
Morning sickness is a condition that more than half of pregnant women have, generally in the first trimester of pregnancy. It's basically nausea, which may or may not induce vomiting.

Since it can happen primarily in the morning after waking up, that's why it's called morning sickness. However, it can last longer into the day than just morning, and it may continue throughout the pregnancy, or leave and come back.

The nausea occurs due to an increase in hormones that are needed during pregnancy. Many doctors consider it a good sign, as it means the body is compensating for what it will need for the remaining trimesters.

Morning sickness is won't hurt the mother or the unborn child, as long as vomiting is moderate to non-existent. Otherwise, excessive vomiting can lead to a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum, where the body lacks the necessary nutrients and can cause electrolytes to get out of whack. It's best to consult the attending physician early on if vomiting is occurring frequently.

To help mitigate the effects of morning sickness, a doctor may prescribe some kind of medical treatment that won't be harmful to you or the child if used as directed, but it's unlikely the dosage will last for more than ten days to a couple of weeks. Here are some things an expectant mother can do in the event she's experiencing morning sickness:

  • Smaller meals more often, rather than larger meals that will take longer for the body to consume.

  • Drink something no later than a half an hour before or after a meal, but don't drink anything with the meal. In fact it's recommended that small amounts of some sort of fluids (water is good), be drank during the day to ward off dehydration.

  • Try eating soda crackers before getting out of bed in the morning, at least 15 minutes ahead of time.