
There are a wide variety of reason why people choose "run away from God", but even in doing so they are still on the path that our creator had set out for us from the beginning. The main circumstance to consider is that today we live in an age of apostasy, rebellion, or "falling away" from the church. This circumstance will only amplify as we progress into the future of A.I. quantum technology, and trans-humanism. This is all by design and God has already set apart his people from the beginning, so even though at face value it may seem that more and more people are turning tail and running into what appears to be the comfort in believing there is no creator, no destiny, no Messiah, no spiritual realm, and no Satan, they will ultimately be walking the path that He had laid out for them in turning their authority over to the world and the things of it. I don't believe that God has a plan for us, because that would suggest that there could be deviations from the plan, like how we make plans nearly everyday and things never go according to plan, but God made the end from the beginning so all we're doing is going through the process.