
“It is not making them more visible but milking the system and it shows someone who is alone wolf and not part of the community.”


All year, I used my voting power to GIVE.

Eventually, I came to the realization it was irresponsible to give away EVERYTHING I worked for, while not even making enough to pay my own bills. So, I switched up my strategy to align with the classic business wisdom, “pay yourself FIRST.”

If conventional financial management wisdom suggest giving 10% to tithing, why should anywhere conform to YOUR altruistic ideal that we should give away 100% and feel bad about making sure our own needs are met first...?

If someone is here contributing content to the platform, they ARE a part of the community.

Just because they manage their investments differently than you do does not entitle you to the right to make them wrong for exercising their right as an investor to wield their voting power as they choose.

Certainly, there ARE cases where self-upvoting garbage may not ultimately be best for the platform. Though not everything is as black-and-white as you paint it.

I don’t need to prove or validate to you or anyone else my contributions to this community OR the appreciation that’s flowed back from them - they’re all there on the blockchain as PROOF.

So if you try run me through the ringer of your judgemental logic that I am a lone wolf who is not part of the community because I am currently in a phase - following YEARS of giving and giving here, amounts which have made HUGE differences to certain individuals in Africa and Indonesia - where I am prioritizing paying MY bills first and foremost through my time and energy given towards creating VALUE for this community, YOU ARE STRAIGHT WRONG, my friend.

But that’s okay. I get where you’re coming from. It’s just that there are more perspectives.


I actually agree with you. I think it's different if your vote holds value like yours does. I think if you have a 4 c vote then you are better off fishing with it to try and get more back.
Charity begins at home and you should always look after yourself first. I know you have had a rough year and am grateful for the support you have offered everyone. Look after yourself and get things back on track.

I am happy you are on musings by the way.



Lol. Super cool.