Thanks dude, .. I shall enjoy taking a look at this. One thing I've never really discussed on here is that I'm quite a film buff and have a pretty good knowledge of cinema, so I do remember this film and I have seen it .. although it was years and years ago and I can't really remember it .. hence will view this with interest: There was another film that I think is a similar concept (trailer attached below).
Ha don't worry about that dude, no problem there .. I may even do a weekly film review at some point. Besides I save my anger up, try not to waste it (although that is sometimes easier said than done lol) and use it as fuel when I'm running on empty. ;)
I had two great fights this week with total shitheads on here, bernie and marky mark, it was great fun, and FTG put them both into no win, suppose we all get our kicks, in different ways. :-)
Thanks dude, .. I shall enjoy taking a look at this. One thing I've never really discussed on here is that I'm quite a film buff and have a pretty good knowledge of cinema, so I do remember this film and I have seen it .. although it was years and years ago and I can't really remember it .. hence will view this with interest: There was another film that I think is a similar concept (trailer attached below).
Cheers bro, I will watch it, and thank you, for not getting angry, that I did not send music, in you I trust.
Ha don't worry about that dude, no problem there .. I may even do a weekly film review at some point. Besides I save my anger up, try not to waste it (although that is sometimes easier said than done lol) and use it as fuel when I'm running on empty. ;)
I had two great fights this week with total shitheads on here, bernie and marky mark, it was great fun, and FTG put them both into no win, suppose we all get our kicks, in different ways. :-)
Time to get organized bro, or for ever, let them have control.
I must have missed the drama .. I shall have a look into it lol Thanks, Michael Rivero isn't it?
Not so much a drama, more a who rules I guess, I have no tolerance, to being abused, hence why I left the UK
oh and bernie tard, muted me :-)
Cheers dude .. and yeah sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand. Looks like perfect bedtime reading lol
It was great to see this in the theater!
You must be in a select few @sequentialvibe .. this chat reminded me another slice of 80's cult sci-i .. Dreamscape!