
 There are many things that are insurable that most people wouldn't expect.

Weddings - It's possible to insure your wedding in case there is an event that ruins it. Who would have thought?

Kidnapping insurance is also available. Many wealthy or even moderate means individuals will buy insurance against kinapping, especially when traveling to areas that are known for such events like Columbia.

Models will insure there face. Musicians thier hands or voice. This is yet another example of how willing insurance companies are to expand thier typical coverages at the right price.

The strangest insurance policy I've come across in my research is a policy for alien abduction. The company " UFO Alien Abduction" is willing to insure for this strange possibility that apparently some people are concerned about.

The above examples and more should be adequate examples to show that there is a policy out there for almost any possibility you can think of, including Crypto Hacking. All that is left to do is find that company and pay the correct premium.

Today I don't feel like doing anything..

One day if cryptocurrency and/or blockchain technology really becomes part of mainstreem life and the business world there will need to be a type of crypto insurance. There is already cyber crime insurances that you can buy so I would imagine that these would be handled similarly and that there would be some sort of actuarial process that would assess the risk on a situational basis to assign a price for your premiums on  your insurance policy. In the next 5-10 years I'm sure we will see this if not potentially sooner than that.