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RE: Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)

in #musicmonday7 years ago (edited)


Here is another band nobody knows about but they know the song for sure. Guitars are neat and the harmonies are great but this guys range right from the beginning of the song is NUTS! Try singing along with that non-falsetto. You would have to be him or Sting I suppose.

Happy monday broheem!

(Oh! Don't let it play the next song or you may get Rick Rolled like I did)


Ah man! Driving around the back roads in my parent's silver thunderchicken with all the windows rolled down and the radio cranked, thinking,"I can't wait til I get out of this place."

Ah man, I feel such nostalgia when I hear these brilliant tracks, nostalgia for times passed, the sheer simplicity of life was in itself a beautiful thing to behold and for me this track kind of captures a certain inherent innocence, the innocence of youth in a world full of promise. Yet another brilliant choice @zekepickleman .. I'm going in for a second listen ;)

Haha glad you enjoyed it. I get surprised every Monday by the music post (even though it is every monday) and think back to the week before and the song that caught my attention and made my mind drift a minute or 2. Not sure why it happens to be these oldies and I am going to have to diversify.

The songs seem to just be endless on Fridays when we are into a couple beers at the #cryptopub ;)