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I think that we should make the owners of the human/bot/spammer list as well as the owners of Ginabot aware of Musing, in order for them to prevent this from happening. It's no fair that Musing users suffer from losing "Human ranking" by participating here.

That's scary. I had to go and check my sincerity score right away. Nothing seemed to have changed on my end, but who knows how it will look tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out.

I think we're pretty much on the same page. I'm not a fan, but I'm not against it, either since the pros and cons pretty much balance each other out.

Thanks for the reply. I just found out about this change and wanted to know what others think. It's definitely going to change my behavior since, as you pointed out, it forces me to keep open more often.

Well, they do have the money, I mean, they get paid regardless if people like it or not. But good to know it's not easy to infiltrate. They tried it with Bitcoin, by buying a lot and then deleting it, but that is a totally different blockchain. But that it is still possible concerns me, but good that it's not easy.

To explain my question in more details. Well, the government is never ready to give up its power, and they are now already fighting Bitcoin because it's becoming a threat for the banks, and for paying taxes because it's anonymous. But with Steemit, the creators can do a Fork or whatever it's called, and change the nature of the system. So my question was, can the government intervene like they are trying to do with Bitcoin, and bribe or threaten the creators of Steemit to change the rules in the Governments favor. Or is there no danger of that happening.

thanks @broken.akay for the explanation. now i understand about your question.

The goverments will never be able to change the steemit rules in their favor. Blockchain is democracy, and "a fork" can be held after voting (ah i mean winesses).

If the government makes posting illegal tomorrow, Steemit will be illegal, so it will stop its existence. That is pretty extreme I know, but because its a democracy, doesn't mean it can't be influenced. But I see what you mean, yeah.

Haha. Exactly! Like I understand its important in some aspect too but its exactly things like the santa laugh that just makes one chuckle at it...ha ha ha.

Cheers buddy.

The growth doesn't add anything in the end if you can't make a profit (or break even). How will steem make enough income to pay it's users? You can't keep devaluating the currency forever. It doesn't work that way in the real world.

Really impressed by this detailed explanation and that illustration is really helpful to understand it properly. I think more upcoming projects will implement atomic swap so as to make the cross-chain settlement devoid of the third party.

Thank you and Have a great day.

Yes the beauty of atomic swap is that the third party is eliminated and after certain time lock if the cross-chain does not transaction does not execute, then it will be returned to the respective owners.

Thank you for replying and Have a great day.

Cheers!! A favorite of mine is "colorless green ideas sleep furiously".


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thumbs up for the reply!

If that's the case, how is steem dollar better than tether as a stable coin? They're both not backed by fiat usd. I rather buy the true usd (tusd) if it's for hedging purposes. TrueUSD (TUSD) is a stablecoin that you can redeem 1-for-1 for US dollars. It's the ony stablecoin that i know of thus far that you can redeem for usd.

Thanks now I understand . I am new in musing. I should ask this question before.

Yesterday I answered a question. I try link in here but I failed, so I thought let copy and paste those sentence.

Now I understood it , I have to answer here with my own skill of word .


As you already Said @dan is working on EOS now after being flagged $2000+ on on a single post by @ned and pushed out with hostile work environment .... no matter if ned took back the flagging "Flagged for aggrandizement" wwith that oen action ned proved he was not ready to be CEO especially if he was that blind to how it would look and it proved he had plenty of free time and wa sjust making up excuses about iut, because if he had time to flag dan larimer's blog post that took dan maybe an hour to write, it proved Ned was petty and a liar who wasnt actually working on anything important he wss just reading over his ex pertners posts with jelousy, unable to allow him to actually USE the platform as it was intended, jhe just sank back into tribalism, TTALLY failing the test .... Im sure theer were extra terrestrials watching ov3er humanity at that poiont, wondering if Ned Scott was worthy enough to allow an explosion of new ideas on his platform, and then its gone...... im sure there was a universe wree ned DID NOT flag dans post and instead left a nice commenta nd created a real debate that could have actually launched a real competition inside of steem to compete with EOS.... but nope ned just threw all that away and just flagged it and I bet that could have been a real turning point for steem....... if ned would have just replied with a top level comment upvoting it instead of flagging dans post, he could have opened up a real debate and helped create new stars on the steem blockchain.... but instead we had a crybaby prove he wasnt ready to have all that power..... a lesson in power corrupting etc etc... human nature and all that....

Now about your list, Calfee, Johnson, Zavgord i hhave heard of them at all.... and @vandeberg hes working on SMTs and is a developer he is not CEO material nor does he want to be, hes way more important than a CEO and does actual work...., however i bet he could be CEO if he wanted to but why would we hire someone for CEO when hesd a developer? Besides Vandeberg I dont see anyone else publicly working on steem anymore on that list .... theres a lot of NEW people we can pick from like @aggroed

The only people who could be made heads of Steemit Inc should be chosen by a council of whales who have proven themselves like @timcliff @themarkymark @fyrstikken @neoxian @surfyogi and many more, but we cant just do a Witness style stake weighted vote, as NEd will just get to pick teh winner lol....theres a very clear answer to who should be made ceo of steemit inc BUT its neds company and we should ask, who should be CEO of STEEM BLOCKCHAIn and create ea symbolic position voted on by a DAC or DAO... which will be difficult as @blocktrades cant even get a dao up for 50 thousand steem or dollars or whatever..... i know there are steemians who would have done it for free.,... and theer were even people substituting designs in the blocktrades posts that never happened....

Anyway I think @aggroed should be CEO of the Steem Blockchain .... we shoudl issue titles and vote on them.... and pay peopel in a special steem-engine token DAO investors ccan buy to help pay out workers help steem...

I don't mean to be rude and I also hope Ned is always healthy and prosperous, but we cannot predict death.

Oh, maybe I should change the word to "Who will replace Ned if he suddenly comes out of Steemit inc?"

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