
Other than hiring 5K new people to do nothing every day but read every single post and comment and downvote them into hidden posts?

Not a thing. Spam is a plague that really can not be eliminated. I have no idea on percentages but I am sure the vast majority of spam is simply bot automated. So they can pump out as much as they want whenever they want. Create as many free accounts as they need and proceed. Yes RC will help combat spam but will not eliminate it. The big accounts that can do this have far more RC than they need and will have no problems spinning up new accounts, delegating enough SP and letting loose the army, if they so choose.

The best thing musing or any of us can do is report said accounts to the various services and blacklists, such as steemcleaners and others, and try to make it not worth their time and effort.

Even that is subjective. To some people if they make $1 a day they are happy, to others that is not worth their time.

I personally would love to see and hope that at some point musing will have the resources to "vet" more of the posts on musing. Eliminate the duplicates, the ones that serve no purpose, the "spam" on its platform. But even that will take much more resources than they probably want to devote to that. 

After all musing is here to curate, not police

I think that it would be wise for them to implement some sort of whitelist system, or even a blacklist system so if you are a repeat offender you will not be allowed to post on the platform.  

Additionally, if they were to publish some guidelines that give people an idea of how and why answers are upvoted the way they are, that would be good.  If it is set as a hard and fast rule that two word answers will not get upvoted, it might discourage people from continuing to do that.

Likewise, there needs to be some restrictions in place on copied material.  I see a lot of answers that are just cut and pasted from some other source and passed off as their own.  If you are going to use another source to answer a question at least point the person to that resource.

Finally, I see a lot of similar questions.  Especially this morning.  It might be helpful to have some kind of algorithm that weeds out duplicate questions.

Totally agree. I noticed once copied material and tagged musing in my comment to that person in which I let him know that it's not moral to do that. Musing responded, but before that the user edited his thread. It is a lot of spam around here unfortunately some being encouraged by musing through upvotes.

Yeah, that is pretty crappy. I am not saying everyone should be an expert on everything, a lot of these answers are just opinions, but if you are going to pull from an outside source, at least reference it. It is unfortunate because musing is being beyond generous with the delegation that they have been given and my fear is that a few people are going to ruin it for everyone by abusing the system. It isn't fair to the people who run musing and it isn't fair to the people who are asking legitimate questions.

It is unfortunate because musing is being beyond generous with the delegation that they have been given and my fear is that a few people are going to ruin it for everyone by abusing the system. It isn't fair to the people who run musing and it isn't fair to the people who are asking legitimate questions.

Totally agree with you.

@musing can unvote "spam" posts. Hopefully with hardfork 20 that will be less of a problem as before because most of those kinds of posts I see are made by very small accounts and those accounts don't have much resource credits now for massive amounts of posts.

I think ignoring spam is the best option. No sense in wasting VP for flagging or unvoting accidentals. If we ignore it, the problem may or may not go away. Spamming isn't profitable here, and spammers are only here to make profit, so it doesn't align with their motive.

I don't think it will ever go away though, spam is everywhere. It's merely a defect of the human condition that came to fruition on the internet. 

This is a difficult situation for the musing team as musing is not a platform for right or wrong questions and answers sessioss.

Became a question can be slightly twisted to have and entirely different meaning and some repeated question can be answered differently by different steemians. When all of these is presented as a search result can be a very useful finding.

Plagiarised answers on the other hand, is where I feel musing should create a that can scan for similar content on the internet and raise a red flag on such answers so it is not voted.