
From the three college semesters I've had in psychology one of my takeaways was that a person with a mental health issue needs at least some professional guidance if not on-going help. Many cases involve the mental health problem stemming from a biochemical issue that is beyond any amount of conscious control. In other cases the person with the mental health issue can't or doesn't have an objective judgement about how severe the problem really is.

Mental illness can cause problems in everyday life, it can not only damage relationships with other people, it can also interfere with daily productivity.People with mental disorders, both schizophrenia and psychosis can still be helped. The conditions for treatment are good and not too late. If the conditions are met, 25 percent of people with schizophrenia can be cured.

It does not mean complete recovery, because the sensitivity to be disturbed again in schizophrenics is greater than normal people. However, psychotic disorders caused by anatomic abnormalities of the brain are completely healed because most are temporary.

The initial symptoms of people who suffer from psychosis are very many forms that do not involve physical conditions, can be a feeling of suspicion, depression, anxiety, an atmosphere of feeling that is easy to change, tense, quickly offended, or angry for no apparent reason.

It can also be cognitive disorders such as strange thoughts, feeling floating, difficult concentration or decreased memory. Sleep pattern disturbances, appetite changes, body complaints that are not clear basics, loss of energy or desire will include symptoms that need to be watched.