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RE: Musing Posts

I reboot it

If that doesn't work I troubleshoot it

If that doesn't work I resort to my wired connections while cursing the ether that causes wireless signals to not work

If that doesn't work I tether my cell phone

If that doesn't work I weep, cry, call my ISP and make sure its not on their end.

If that doesn't work I check my neighbourhood for open signals (yeah theres still a few)

If that doesn't work I decide if I want to go out to someplace with Wi-Fi

If that doesn't work I reboot it again because it should have been long enough by now. Router and modem of course.

If that doesn't work I accept the fact that I am not loved by the universe at the moment, boot up Plex and binge watch movies or TVs for a few hours while constantly glancing at my PC to see if the little network icon is again showing internet connectivity.


Plex working good these days? I remember the last time I set up a Plex server, it was ridiculously laggy and slow.

Yeah I love it now
Few years back was nasty, laggy and slow as you said
But major improvements in the last couple of years have made it a top end product again
Kodi still good of course, but Plex offers me the flexibility of accessing everything from outside the house, from my seedboxes and such as well

Plex is really cool. I might have to start playing around with it again.
My last experience with Kodi was a difficult, but pleasant experience. It came to my understanding that raspberry pi's can host OSMC as the OS itself, built on top of raspbian debian based ARM linux brand. It's sweeeeet, but you need to mess around with the voltages and cache files to get the proper experience. It's totally worth it, and quite the gratifying experience for the "problem solver".

There are versions of Plex designed specifically to run on Pi's (usually the 3s)
I ran one for awhile when they first came out but simply didnt have the horsepower to maintain 3 or 4 1080p streams, especially if they needed transcoding.
I run 2 servers now, a NAS lowered powered one and a high end laptop for when I really want to push content lol

Nice! I am very interested in building and running servers. Does Plex for Pi run on top of raspbian? I didn't know there was a standalone OS for Plex. That's pretty sweet.

I own a Pi 3, and running OSMC was work. I wasn't able to get passed 720p for smooth play. I came real close with 1080p, but it just wasn't happening.