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RE: Musing Posts

Well I'm pretty sure that I'd survive, but currency as it is would probably no longer have any value whatsoever. The dollar, the naira, the pound, they'd all be worth nothing and their value will at best be speculative. Cryptos on the other hand may survive seeing as the cryptosphere runs on a completely different system than the existing economies of foreign exchange.

The world would possibly revert back to a state of trade by barter and in order to survive, I'd first evaluate what it is that I have, what I need and what goods or services that I can currently offer. Depending on what that is, I'll know whether or not surviving would be easy or not.

As far as water goes, I'll definitely have that, my compound has its own private borehole so that's taken care off. Food on the other hand might be a little difficult to come by, but not impossible. My old man's house has a lot of land so subsistence farming will probably become an option.

If I can find a stable means of supporting myself by maybe offering up a particular service that's needed, then I'm sure I'd be ok. I've got a degree in Chemical Engineering so at the very least I can offer up my services as a teacher or my knowledge in general to help rebuild the economy.

Hospitals and schools will probably be shut down for a little while, especially since people won't know how to or what to use and pay for their services. I'm done with school and I don't have any kids so that won't bother me, but the need for hospitals and availability of drugs might be a problem though. Dealing with that is something that I'm not entirely sure how to go about.
