
I can say, it's being an artist by profession.

I don't know in other countries but in our country, artists aren't given enough credit or respect. They think we are just sitting around doing our hobbies. They will exploit your talent and even ask for discount even if your rate is low enough.

Local clients even want their shit done in a matter of minutes (should I say, they always rush things) and probably think effects are just one click away. They expect marvelous output with their very low budget and what's worst, artist get crtisize because of poor work. Well, how about they pay enough for their "expected output" and give enough time as well. Artists aren't robots!

I remembered seeing one news saying "Top 5 useless majors" and all the list are artist like (such as graphic designer, film, architecture, etc). Well then how about they stop watching movies, commercials, reading magazines, books and literaly everything entertaining. Let's see how useless that is.

My answer may seem a little awkward but i will go with nurses. Nurses do spend a lot of time with the patients, follow the doctor's orders to the least and do everything possible to make sure they patients are comfortable and at peace.

But most at times nurses get very little credit for their work and all the praises is directed to the doctors. Most patients nowadays even see amd treat nurses like maids with very little respect..

Nurses have always been covered by the webs of doctors. They have always been looked at as the physician's servants which is not very true. Nursing and medicine are different fields that come together to provide combined services for the welfare of the patients. This is not understood by many and this has led to nurses receiving due credit for their work. The little gods (doctors) get all the praise and respect.

Well, the Sweepers never get enough credit and respect. Can you imagine our surrounding without them, they clean what we make dirty & In return they get little money & so much hatreds.

               The next profession is farming, farmers never get their full rights in India & some countries, people always judge them as uneducated & useless, but well-mannered people according to the society forget that if farmers stop producing food they will die of hunger.

To me, farmers should be the most respectful persons in the world, without them world will end with poverty.

I bet its Teachers. It is disheartening that these group of people don't get enough credit and respect in the society. These are the people teaching and impacting knowledge. Be you a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer,Geologist, Accounts and so on, whitout the teachers those dreams cannot be realised.hardly will you see any parent advice their children to become a Teacher. Teachers are being paid meager salaries. If someone introduce his or her partner as a doctor,the respect overflows but if as a teacher,it is just a normal greeting that will follow. The kind of differences set between Teaching and other profession is too much and it is not encouraging youths to love the profession. Many settled for teaching because of lack of employment and you will realise that many teachers we have today are not in the teaching line because no one is willing to take it as profession simply because of how it is taken in the society. Teachers are not given enough credit and respect. If today a policy is set to favour teachers and rebrand the teaching line, people will begin to respect and give credit to them.

I would say the lab technicians of the world. 

While the Scientists take away all the glory, the undeniable contribution of the technicians toiling in the labs go unappreciated and even unrecognized.  

Nurses or Public Education employees.  That is just my opinion though.  Nurses have to deal with a lot of stuff.  Think about it, it is like being a parent to an adult.  They have to deal with cleaning up bodily fluids, ornery patients, crying kids, crying adults, stuck up doctors, etc.  Public school in general gets a bad rap.  Many of the employees there are demonized just because parents don't want to do their jobs at home to raise respectable children.  Teachers are then expected to teach all of the things that the government arbitrarily hands down to them in addition to the things the parents aren't teaching at home and the core curriculum that they need.  Just my two cents!

I think fire fighters are the ones getting too little credit for their work. Although doctors my save lives also and help people cure diseases that might cause them death, fire fighters are also in the position of saving lives. Plus they risk their own in order to go through flames to save the ones trapped in different scenarios. I would give more credit and respect to firefighters. The for sure deserve it, in my opinion. 

And paramedics too!