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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Being generous begins by treating everyone as if they have achieved the potential greatness that is in all of us. Giving something willingly and happily without expecting reward is generosity, whether it's donating money to an organization that you trust or giving time to friends in need. In essence, generosity is a sincere desire to make other people's lives easier and more enjoyable.

Having the Right Mindset

1. Giving from the heart. If you really want to be generous, then you have to give just because you want to give, not because there are ulterior motives or want a reply. You must give just because you want to give, because you find something you believe in, and because you want to do good in the world. If you give to impress others or to take the hearts of others, you are not truly generous.

2. Know that being generous will make you happier. Even though you should not be generous in favor of your own needs, you must know that generous people are known to be happier than those who do not: Being generous makes people feel more loving to others, gives a stronger sense of community, and builds higher self-image. When you are generous to others, you can also be generous to yourself.

If you are happier, then you will have a more positive outlook and more energy to do good in the world. This positive cycle will continue.

3. Pay attention to what will make someone's life easier. When you interact well with neighbors or friends, pay attention and see if you can help them. Maybe your coworkers are very stressed and need someone to take care of their pet dog as long as he visits his sick mother in another city. Maybe your best friend's car is broken and he needs a ride to school. Maybe your mother is working too hard and doesn't realize how much she needs help until you give it. When you talk to someone, start asking yourself how to help them instead of always thinking about how they can help you.

4. Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude can inspire generosity because it will make you aware of all the great things you have in life. Every Sunday, sit down and make a list of at least five things that you are grateful for, and take the time to appreciate them. Think of all the good things that other people do for you and never forget to thank you, even if the goodness had been done a few months before. Being more grateful will put you in the right mindset to be generous.