations simultaneously, quantum computers have the potential to be millions of times more powerful than the most powerful supercomputers available today.

How do quantum computers work

To date, the two most promising uses for quantum computer devices are to conduct quantum searches and quantum factoring. To understand how quantum search works, imagine if you search for specific names and telephone numbers in the Yellow Pages or telephone books in the conventional way. If the phonebook has 10,000 entries, on average you need to see about half of that number, which is 5,000 entries, before you have the potential to find the name and number you are looking for. Quantum search algorithms only need to guess 100 times. With 5,000 guesses, a quantum computer can find 25 million n

There are four keys one will have upon the creation of their account:

  • Private Key - Used for Posting, Commenting, Resteeming, Follow/Unfollow
  • Active Key - Same as Private Key + Transfers, Power Up & Down, Witness Voting
  • Owner Key - Same as Private and Owner Key
  • Memo Key - Only for viewing Private Memos

Now unto your question:

When you login via, it will only ask and accept "Posting Key" (or Master Key) which will only allow access to Posting, Commenting, Resteeming and Follow/Unfollow but not transferinf of funds. 

If you want to have access to wallet transfers, you need to use your "Active Key". Thus it seems that they kept on asking for passwords but what really happens is that they are only asking for the key for the corresponding action. These are all for the sake of security.

When you opened your steemian account, you were given a randomly generated sequence of letters and numbers as your password. You were the told to save it offline so that it wouldn't ever get lost as it could not be recovered. This is to optimize security and protect the steemians as best they can from people seeking to steal accounts. So when you try to transfer steem or SBD, the system requires the password so that incase anyone is trying to use your phone to steal it, they won't be able to without that password. And it's much easier to steal a randomly generated password than it is to steal one that you could have come up with.

They just want to be sure that it's the owner of the account that's actually making the transfer. It's just an extra security measure to prevent someone else from transferring your money easily

Low sperm count or oligospermia, which is not to be confused with azoospermia (a sense of sperm in semen) is caused by numerous reasons, some of which are;

1. Variococele: This is characterized by the swelling of the veins which leads to the testicles getting drained. It leads to the production of low quality sperm. Good news is that it's reversible.

2. Ejaculation problems: This is also known as retrograde ejaculation and its characterised by some of the sperm flowing into the bladder during ejaculation instead of coming out of the tip of the penis. It can be cause by diabetes or surgery to the bladder, urethra or prostate.

3. Sperm attacking antibodies: Some antibodies might mistake sperm for harmful organisms and attack them, thus reducing the overall quality and number of sperm.

4. Hormonal imbalance: Yes, this also affects men too, not just women. Hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland And the testicles produce hormones that are required in the production of sperm. If anything hinders the production of these hormones, sperm count may be reduced.

5. Certain medications: Certain medication like steroids, cancer medication and certain antibiotics can hinder or impair the production of sperm.

6 Alcoholism: Too much alcohol reduces testosterone levels

7. Tobacco use: Studies have shown that people who smoke almost always have lower sperm counts than those who don't.

8. Emotional stress: The body is one big organic machine and if it's CPU, the brain is under pressure (stressed) especially about infertility issues then it might end up interfering with the hormones required to produce sperm

Weight: Obesity can greatly affect sperm and hormone production in men.

There are numerous reasons why a man might have oligospermia but these ones are seemingly the most common reasons. As far as treatment goes, it depends on what's causing your oligospermia, but some treatments or remedies include

1. Surgery: This is mostly in the case of variococeles, a capable doctor can take on the procedure and close of the enlarged vein then redirect the blood through another vein.

2. Medication: There are medications that can be used to improve hormone levels and reduce inflammation.

3. Lifestyle changes: If you wanna have a baby then you're going to need to make some changes, lose some weight, drop the alcohol and quit smoking. It'll go a long way

I hope this helps.

He was born in the city of Dumraon, India, on March 21, 1916 and died in Benares, India, on August 21, 2006.

Ustad Bismillah Khan Sahib, was an artist of classical music of India recognized for more than 8 decades for playing the Shehnai, which is a wind instrument, considered a kind of oboe from the west and north of India and Pakistan.

He was awarded in 2001 with the Bharat Ratna prize (which is the highest civil honor award in India), which only 2 classical music artists in India could have won before him.

For me it is Partiko, and BeScouted.

All of them serve their particular purpose. Partiko is a great way to work on Steem on my iPhone. BeScouted is very high quality photography oriented (think 500px), and Musing is a great Quora alternative.

Currently I'll have to say and esteem. I believe a dapp should be equally just in rewarding contents that's good irrepesctive of whether they're whales or minnows and that's why I think these dapps will go far to become the two biggest dapps for me.

However has shown potentiality, In just a short time of being here we've seen bright prospects, brilliant progress chances made and diligent reward of good question and answer which should be the focal for a dapp on the steemit blockchain.

In some literature that rainfall in the Mediterranean forest is very high. Rainfall data that actually shows large numbers, for example in Assam exceeding 11,000 mm / year, in Bogor Approximately 4,500 mm / year. Important things are very different from local and special conditions. In general, in large areas and repeated observations for a long time, rainfall in the region is only given between 2,500 to 4,000 mm / year.

- On Mount Waialeale (Hawaii)

Rain can fall to 11,500 millimeters per year, even more over time. This mountain is a volcanic area so it is exposed to clouds and moisture coming from the sea, which literally acts as a cloud of land barrier around.

- in New Zealand (Milford Track, and of course, is one of the wettest places (6,000 to 8,000 millimeters per year).

- Gunung Mulu (Malaysia)

5,000 mm per year in the rainforest of Mount Mulu, in the heart of the island of Borneo in Malaysia.

- Yakushima Island (Japan)

Yakushima is a Japanese island with perennial floods. A place where there is rainfall between 4,000 and 10,000 mm of water per year,

BMP Tropical Forest Ecology

That would be the 48 hour rainfall of cherrapunji, India. It is considered the wettest place in the world and as such experiences heavy rains more frequently than anywhere else in the world. this constant wetness is as a result of an almost uninterrupted flow of moisture from the bay of Bengal. Cherrapunji boasts of the 48 hour world record of 98.15 inches of rainfall which occurred on the 15-16 of June 1995. And also the one year world record of 86 ft, 10inches

Is the world ready for a home DIY colonoscopy kit?

> The latest research shows that cancer of the colon is the most prevalent form of the disease among Japan's 870,000 cancer sufferers, according to the National Cancer Center.

"Not many people took the test ... so I wanted to create an examination that would be accepted by everyone," said Horiuchi.

More info

Full disclosure. I have a home blood pressure cuff. I do not plan on buying this home health gadget.

I highly doubt the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, European Medicines Agency or any other medical regulatory body will ever approve such a thing.

So you are saying there will be a huge black market for these contraptions? :D

Oh boy this is a great question. So I love marvel and DC movies and I would absolutely love for the Avengers Infinity war and Justice League to be combined into one movie.

It would be epic seeing Superman slug it out with Thanos, even though we all know that Thanos doesn't stand a chance. Can you imagine how cool a fight between wonder woman and the Black Panther would be??? It'd basically be Wakanda against the Amazon's but between you and me I think I'll stick with the Amazons.

Captain America would probably clash with Batman on who should be the leader and when Wonder Woman is done making short work of T'challa she'll probably face off with Thor!!! money is still on Wonder Woman though.

Iron man Vs Cyborgs would be quite the battle, I honestly can't call a winner hear and the Flash and Spiderman's humour would just end up making the movie super funny too.

The movie would be epic because when they're done with they're petty squabbles, they'll join forces and take down steppen wolf and Thanos togerher!!! That my friend would be an epic movie!!!

Dogma (1999) and Inception (2010)

I would watch this flick with a weekends worths stash Northrn lights, a megacool bong in a lazyboy, and a kitchen filled with fried chicken, fried bacon, fried potatoes, fried fish, ice cream, oreos, peterpan peanut butter (crunchy), coca cola, coffee, redbull, whisky, water, ice and a shitload of tortilla chips with a asskickin dippin sauce. This will take place in a central cooled mancave with a minibar and a personal assistant to help you wipe your tears of your face or to apply  cardiopulmonary resuscitation just in case. 

Important notice: Many might see this as a recipe for a massive heart-attack or possible permanent brain-damage.  

- A private ambulance will be ready all through the two hour screening of this masterpiece. 

Normally parents go and have a scan that will normally show what sex the child will be. Scan's also help to show that there are no problems as well.

In my country, conditions are very heavy about taxing. It is the only income of the government and when they find out someone evading tax, they give punishments like making companies finish their trade life and close the company. 

Detecting how much tax you are evading they could give double or triple amount of money as a punishment. 

I have seen many companies are closed due to this issue. Punishment amount is like a price, you could never pay. 

It depends if it is the first time or not. normally it is a suspended sentence with a fine plus paying back whatever they have not paid. in more severe cases it will be  a prison sentence.

It depends on the country - and of course on how much money we're talking about.

This is a topic that was covered in my jss1 social studies class so I guess I can answer it well. There are a few origin stories but they all track back to two points in time. I'll arrange them chronologically.

1) the first dates back to a point where formal marriage of any form did not exist. Then marriage was done by a method called snatching or stealing. In this method, if the man could kidnap the girl and get back to his house before her family or any body intervened, she would be his wife. As simple as it sounds, it was a very difficult affair for most. So men began to work together in that aspect. A man would go to "hunt" his potential wife down with his closest of friends and their job was to fend off anybody that would try to stop him. They would do this for each other when the time arose.

2) the second origin occured in the old Roman empire. Back then, when marriage was to happen, the bride and groom were expected to come with witnesses for the wedding. Aside from serving as witnesses, the witnesses were to dress similar to the bride and groom so that they could confuse vengeful spirits or actual people that meant the bride and groom harm.

Thanks @johntagbo for stopping by to respond to what I knew not!

It there evidence of extraterrestrial life?

I have been watching these videos on youtube which seem to suggest that there is life beyond the circumscribe on our atmosphere, perhaps you have come across such things before, what is your take on the idea?

What is your opinion about Venezuelan migration to other countries?

It is no secret to anyone that the situation in Venezuela is getting worse every day and many people have had to leave their homes in search of a better quality of life.

I think that the people of Venezuela literally have no other option than to migrate. For most of them it's either starve in Venezuela or temporarily move to another country. 

Now, I know that it's impossible for their neighboring countries to handle a huge influx of refugees, but I think you can't blame people for trying to survive. 

I wish that there was more we could do from the outside to help the people living in Venezuela at the moment. 

Do you believe in mythological creatures? like mermaids ?

In a world full of controversies, there would be the possibility of mermaids can exist. in other countries, I read some news that call my attention, scientifically it is not proven that mermaid can exist, however there is always the same question as the existence of aliens, I would like to know your opinion about it

Yup! And the Loch Ness monster!

hahahahah me too xD

I think, if you are older than 7, you know the fact what's real and what's not. But a lot of sea animals in deep oceans still haven't been explored. I also think that mermaids and all the creatures in old greek and roman books had  bigger meaning, not only in books but in their way of thinking - cautious, little bit religious, and pretty warlike people.  

What is your opinion about euthanasia?

Euthanasia is voluntary intervention that accelerates the death of a terminally ill patient, with their consent, with the intention of avoiding suffering and pain. There are different types of euthanasia, such as the active one where it is directly induced to death with some drug and the passive where you disconnect the patient and rest in peace. I would like to know your opinion about both and if this practice is legal in your country.

There are a number of reasons why the earth is more habitable than other planet and I'll list them out and try to explain them as best as I can.

1. The earth is located in what is referred to as the habitable zone. It isn't too close to the sun and it isn't too far from it. If it shifter by an inch either way, it would either become too hot or too cold.

2. The abundance of carbon, oxygen and water which are the building blocks of life. Carbon which is found in just about every life form on earth is present and easily bonds with other elements available. Oxygen is present which lets human beings breathe. Water which no life form on earth can live without is also present.

3. The earth's insulating atmosphere protects the planet from the harmful electromagnetic radiation of the sun.

4. The earth recycles everything and as such nothing is truly ever wasted, everything that is used up goes back to the earth in one way or another and this has helped sustain life on earth.

I hope this answers your question.

The truth is there are a lot of things that are present in the earth that humans need which are totally absent in other planets. One important thing is the intensity of sunlight that we receive. Earth is placed in a distance that humans get the enough temperature we need from the Sun. Imagine if Earth is put in Mercury.

Second is the presence of our atmosphere. Earth is only the planet that has the atmosphere suitable to humans. With its layered structure, without it the earned should've been dead.

Third is the presence of oxygen that human needs. Oxygen is the most important element for our breathing and that without it, humans simply can't exist.

Fourth, is the presence of freshwater which is the most suitable liquid that helps our body circulate and activate. 

Lastly, planet Earth has the ability to cycle everything so that it is sustainable. A cycle and process are done in all matter, that's why Earth is still living and functioning as a planet suitable for humans. 

The presence of water and oxygen. supports life forms. The earth is far enough away from the sun that it doesn't do damage and is bearable. 

Do you think it is healthy for a couple to abstain from sexual relations before marriage?

There are those who think that a couple should be pure before getting married and other people think that they should be known in all areas, even sexually to know if there is compatibility and take that big step.

I again am probably in the minority here but I personally believe that a couple must have a good and healthy sex life first before marriage.

There are just many things that opens up after sex. So many questions answered and so many what-ifs and unknowns known. And idk if it's just me but being compatible with your partner is really important in a relationship. It's not really about lust but more like the satisfaction you could get from your partner. Sex is on top of Maslow's psychological hierarchy of needs for a reason. Because it's important.

The simple act of having sex also allows the two to know each other more. So it might be healthy physically (you both are sure clean from any diseases) but it doesn't mean it will be healthy to the relationship.

A relationship before marriage is just testing out if you are suitable for each other. So having sex should be normal and expected, only if you're serious about the relationship. You have to know if you enjoy each other that way before you seal the deal.

A lot of people don't like to admit it, but sex is very important in a relationship, and if you don't try it out before marriage, you might be disappointed.

very healthy

Sex is sex and marriage is marriage. Two totally different things for totally different purposes and none of the both has to include or exclude the other.

What are some good crypto currencies projects aimed at 3rd world countries?

I'm looking for some cool cryptocurrency projects to help people in Africa send money to each other as opposed to using banks. Has to be easy to use and has to have some way where you can easily get out and convert to fiat.
I thought electroneum was a good candidate for this kind of thing but wide scale adaption isn't really happening and the Electroneum price is plummeting.

- All about business. 

Ever since the start, I firmly believe @dlive has all the intention and motive to leave Steem as long as they already built an enormous amount of budget and huge traction of followers. It is in their plan to "Milk" steem to generate funds needed and gain a massive attention to the Steem community bringing Live Streaming via blockchain technology realized.

A comment by @meno from this post : 

will surely enlighten everyone and that most of the witnesses and whales came to an agreement that from the start, it is in their plan. They are using "Steem" and the delegation from Steemit inc, to generate funds in pursuance of a real Live Streaming industry with the help of Lino Blockchain. 

The creator of Dlive @wa7, is part of the Lino team too. I have a big feeling that it is in their intention from the start to milk with Steem and Steemit users then leave us. They indeed used Steem to pursue their evil motive.

Essentially the creators of DLive are the same as the creators of LINO

Read for more detailed info:

DLive was funded by lino originally and they used steem as a development platform for testing. Also they will hope to take  a following with them to lino.

Filariasis or Elephantiasis is an infectious disease group caused by Filaria worms transmitted through various types of mosquitoes. After being bitten by mosquitoes, parasites (larvae) will spread and when it reaches the lympa system, it develops into the disease.

This disease is chronic (chronic) and if it does not get treatment, can cause permanent disability in the form of enlargement of the legs, arms and genitals of both women and men. Elephant Foot Disease is not a deadly disease, but even so for sufferers it may be something that feels embarrassing and can even interfere with daily activities.

Dietilkarbamazin Is the only filariasis drug that is effective both for bancrofti and malayi filariasis, is macrophilarisidal and microfilarisidal. and microfilarisides. This drug is cheap, safe and has no drug resistance. Patients who get this drug therapy may give systemic side reactions and local which is temporary and easily overcome by symptomatic drugs.

Elephantiasis can't be cured per se. You can try to relieve the symptoms with daily special massages or compression hosiery.

Because they are far from the edges of tectonic plates

Earthquakes are cause by the movement of tectonic plates deep below the surface of the planet. When the tectonic plates move and come in contact with each other, mountains are formed, volcanoes erupt and earthquakes occur.

When these plates move, at times their edges touch and then they get stuck. But this only stops them temporarily. They continue to try moving and this causes a build up of stress across the plate. This stress builds and builds until it breaks the edge of the plate and the pent up energy is released as shockwaves that cause earthquakes.

The shockwaves occur at the epicentre of the affected area but as they rise towards the surface, more and more of the earth's crust begins to vibrate and so earthquakes occur although places farther away from the epicentre experience less of it.

As the plates move away from each other, magma fills the space in between and is pushed upwards by the immense pressure underground. Thus leading to a volcanic eruption. So it is said that areas with volcanoes are more likely to have earthquakes than those without. This is seen in the ring of fire. The ring of fire is a large area in the basin of the Pacific ocean which is characterized by earth quakes and volcanic eruptions.

Mostly earthquakes occur at the edges of tectonic plates and scarcely occur in other places but this does not mean that they cannot occur elsewhere. Earthquakes can happen anywhere on the planet because fault lines, which are cracks in tectonic plates can occur anywhere.

Chromosomes are everywhere in cells in every living being - genetic information is saved in them and they can be used to  build new cells etc.

 Not necessarily.  Although that depends on how each child was educated at home and what examples they had.

As a couple, men and women must contribute equally to household income.  If the man feels the need that he should be the one who must provide the majority of income for the home, it is because of the way in which he was educated in his home as a child.  Many people believe and even think that the man is the head of the household and has to take responsibility for the whole household, besides making all the decisions in the home, and that thought is not the most appropriate, since as a couple, the husband and the wife are there to support each other.

No, not at all. I believe it is important for both parents to agree on how to provide the income for a family. If that is done by the woman, while the man takes care of the children, and the household chores, supporting the woman in her job, that is equally fine as it being the other way around, or if it is a 50/50 division.

Gold diggers are individuals simply looking for a better standard of living that wouldn't mind being with someone that they don't truly love or wouldn't consider being with on a normal day for as long as their standard of living or status would improve. It's very much different from prostitution. Prostitutes sell their bodies to different men for money while gold diggers commits to a particular individual because of money or what they stand to benefit

Interesting Question! :)

I for one don't really consider "gold diggers" as prostitutes. The main difference between the two is how the other party benefited for the act.

Prostitution is mostly business. Prostitution pays the other party something (usually money) in exchange for the services rendered. Gold-Digging on the other hand do not receive any form of payment. They trick and seduce the other party (usually rich men/women) into giving them something.

So Prostitution pays the other party for the services rendered while Gold-Digging gives the other party something because he/she was tricked or deceived into giving.

In my opinion gold diggers are selling also something which is their bodies and time. I don't think that they would only go for a dinner with a "hooked" ugly but rich guy and then each to their home, so accepting to have sexual relations with someone even if not for just one night in exchange of other benefits it is prostitution. That's why I also asked it prostitution is a state of mind.

I think this would vary from person to person. And also it can increase with training. A few years back, I used to go swimming a lot and I could hold my breath for about two minutes thirty seconds tops. To do it, I'd close my eyes and relax under water. Relaxing my muscles meant less oxygen was consumed. But now I can only hold my breath for thirty seconds or so.

Then for some people, they are able to hold their breath for strange reasons. Once, on Discovery channel, a man claimed to able to hold his breath for ten minutes. He went with a boat to the middle of a lake and they dropped an anchor. The man wore a body can and jumped into the lake, held the rope and swam down to the anchor.

He stayed there for ten whole minutes.

The body can showed that he didn't use an oxygen tank while down there so when he got back up, they ran some tests. It was discovered that the man's body switches from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration when deprived oxygen. This means that he can survive for a while without oxygen.

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