So it's been a while, I have primarily been focussing on the site "NEON EMPIRE" ( and the crypto address: neon-empire.crypto) it's taken me away from creation well i have still built tracks but this has slowed dramatically as the sound library on is shrinking in relationship to sounds i haven't used already they are all used up.
I was posting over on for some time but it's become stagnant without any real progress and I felt it was time to put some effort into my own project the "NEON EMPIRE" website, it's grown a lot adding in new music playlist categories video categories and so on as well as a media gallery where I have posted the odd song and other projects as video content.
The reason I hadn't used the hive chain for that was the links have a 7 day lifespan which for website content being permanent isn't going to work, you'd be changing the videos weekly so I went with would have loved it to have been hive but it is what it is.
Any way there have been many changes on the site additions like a VIP category this i had spoken about prior basically a page loaded with custom built sample file packs and other content, this is going to get a lot more.
The major issue with this was the Published token was only affordab;le on the opensea platform I wish to eventually change this to be available to hive users only as hive and the fans have always been good to me.
I took I a break but never really came back i never relaxed either creating one of my most ambitious projects ever which is "PLANET DOOM" a complete album of DOOM game music to complement the orignal DOOM game a 9 track album a track for each of the 9 doom levels.
I have also completely re-designed a completely standalone NFT Music library with permanent token listings to sites providing none expiring NFT's so that took considerable time and effort to complete i learned a lot about hosting websites and token listing on a more permanent basis.
Any way there is a lot to the site i am happy so far with what it turned out like and will be gradually adding to it more and more over time to create something bigger and better.
But what i am also going to try to do is some music releases to hive articles sharing the work again now i have slowed down on production with a lack of sounds I can add some songs i made that never went live and i held on to, so these will trickle in.
Any way what better for Saturday's than a cool clubbing anthem and this is one of the better tracks coming momentarily in the next post.
But I think i am back to stay guys I got bored of and dragging there feat and they say if you want something doing then do it your self.