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RE: Musing Posts

Food Is Legally Allowed to Have Bugs or Hair

In the United States, the FDA passed regulations that state that “natural defects” in certain food products are allowed to have a specific amount of insects or rodent hair to be present in food. An example is canned mushrooms are allowed to contain up to 20 maggots to pass inspection.

Shellac Is Made From Bug Extract

Shellac, which is produced from female lac bugs, is used as a brush on coloring agent in candy like jelly beans and even wood finish. Shellac was even used to glue and stabilize dinosaur bones until the 1960’s when the long term negative effects of Shellac were found.

Decaffeinated Coffee is Not Caffeine Free

Most decaffeinated coffee is not completely caffeine free, as it contains small amounts of caffeine. For example, a decaf latte can have up to as much caffeine as in one can of cola. A decaf espresso can have up to 16 milligrams of caffeine.

Processed Foods Have Crazy Ingredients

Processed foods contain very harmful ingredients in order to help preserve the food or make it have a more appealing taste. Some of these ingredients include, but are not limited to, titanium dioxide, sodium bisulfite, MSG, aspartame, lanolin, cellulose, and silicon dioxide.

Fruits And Vegetables Have Lost Some Nutrition

Even though fruits and vegetables are considered the healthiest foods on Earth, they have lost some of their nutritional content over the past 50 years due to agricultural methods that have stripped the soil they are grown from. Organic produce is your best bet.