This is an interesting question,people say “money cannot buy happiness” but there is another saying that “whoever said money cannot buy happiness do not know where to shop”,
well i agree with the statement which said “money cannot buy happiness”..yeah i know money is very important and it is what someone needs to be able to spend to take care of their needs but we also need to understand that happiness is beyond what only money can solve,
well there are many problems that money can solve but that will not automaticaly lead to a permanent happiness,money can buy happiness at a particular moment but how long will the person keep using money to buy happiness
l believe that being fulfilled is a key to happiness becsuse no matter how wealthy you are if you still feel un-fulfilled then you would still feel unhappy despite all your wealth,
that is why you see some very wealthy people that are depressed,if money can truly buy happiness then why is someone with huge amount of money still feeling sad and depressed??think deeply about it....