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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Improving the World Starts from the Closest Environment

1. Become a volunteer. Joining a charity organization is the right way to improve life in a nearby environment. You can provide help directly and see the impact on the people you help. Give your best by utilizing the skills you have, develop new skills, or join in humanitarian activities in your environment.

2. Reduce the impact of yourself. Another way to improve the world is to reduce your own negative impact on the surrounding environment. Maintaining a good life will have a significant positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet for future generations.

3. Be proud of your area of ​​residence. Take care and be proud of the area where you live. In addition to your own interests, this can also protect others in your community. Make good use of it if there is a chance to help because not everyone has this opportunity. Try to think of various ways to improve the environment in your home.

Improving Global Environmental Conditions

1. Donate through the right charity. In order to be able to help people abroad, you must look for charities that are engaged in certain fields and channel the assistance in the best way. Choose a charity that has provided assistance on an ongoing basis in certain areas.

2. Buy items produced based on the fair trade trading system. Fair trade certification guarantees that goods are produced in working conditions that treat human beings humanely by paying appropriate salaries and decent working conditions. By buying as many products as possible, you show that companies that practice this system have the right to receive more money and encourage other companies to implement the same system.

3. Protect the environment. Do things that can protect the environment globally. The best way is to reduce dependence on fuel from mining and other sources that have a negative impact on the environment. Use public transportation, bicycles, or electric vehicles to travel.

4. Don't waste a lot. Don't overeat, don't buy food that you don't need, and don't buy new clothes every year. Wear clothes that are still suitable for use. Apply a healthy, balanced diet, according to the need so that you don't waste more. Make compost if there is food left.

5. Become an animal rescue activist. As the dominant inhabitants of planet earth, we are responsible for protecting other beings who cannot protect themselves. Many animals suffer and even become extinct because of the way we live today. You can improve the living conditions of animals,