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WOW, thank you so much for very detailed answer @hashcash

i think i will love the point number 4 coz i feel this platform is very light.

for point number 3, is that curation decision from manual checking?

thank you so much @masudi1234

i still wondering how the filtering system in this platform. if it's manual, i am sure a lot of peoples will come after got 1m SP delegation.

Personally I think it is making racism worse and the hatred between the races will escalate even more. I see it every day and it is not healthy for society in general.

I definitely agree with this. But you might also be ignoring the fact that there really is, or at any rate there was, a situation where the minorities really were getting overlooked even though they had the skills.

Sadly though, like you said, now affirmative action in its current implement might even be making things worse.

Thanks for sharing your insights.


I fully agree that people were discriminated against and it was blatant and so obvious. The problem is that two wrongs don't make a right and there needs to be a balance.
The problem is certain jobs you have to go with qualifications. Airline pilots used to have to be good at mathematics for instance. It is insulting as they have now lowered the standards required for that job. I for one won't fly with that air line ever again as how safe are they now. I want the best pilot possible to fly the plane I am on.

The problem is that two wrongs don't make a right and there needs to be a balance.

True! I absolutely agree. As @aussieninja mentioned in one of our exchanges on this thread (you can check it out if you like) perhaps the greatest option would be to make decisions based on some more pragmatic metric that would ensure efficiency while also making way for a more natural diversity.

Cheers buddy and thanks for your comments!!

I personally think it's really important, even if it's often poorly implemented.

Exactly. I've always felt it to be bullshit really, or at least I've always understood there's a latent tendency in it of turning out a huge bullshit.

Recently I came across this rather tedious article from the New Yorker that convinced me of its capability for gross bulllshitedness! and I just had to know what people's thoughts on it are.

Thanks for your answer. Cheers XD.

Ugh... sorry dude, I just couldn't get through that article... it's interesting, but so super dry.

Personally, I'm hoping that companies start to approach hiring similar to the trend-setting companies like Nike. They don't try and hire based on qualifications and education, but more personality and energy and if they're a good fit. I don't really know how they quantify it, but I like the idea a lot.

I've worked with heaps of people who have great resumes, but are just cranky, lethargic or uninterested... and are just useless.... meanwhile more enthusiastic but less qualified people don't even get an interview. The whole 'years of experience' measurement needs to go.... and I think that approach will naturally create diversity in the workplace.

I just couldn't get through that article... it's interesting, but so super dry.

haha...ikr!! Takes a lot of coffee and curiosity to get past the first section alone, I tell ya!

but more personality and energy and if they're a good fit...I've worked with heaps of people who have great resumes, but are just cranky, lethargic or uninterested... and are just useless...

Definitely! There's definitely a lot of archaic and outdated metrics that don't even apply anymore out there. I mean what are "qualifications" anyway, the paper kind--it's all a mere stimulation if you ask me. I hundred percent agree with hiring based on drive and energy! The obvious problem, of course, would be how to quantify that, but those stuffs are definitely harder to falsify and ring truer in the end than these "qualifications".

approach will naturally create diversity.

Yes! Yes! That's what I'm looking for! Thanks for this, buddy. This is the main problem with affirmative action--the diversity it tries to create is false at best, and as such will always be exploited and skewed and fickle.

Thanks for your comment bro. Really edifying. Appreciate it. Cheers.

Thanks for your suggestion/answer! I will try making a deck with Zintar, Haunted Spirit, Undead Priest, and a few more cards to test it out. Do all of those belong to the Starter Pack, or would I need to buy extra cards for this set-up?

All starter packs are not created equal so I couldn't really tell you, make sure to have your haunted spirit as the tank, this means that it has to be the first card you pick after the summoner.

The jester is also a good card to add to this build, it has nice hp and nice ranged damage.

Then you can either fill with the spider and the Banshee depending on how much mana the current rules allow.

Ah, thanks! I was under the impression that all the starter packs were the same, but I guess I was wrong with that. And thanks for the additional suggestions.

The question is asking about Steem not Steemit. Both are different things.

Yep! I am aware of that and which is also why I explicitly say this last paragraph

Since the code is on the Condenser Steemit, I for one think that it is not hard-coded on the Blockchain (feel free to correct me on this one) but only for

What I mean by the "code" above is the Github code as seen on Steemit's repository.

Posted using Partiko Android

Totally agree on the politicians :)

Thank you for this extensive reply. And I am up for learning about places/folks who do regular contests if you can provide more. (I can save that as a question for a future topic though, to improve its visibility to others/Musing.)

No, I'm happy to help now. There used to be a user who collected all the competitions on Steem into one easy post each week, but he seems to have disappeared... so that's unfortunate.

@contestkings is a really good place to start... they collect all the contests that qualify under their 'no vote, no resteem' rules. I think they post daily or weekly with all the contests you can enter.

I think another account who organises games to win Steem is @newbiegames - you might have to look them up to see what the deal is though.

Yeah, some legit points were made, although I do think listing on coinbase would directly increase steem value. Regardless of steem being listed on coinbase or not I do think we are on good path becoming world's most usable crypto out there.

We'll se about SMT, can't say I'm not excited but will stay objective as possible.

Thanks for the time.

To be honest, you can get used Nikon D3300 or Sony DSC WX500 and they are really good. I just wanted to find out if there are any other options...

You certainly can, I had a Sony A37 before that now sells quite cheaply, but what's really important for good photos are the lenses you use - an old DSLR with a kit lens is worse than a newer compact camera in most situations, it only makes sense of you plan to get more lenses

I would have appreciated, if you would have not copied!

Thanks for Your Mind reply to my Question. But on My Which Authority Do You Claim "The World is Overpopulated"?

I as well Emphasised that" what would Happen To Mankind if ALL HUMANS BECOMES GAY/LESBIAN BY LEGISLATION"

wel the other person answering picked it up the same way I picked it up. I read it the way " What would happen if gay marriage was legaised all over the world. It is highly unlikely that everyone would turn gay. Read Dan Brown's book " inferno" . Even though the story is fiction , the basis of the book is fact. The world is overpopulating.

Thanks ! But My Question is about GAY/ LESBIANS; Not Heterogeneous Sexual Relationship.

What Will happen to Human Race if it is Legislated That Men Marry Men and Women Mary Women as it is already Happening In Some Part of the World??

That is covered by the first part of my answer.
More marriages will be issued, wedding bakeries and planning companies will make a bunch of money.

What else would happen?
Same sex coulpes already exist and live together in the world, whether you make it legal or not.

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