
I was lucky enough to see it in the theater on the old 75 mm big screen, epic :)

I was very little but actually saw the original theatrical release. I lived in a small island and cinema there would premiere movies a year later, but been a fan since early 80s.

Yes I know, several of my personal friends are working on the series. I am a big fan of the original movie and for decades I've promoted it as one of my inspirations and I've befriended people (including the creature designers) working in the original movie. They're in so I'm sure the series will be respectful to the spirit of the original work. I'm just starting to watch it, but whatever the outcome it will rekindle interest in a movie that should not be forgotten and thus i'm happy.

hey Pris , amazing post again this is me worth my 100% MAM vote ... hugs

Aww thanks and by the way congrats on your MAM :) wee!

I remember the movie when it came out, it was the first of its kind, very good apart that the one that helped to make are the same as Sesame Street ...

Yes, Jim Henson works were not only for kids (the muppets, sesame street, Fraggle) he was also into fantasy like The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, the Storyteller, but there was also an inherent WISDOM and deep messages in his works. A wee me saw this movie and was enthralled by it, I ended up a "fantasy" artist and musician and maybe because of it. :) Thanks for watching :)

Tan hermosa!! un vídeo lindo y lleno de fantasía, tu linda voz invadió mis oídos y se quedó retumbando!!! :)) tan genial todo, felicidades por esa linda producción, desde aquí un seguidor te desea muchos éxitos <3<3

Gracias por el cumplido, es un tributo a mi película favorita de infancia :) fue divertido tratar de recrearla. :)

It's perfectly done! Great job Yidneth! <3

Thank you, I'm really a fan of this movie

Your are beautiful! And, your hair, wow! the color and the waves very pretty...I love the song, too and the fantasy story...hope I can view the full movie...@yidneth I subscribe to your YouTube Channel...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, actually I'm wearing a wig in this one to mimic the original character of the movie, LOL though I'm a blonde but with curly hair, you can see pics of me and my real hair in almost every other video of mine :) and previous posts here. And thanks so much for the subscribe :)

Yes your original hair i mean hehehe the curls

Posted using Partiko Android

hahha :) cos my mum told me she wouldn't recognize me with straight hair and bangs hahah XD

BEST video EVER!!! You are amazing, Pris. I can’t just keep saying it over and over without sounding stalky. I love everything you do. The nature shots in this video alone are spectacular, but then, there you are. It’s magical.

Also! Add the tag “sonicgroove” so you can earn the music tokens! Tag me after you add it! ❤️

Sending many cookies.. full pot of coffee.. infinite hugs and all my LOVE!

@paintingangels I just did cos you told and all the love and hugs back to you. Awww it is not stalky it is encouraging and I am happy to have you as friend when I need it. Been a bit low of late

You are such an adorable Gelfling, I love this cover !

Awww thank you so much, It's my "childhood movie" it was very fun to do :)

It was one of my faves as a kid too, but I have to say Labyrinth beats it by just a smidge!

Posted using Partiko Android

You know I've covered several from Labyrinth too right? ;-) wink, they're not on youtube but I can drop you a link. :) I always prefered The Dark Crystal cos the amount of work behind it was so insane and somehow it was more serious and mysterious and the message ran deeper in me. But well I had the hots for Jareth as any 80s girl :) hahaha ;-) wink!

Yes I want to see Labrynth covers!!!! link me <3

Ahhhh that's one of my favorites, well done!

Here as promised the link, I've never shared it over here, it's kind of "hidden" in the net :). I also recorded "within you" but that I will remake. :)
It's a patreon post but it's public :)

Oh the nostalgia! I grew up with Freggle Rock, The Muppets, Dark Crystal and the Storyteller too. This is one of my favorite kids movies, as is Labyrinth ( and The Neverending Story ). At a later age, I turned more towards sci fi and horror. Now it's all kinds of genres ( more scifi than horror - perhaps horror comedy - as I'm a hypersensitive person :>) and it affects me more then I want to admit )

I love all the work you ( two and all the people that help you out ) put into these videos. They are works of art, with the heart at the right place. Works of heart, now I think of it ;>)

All the close ups are amazing, so is the sound and I love that instrument you're playing.

I recently learnt about the Dark Crystal Netflix series and watched two episodes so far. It's pretty awesome but I hardly watch series or Netflix these days, so I forgot about it again.

Keep up the good work, following your heart and thus creativity, and I will support you however I can. Had to cut down on Patreon to survive the crypto winter and only saw your message there today, but I'm glad you reminded me of your work and existence once again :>)

Um abraco desde Portugal,


Aw thanks so much... I also grew up with precisely those things, I love the Storyteller and The Dark Crystal was my favourite movie of all time. I think I know all the songs from Labyrinth as well, though Dark Crystal always remained close to my heart, the original score is maybe "my desert island album". As a purist fan of the original movie I'll always prefer the film but the series pays a lovely homage to it and its spirit. In fact I've made already a tribute of the new soundtrack and next week I'll share the "fourth" and last for now Dark Crystal tribute. I think I went on "Gelfling" mode all Summer, :) but I need to concentrate in my own work now and these were just tributes and so fan to make.

Oh my don't worry about Patreon you're welcome there to follow or feel free to rejoin at the lower whenever you please, even the lowest tier get the downloads, I don't want to make such differences but make people contribute whatever they can whenever they can (I'm undergoing a tight while myself I totally understand) You're welcome and I'm grateful for the support and effort the time you could join us :)

Stay tuned next week for a new (fourth) Dark Crystal tribute. I have a few from Labyrinth scattered but I feel like I want to "remake" them before sharing.

Curious about the neverending story that one will come eventually too.. though I confess I find Dark Crystal superior :) . I also like horror movies but the spectral kind, and I love fantasy with a bit of dark into it :)

Hugs back from the neighbour country!

You are simply magical, Priscilla <3

The music, your aesthetics, the photos, the write up, everything is always such a delight to stumble into, like a strange and magical trip into a faery forest :)

Awww thanks so much... do you know the original movie? it's an amazing one :)

Beautiful as always @yidneth! I love the atmosphere on this, and that double ocarina sounds so fantasy-like that I can't handle :D

Awww thanks so much, that double ocarina is a little braintrainer... I play many winds and flutes but that ones is triccccccccccccky :)

Absolutely wonderful! You successfully transported me back to my childhood. Thank you.

Oh I'm honoured :) maybe it's a good time to rewatch The Dark Crystal :)

I really should, it's been years. I remember it being one of my favorite movies from that era. Along with Labyrinth.

I love Labyrinth too and I play it often as well, but Dark Crystal was for me superior. Do you know that later on this month Netflix premier a prequel for The Dark Crystal.

I just found this I don't know if it will be any good but I'm sure going to check it out :)

That was so beautiful! I haven't watched the movie in a long time and forgot this song. What a wonderful memory you brought back! I love it.

It is my childhood icon movie :) It's remained my favourite for decades now :) maybe the one to fault I ended up devoted to create fantasy music, This is me earlier this Summer in one of my secret places in the woods, pond is deep enough to swim even if it doesn't look so. A little corner to retreat and think.

Amazing production, you brought me back to my childhood age:) I think i will rewatch the movie tonight and get ready for the series:)

This is the best thing I've seen on Steemit in a while. Thanks for the brief journey back to my youth when I was enthralled with The Dark Crystal also.

Aww I'm glad, :) It was my childhood favourite and it remains being so. I'm really honoured to have crossed paths with people that were involved in the movie back then and it always cast a great influence in my own original work. Now there is a bit of a hyper because Netflix is premiering prequel series later this month, in fact some of my friends (that worked in the original movie) are again involved so I bet it's going to be amazing, but for me it's great only that it will create awareness about the original movie. This was filmed earlier this Summer with great admiration to Jim Henson's works, I already posted last year on steemit I'm a Henson's generation geek kind of person ahahah :) Thanks for the lovely compliment. I'm a slow poster, but at least hope each entry is found worth

I'm totally enchanted by this. I have never seen the film, but I think I'll go look for it just because of the way you've described it here :)
I also was into Fraggle Rock. haha. I can still sing the theme song :DWOW just wow! @yidneth !

Amazing work wow.!!!

Oh my god, you must, It was Henson's BEST work in my opinion and it's very deep, besides what you see in the movie there is a background mythology around it and then upon rewatch you can find all the details that are not explained. It was unique in its time, pre-cgi era, no humans. Now Netflix will premier a prequel series BUT I'm happy it will create awareness of the own original movie, it's my childhood iconic movie. I know the Fraggle theme too :) Aw and thanks for checking, I know I'm the slowest poster but I hope at least they are worth the wait :)

pls add sonic!!!! you can have up to ten tags on steempeak now. use them!!

I'm still not using steempeak or anything, I'm super off the loop but have not been able to check it or can check it short term, cos I'm overwhelmed and in fact a bit away on a self-care journey, one day I'll grab you and serena so you explain all these new things to the "silly blonde" (that's how I feel hahaha). I am still only using the old fashioned steemit front.

Glad you knew about creativecoin at least, because I would've missed this!

I post slowly and though I'm not gone I AM SOOOOO MUCH unaware, I did cos sweet @paintingangels and @isaria told me to, and then I'll see to it, this Summer I'm not much around, I'm dealing and struggling with many things but always at reach :) right here :) hope that even if I post less than usual every entry is worth the wait, thanks so much. :)

by the way HUGGGGGGGS :).
pst. There is a ratty in the video, there always is one hahaha


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Gelfling cake! 💙💙💙
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That was wonderful! I LOVED all the critters! And like always the music was just lovely. :))

I don't mind waiting for each of your posts, they are SO worth the wait. :))

Awww thanks so much for the watch, even if they are "earthy" some creatures look so magic if we only look "close enough" right? It was fun also to record all the nature fx. :) . Thanks for waiting for the posts, I know I post scarcely but I work hard and I'm just slow cos I've been dealing with a lot of things. New things on the way, just their slow pace way :) thanks for watching

Love the vide and killer music! Keep making more of it!

Thank you, I make my own original music but this one was a tribute to my favourite childhood movie and thus a cover :), sure I'll keep making more

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