
Musing is a question and answer platform that helps users help you thereby giving you upvoye at the end of the day

 Musing is Question  and Answer platform just like Quora. The difference between the tow is musing also reward for contributing knowledge in shape of upvotes.

However, there are two way by which upvotes can be earned.

First through asking questions. Before asking questions following should be kept in mind.

  • Question should be relevant.
  • Avoid asking repeated question.
  • Question asked should be clear and properly described.

Second way of getting upvotes is by answering the questions asked by the user. Following should be kept in mind while answering:

  • Answer given should be relevant to the question asked.
  • Given complete explanation of answer for better understanding.
  • Avoid coping others content. Otherwise you will be flagged. is a "question and answer" platform built on the steem blockchain.  It can help new users like you in such ways as:

 - If you don't understand something about steem or steemit you can post your question on and users with more experience can help answer your question.

 - You might get an upvote for your question which means a little steem and that sweet, sweet steem power will be sent to your wallet in 7 days.

 - You can answer questions to help people. If your answer isn't upvoted it still is counted toward helping to raise your reputation number. If your answer is upvoted you get a little steem and steem power for your help and effort.

Musing is a platform where users get rewarded for asking and providing answers to questions.

It works like Quora.


Provide relevant and original answers to the questions you see here.

Lifting answers off Google is not encouraged is a platform which is a questions and answers platform,the platform is built on a steem blockchain which enables you to get an upvote on your questions or answers,the upvotes you get is worth some steem which means you can earn some steem for asking questions or giving good answers,the platform is still growing but it has a great future,the platform also helps you to increase your knowledge because there are some good questions and answers that you can gain knowledge from..

Musing is a decentralized steem blockchain based question and answer platform where people get reward for both asking questions and answering others questions. Without plagiarism or copy pasting if you write answers from your own then musing will reward you. This platform is helping users to earn by answering. But the most important thing is this platform makes us brainstorming to unleash our writing creativity. That what I think we are getting from musing.