Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)

The aim is simple, to banish those Monday blues with an eclectic range of music chosen by Steemit friends both old and new.

Music Monday.jpg

Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Steemians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture it’s true essence.

As more Steemians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the amount of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.

Hey I hope everyone has enjoyed a great weekend! My choice this week is one that always puts a spring in my step, which after a long day is just what the Dr ordered. I hope you enjoy

This isn't about making me Steem so please save your upvotes and reward the songs that you feel are worthy, although equally if my song stands out to you then I'd appreciate the vote. Any resteems would be much appreciated, all are invited and welcomed to join us in sharing and listening to a diverse range of music.


Written by perceptualflaws
Song: Lawnchair High
Band: Rehab
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

Many thanks for taking the time and consideration to read this post. Any upvotes, follows and resteems are greatly appreciated. Follow @perceptualflaws

I'm proud to be both a member and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - brought to you by the hard work of: @aggroed, @teamsteem, @canadian-coconut and @ausbitbank, discord channel:



Alrighty mate, this is a throw back for me. These guys are famous for one song but made so many that have been forgotten.
This is one of my favourites, reminds me of going to clubs in the late 70s early 80s as the New Romantic scene was kicking off.

Soft Cell - Torch.

Yes Marc Almond is a bit of an overlooked/forgotten musical maestro, a man that helped shape a entire generation. Another brilliantly inspired slice of musical merriment my friend. I really enjoyed this inspired trip down memory lane, thank you for sharing :)

Where is my mind? Gotta love The Pixies. This song goes through my head more often than I am comfortable with, but at least I love it.

Hey @kittyandcheese .. this is an absolute stone cold classic .. in many ways a track that defined a generation, I managed to catch them live a few years back and they were still great! Another inspired choice thank you for the music :D

These guys are from Panama I believe. Here's a cool take on El General's jam.

Ah man loving the raga style vibes on this one .. reminds me of my time in Antigua and the Carribean . just the lift I needed last night .. before my wi-fi went down, hence the late reply .. excellent stuff .. and yet another one I've never heard, keep up with the great music my friend :)

I was driving home from my mom's and listening to old mixed cds when I came across this gem.
Hope you enjoy :)

Hey great choice here @amymya I couldn't it to play here so I nipped over to youtube. I've never heard this before and I really enjoyed it .. great energy and a very cool vibe .. Excellent music, thank you for sharing :)

Woohoo! Monday is here! Let's have some of the Brothers!

Great track! a classic synth-laden chemically induced masterstroke by the Brothers Not So Grimm :) Great stuff .. thank you for the music @sequentialvibe

Very cool vid! Thanks for sharing.

Just for you bro.

Hey my friend, sorry for the delay in listening but my wi-fi went down .. Another classic my friend, a beautifully chilled musical comfort blanket that I really enjoyed wrapping myself in .. excellent choice @deliberator thank you or the music :)

hey PF! I dig it brother!! Here's mine for the day

Hey @itchykitten hope you've been keeping well my friend, good to hear from you :) And man haven't you come back with a great track, sublime dream like vibes .. summer vibes that serve to remind me I need a holiday :D Excellent stuff, thank you for the music.

hey old friend! I've been doing well, how has the Steemin been lately? Also I've been thinking about coming to Europe to see where I was born this summer. I have some friends that run an ancestral skills gathering in Wales, and also I want to go up to north central England, try and figure out where my grandfather's name of Rushtin/Rushton comes from. You going to be around? I'm thinking like May sometime

Hey my friend, what have you been up to? The site has been quiet over the last few weeks, but apart from that it's been going well thank you. Ah man, that will be some adventure! It would be great to see you :) I'm going to be away at some point in May as I have some work in Scotland but apart from that yeah cool! Whereabouts is your friends place in Wales? I may be up that way at some point.

You won't understand most lyrics of this song, but got to share it with you. It's from croatian rapper General Woo. Lyrics are about banksters (banker + gangster) and video is inspired by movie 'They live'. Sharing it with you just for the video :)

Hey @cmoljoe you're right I couldn't understand a word .. but I know good music when I hear it and this is great!! Loving the flow, scratching and beats .. excellent stuff!!

Thanks man! You saw 'They live' movie?

Hey my friend, sorry I missed this ... I have seen the movie and I think it's brilliant! What are your thoughts on it?

My opinion is it show what is really going on in our reality. Even Roddy Piper (main actor) said it's not just a movie, it's documentary.

BTW I'm looking for little support for one member of Steemit. It's not fundraiser. Check this link and you will see what I'm talking about.

Yes I agree, it's lucky that some of us have learned to see eh? ;)

More and more see it :)

I edit previous comment, I will appreciate if you check the link. Thanks.

This is great for when you need something to listen to but don't want to get distracted. And in general Nora En Pure tends to have this ability with most of her tracks and mixes. Enjoy!

Coincidentally I get a similar feeling when listening to the track that you provided.

Hey my friend,

Funnily enough, I was going to share a dance track but decided to hold it back for another week so this is a very welcome surprise . I couldn't listen last night as my wi-i was down but it's certainly put a spring in my step this lunch time .. brilliant choice and just what I needed to take mind of work nearly 3.30 minutes of dance induced bliss! Thank you for the music @hrissm

She also has a podcast which features an almost hour long mix of similar sounds. That’s comes out in either weekly or monthly intervals. It’s called Nora en pure - purified radio.

Muse - Starlight
to hear this song I feel really excited, energetic bass sounds, and a simple piano makes me more excited to play his.
Great, Muse can create amazing music like this. This my favorit songs for this week.

Brilliant choice this week @donirosayandi I really enjoyed this!! I've seen Muse a couple of times and they are excellent .. this song perfectly captures their genius .. thank you for the inspired music my friend.

Hey how's it going all? Here's my pick for the week!
Ariel Pink-Time to Live

Hey my friend thank you or yet another inspired choice of musical nirvana .. excellent choice, I couldn't catch it last night as the wi-fi went down .. but I'm loving it this afternoon :D Thank you for the music @fadedhistory

Something a little different....

Vangelis - Mythodea - NASA Mission to Mars Odyssey 2001.

Stirring epic, genius .. will brilliant suffice? I love Vangelis for he is a true musical genius .. and it's not often I use those words these days .. he (along with a few others) is my go to man when I'm seeking inspiration to write. Very different, but very much appreciated! Thank you for the music @palikari123

I hope, you like it
For me it's relaxing music :)

Hey @kate2295 very nice music .. thank you for sharing :) It is very relaxing and equally very beautiful, an almost ethereal and dreamlike song that softly washes over you with gentle waves of music. Thank you for sharing.

Or maybe that music? :)