When it's married, it's not uncommon for us to finally decide to combine savings with our partners. What are the true benefits of this action? Of course Before doing this, there should be a discussion between the two parties. And knowing the function of this joint account for household life. What are the advantages and disadvantages, so we can compare carefully.
The most important thing to consider is for routine monthly expenditures, such as electricity, water, internet and spending. You can also expand from the needs of this joint account, namely for vacation funds with the family, home renovations or for emergency funds You can also make it a savings for children's school needs such as uniforms, stationery, up to school shoes.
Stop you from being wasteful
Joint Accounts can also prevent one of our partners from acting extravagantly. With this joint account you can directly monitor household finances. So one of you can prevent you from using excess money for unnecessary purposes. Joint accounts can also play a role for you to not owe.
Another advantage of using shared savings is to provide comfort to both parties that what they do is share responsibility in financial matters.
The usefulness of these funds can be transparently monitored by husband and wife, arguments that often occur in families regarding how much funds are used and where they are used, can be eliminated, minimally reduced. Not only that, the level of discipline and better communication between husband and wife about family finances will grow by itself.
Common goals
Points that you should see and become the most important thing about this commitment to share with your partner, both difficult and happy. Discussing money is very sensitive indeed. Do not arrive because of the different income you and your partner differ in saving a portion of your income. It's good if divided equally, equal and not burdensome to each other.