Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Steemians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture it’s true essence.
As more Steemians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the amount of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.

I'm proud to be both a member and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - brought to you by the hard work of: @aggroed, @teamsteem, @canadian-coconut and @ausbitbank, discord channel: https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw

Since you're in the Asian flavored lofi triphop mood, here's one for you. If you don't know dj Krush he's from Japan, was mixing it up with some Yakuza types until his best friend lost a finger and he figured music was safer than gangster life. It turns out he's a really sick dj and thankfully for us he made the right decision in time. Check this one out: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aVjgRlto8PI
nice, thanks for sharing this @naturowlmystic xx
Yep!! 😉😉
Hey @naturowlmystic what a story .. what a track!! I've never heard of DJ Krush before and I'm loving the beats and scratching on this one .. I think he did himself (and the world) a favour by pulling back from the brink and following his path/dream. Thank you for the music and for the introduction my friend, rest assured I'll be visiting this DJ's back catalogue asap!
Awesome! He has a really diverse catalog. Sometimes I put him on the headphones and picture myself in a shady Tokyo nightclub surrounded by professional killers and such. Good times. 😀
Krush makes some sick instrumentals for those of us who are inclined to rap ;)
Man, definitely. I'd love to hear some collaboration work.
For sure man, you got some beats? I am just a novice beat maker myself, but am always keen to give it a shot
Oh lol! I meant folks rapping over Krush. I'm no musician friend. I tried playing fiddle once.... It sounded like a cat being slowly run over by a bicycle 😂😂😂
Here's my pick for the week!
Traitrs- Thin Flesh
Another slice of musical nirvana my friend .. I love this 2nd wave electronica/ new wave fusion kind of sound .. it takes me back to my youth. You never disappoint my friend and this track is a testament to that fact. Thank you for the music @fadedhistory
There is @ravenking13 here on steemit who makes his own bit of trip hop and also tries to promote music :).
That's really some special mixture you have there.
I drop a bit of SOHN here. Have not listened in a long while ago and also don't have in mind right now what was his former artist name. (Was hard to remember him anyway :D.)
Thanks @miela .. really glad you enjoyed my choice. I've never heard of Sohn before and I very much enjoyed this track, a really unique fusion of emotion-laden sounds and vocals , what's not to love? ;) A definite addition to my playlist! Thank you for the music and the introduction .. much appreciated!
Loving the support and extra mention, many many thanks @miella, also thanks for making me aware of @perceptualflaws and his blog! Many thanks :D
Feeling like a bit of Pink Floyd on this fine Monday!
Hey my friend, sorry I must have missed this one and I was out all day yesterday .. another absolute classic my friend .. you've been firing on all cylinders these last few weeks. What can I say, this track is simply genius and it means s many things to so many people. If I was to make a musical timecapsule this slice of genius would be a shoe in. Thank you for the music @palikari123
No need to apologise:) I posted this after you had gone for the day! How did the move go? Hope it all went well for you!
Thanks dude, I haven't moved yet .. I've been packing (and unpacking when I can't find something lol) the house for last few weeks, but I'm still waiting for a date. I also run a holiday house management business so I've been crazily busy with that as well, plus it's the school holidays. I've pretty much written bloodlines 2 but I don't think I'm going to have time to post it this week and I'm offline next week .. but I'll get there asap. Once the house move is completed and work calms down I should get back to a sense of normality. It's been frustrating as I have about five posts planned, plus I have a backlog of posts to read .. but it'll work itself out in the end, such is life.
Any track that starts with samples from the Warriors is alright by me :) Funnily enough, I managed to catch these guys live a few years back and they were awesome .. as is this track. Really unique band, you never quite know what they're going to do next. Thank you for the music @sequentialvibe I very much enjoyed this one!
Wow this is totally splendid, I love the errrie feeling of the song, it showed that the video has been quite long it was done really. The birds, and of course the Indian dialect as well, it's a beautiful song.
Today my my favorite song is a 2008 Blues song done by Nigerian Artiste Banky W it's titled DONT BREAK MY HEART. please enjoy.
Hey @josediccus thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my choice .. I thought it was pretty unique. Yours was another really beautiful track .. very soulful .. he may not have his heart broken but it certainly tugs at mine. Thank you for the music my friend .. I've very much enjoyed this slice of blues.
Hey @josediccus thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my choice .. I thought it was pretty unique. Yours was another really beautiful track .. very soulful .. he may not have his heart broken but it certainly tugs at mine. Thank you for the music my friend .. I've very much enjoyed this slice of blues.
nice one @perceptualflawsJimi Hendrix - Hear My Train A Comin
Ah man (I have to say man whenever I hear Hendrix lol) what a choice! What a great and timeless track .. and the video is awesome .. really well done! There will never be another Hendrix .. indeed I wonder whom out of our current musicians will sound as fresh and relevant in fifty years time? Thank you for the music @banditqueen it was a pleasure to watch this poetry in motion.
Hendrix a legend. Truly timeless. Wish we could have someone like him now days. another one i was listening just now and thought of you. Another legend. hope you like it :)
Rory Gallagher - A Million Miles Away
I'm a big fan of Rory Gallagher and Tatto is my favorite one.
Let's rock!
I probably sent you this one before, not sure, a little bit of bad, as I was listening to them just anyway :-).
Catch you on disco one night bro.
Hey my friend, hope you've been well? You've posted a BAD track before but it wasn't this one .. it's excellent so I would have remembered it, saying that so was the other one .. I can remember the track but the name evades me. Definitely catch up on Disco soon .. I'm going to be offline for a week or so from Thursday. I've been so busy with moving house and work .. plus being a glutton for punishment I've also started one of my biggest ever posts .. sequel to bloodlines! Hence time has been a rare commodity (which is why I haven't released a major post for a couple of weeks). Thank you for the music my friend .. this is a stone cold classic, I can still remember exactly where I was when Strummer died!
All well here, hope the house move was smooth? I will try to catch you tomorrow night if you are on there then?
And can not wait to see the post, stay awesome my friend, and try not to work tooooooo much. :-)
thank you very much for that great track and video, very nice indeed. My song for today is from Silver Mt Zion and Mountains Made Of Steam, I really love this band, they are amazing musicians, hope ye all enjoy xxx You got to listen to this loud xxx
Hey trucklife-family Thank you .. I hope you've enjoyed a good weekend. I've never heard of Silver Mt Zion before but Im loving this track .. an eerily beautiful composition and one that simply demands another listen. Love the way it builds and falls, really unique. Thank you for the music my friend, this was excellent
Damn I almost missed it! It is a long weekend up in Canadia and I had 40 family members in town hosting the yearly get together so I am just waking up.
I am posting this one because I was thinking about Black Label Society. I love Zakk Wylde (as a guitar player and badass and even a funny personality) and have seen BLS a couple times. I never really went nuts for him like so many of my friends because the music seemed derivative (this is how progressive people scorn palatable stuff I suppose) and the songs never really had the right hooks for me.
Anyhow, I have friends heading to his show this week so maybe some others who haven't heard BLS and are in the mood for some fairly accessible new metal backed by a genius, here you go!
Hey my friend .. no I've not heard of BLS before but I thought they sounded pretty cool, liking the riff and guitar work. and the singer sounds a little like Ozzy (whom I grew up with) so it's hitting the right notes. Hope you've had a good get together .. I nearly missed it myself lol I'm mega busy .. moving plus I have a holiday house management business so time is of a premium .. I can relate lol Thank you for the music my friend .. I'll have to look into Zack Wylde
I am the owner of the @mysticravenpro promotion page, this is my personal artists page. Wanted to share my own latest bastard track of weird thematic origin!
A heavy downtempo triphop/stonerrock beat. A weird combination of sorts perhaps, but love this type of music, not being able to find anything similar, have to make my own stuff :P
In short: Dark downtempo beat with heavy rumbling guitar!
Ps. Great choice with Chinese Man, Love his tracks, you will surely like Al Tarba(Western Drug Sunrise) and Gasoline(Dragunz Invasion),.
Hey @ravenking this is awesome .. Loving the downtempo beat .. a really cool sound. It carries an almost western or Louisiana style twang to it, very nice. You're a talented man! I've often thought you could have a lot of fun remixing the excellent track I've attached below.
Thank you for the music and thank you for the heads up on the other musicians, I'll be listening to them all asap .. much appreciated!
Man I LOOOVE THAT TRACK!!! One of my favorite triphop songs a while back, listened to it sooo much that I hated it a while
(Bad Habit of mine when I find a gem, I listen it to death), but it's been so long it sounds awesome again :D This is exactly the style of triphop that just grooves my soul, it is exactly these styled songs that were so unique that inspired me to finally get my shit together and make music myself :P
Great taste in music!!!
Many thanks for the kind words as well, adding momentum to the motivation of creating!
Awesome post! Here is some music from steemit itself, artists which I am promoting through this account here :)
First one is by @thebeatmonk
Second is by @hotosbeats
Any musician or artists with trip-hop as genre, or even rock, blues, oriental influences in more experimental type settings also welcome, Going into more instrumental direction if possible, welcome to contact me for free promotion and curation especially if you are below 60reputation still.
Only original content.
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