
Everyone wants to live a healthy life. People hates to be sick and unhappy. So what is the basic to live a healthy life. To live a health life it's mandatory to follow a routine in everyday life. In early ages people had longevity because they were used to follow routine. They had not too many modern stuffs in their life but they had peace. They had no gadgets and social medias to waste time and that's why their life was simple and sound. 

Though we have lots of stuffs to do in this paced modern life, still we can follow a good routine to live healthy life. 

First rules of a healthy life is "Early to bed and early to rise". That was the key of our grandfathers. A healthy person always want to wake up at 5:30 -6:00 AM. After waking up early have a morning walk at least for 1 hour. Then take breakfast that is rich with every ideal nutrition. Then go for your daily work. Take your lunch in time. In the afternoon don't go for nap. You can pass your time by doing house hold stuffs. If you are in office or business the do your job. On the evening do some gardening if you have. Or you can have some quality time playing with your children or pets. When night is there then you can have your entertainments like watching TV, playing games or doing social networking and other stuffs till the dinner time. At dinner take lite dinner. Your food habit should be " Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Queen and dinner like a Beggar". After dinner take a walk for 20 minutes inside home then go for the sleep early. You should not stay awaken after 11 PM.

Again the Rhyme for everyone.

"Early to bed, Early to rise
Makes a man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise". 

Not only for man. For Woman also.

Live, laugh, love, Be conscious about the things you put into your body. Travel and see the world, experience new things. Start a family. Get a pet. Join some sports or clubs for social activities. Constantly try to better yourself. All solid options.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. 1 Regular Exercise

Research has shown that exercising daily brings tremendous benefits to our health, including increased life span, reduced risk of disease, higher bone density and weight loss. If you don't have time to exercise or go to the gym, walking or daily activities such as choosing to go up stairs and open the elevator will be an easy and inexpensive substitute for sports activities.

2. Do Sports As Part of Fun

When you enjoy sports, you will naturally want to do it. Because sports that are forced to cause suffering which instead causes you to want to continue to do it but instead make you lazy. So choose the sport you like and do it regularly.

3. Exercise like Playing

Cardio training just like jogging will make you tired and bored. Give your body more fun and group sports, such as basketball, soccer, swimming, tennis, badminton or volleyball and many others. This will be fun because you can also socialize with other people while doing healthy activities.

4. Eat More Fruit

Eat more fruits and reduce synthetic vitamins. There are many types of fruit that you can consume which, besides being healthy, the taste is guaranteed to be good.

5. Eat More Vegetables

Like fruits, vegetables are important for our health. Experts suggest that we should at least consume 5-9 servings of fruits / vegetables, every day. The bad news is that most people do not like to eat vegetables, and this is certainly not good for our health.

6. Choose Bright Colored Foods as Antioxidants

Fruits and vegetables with bright colors are usually high in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are needed by the body because they eliminate and counteract free radicals in our body that can damage our body's cells.

1. Istirahat yang Cukup

Perlu kamu ketahui bahwa istirahat yang cukup sangat beperan penting untuk kesehatan tubuh. Karena jika tubuh disibukan dengan banyak aktivitas setiap harinya dan kurang beristirahat, maka tubuh akan rentan terkena penyakit. Dengan istirahat yang cukup setiap harinya maka kamu sudah melakukan cara menjaga gaya hidup sehat dengan baik.

2. Memperhatikan Asupan Makanan

Untuk cara menjaga gaya hidup sehat, kamu perlu mengatur makanan apa saja yang akan dikonsumsi setiap harinya. Contohnya berbagai macam zat gizi yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia adalah karbohidrat, protein, vitamin dan juga mineral. Selain itu kamu juga harus menghindari makanan berlemak tinggi. Makanan berlemak dapat menyebabkan penimbunan kolesterol dalam pembuluh darah. Hal ini bisa memicu berbagai macam penyakit kronis.

3. Minum Air Putih

Minum air putih merupakan salah satu cara hidup sehat yang mudah. Karena dengan meminum air putih, bisa mengeluarkan racun yang ada di dalam tubuh, yang dikeluarkan melalui air seni. Tubuh sangat membutuhkan unsur cairan karena banyaknya aktivitas setiap hari sehingga kamu sangat dianjurkan untuk minum minimal setidaknya 8 gelas per hari.

4. Rajin Berolahraga

Meluangkan waktu untuk berolahraga merupakan salah satu cara menjalani gaya hidup sehat. Karena olahraga membuat tubuh menjadi lebih fit dan bugar. Berolahraga dapat mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh, yang dikeluarkan melalui keringat. Menjaga gaya hidup sehat tidak lengkap jika tidak berolahraga.

5. Membiasakan Hidup Bersih

Menjaga kebersihan termasuk cara hidup sehat. Selain untuk kenyamanan dan kesehatan, kebersihan juga membuat suasana hati yang baik saat untuk kamu memulai beraktivitas. Tidak lupa juga untuk memperhatikan kebersihan tangan dengan rajin mencuci tangan. Karena dalam beraktivitas sehari-hari pastinya kamu memegang banyak benda atau barang-barang yang tidak diketahui kebersihannya.

6. Meninggalkan Kebiasaan Buruk

Pada poin ini kamu harus benar-benar meninggalkan kebiasaan negatif, seperti merokok dan meminum-minuman berakohol. Karena merokok dan minum-minuman berakohol akan mengakibatkan organ-organ di dalam tubuh menjadi rusak.

Exercise routinely.

You should practice around 2 hours every day. You don't need to do seat presses or lift weights to work out. It could be basic press ups or possibly going on the trampoline on the off chance that you have one.

2. Eat organic product day by day.

Eat around 5 vegetables and 5 organic products daily. Try not to eat more than 10 as this will make you put on weight. At supper, don't eat chips, burgers and pizza, eat a serving of mixed greens and a glass of water.

3. Start eating less.

On the off chance that you are eating around 15 meals every day, that is awful for you. Take a stab at going for 3 dinners per day. At breakfast, eat a solid, all around adjusted oat which has bunches of vitamins. At the point when its the night, don't eat anything. On the off chance that you can't go bed, simply have a glass of drain or a glass of water.

4. Research sicknesses.

Invest some energy to take a gander at each sickness on the NHS. This will enable you to see each disease there is out there and you will realize what to abstain from doing to stop you getting sick and on the off chance that you do happen to get sick what your side effect/s could be. This may take hours yet it encourages you a lot.Note down the causes. When glancing through every one of the diseases note down every one of the reasons for everything. Don't justforget to note one down in light of the fact that you need to at present do it. That does not help your wellbeing one piece. For an illustration, a reason for meningitis is utilizing toothbrushes, cigarettes others have used.Note down the side effects. Much the same as the causes, record every one of the indications of the considerable number of ailments too. For instance a few indications of bacterial meningitis are a serious cerebral pain, fever, retching, sluggishness, disarray, seizures/fits, photophobia and a solid neck. Likewise, note down what to do on the off chance that you see these manifestations on yourself or your young youngster. For instance, with meningitis, on the off chance that you see any of the signs you should telephone 999, or your neighborhood crisis benefit number immediately.Know a test technique for every sickness. This will require extend periods of time of contemplating, yet take in a technique to test if a man potentially has a specific disease off by heart.Don't let this make you a depression, however. The fact of the matter is to know, not to influence you to blow a gasket each time you have a tingle.

5. Think about winding up either veggie lover or vegan.

Studies have demonstrated individuals who eat off of strict, solid weight control plans, for example, veggie lover or vegan, live more. Not eating meat additionally diminishes cholesterol and the danger of coronary illness. On the off chance that you pick one of these Dependably TAKE VITAMINS. In spite of the fact that veggie lover/vegan is phenomenal for your body, you can be feeling the loss of a few vitamins and basic supplements. Take vitamins, you can even discover vitamins particular for veggie lover/vegans at an Entire Nourishments or other wellbeing stores.


Always mind your own business and stay close to God