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RE: I Released 2 Songs

in #music4 years ago (edited)

The design of the artwork is relatevly good, considering that the main purpose of the design is to be functional - to do the work. So you don't need to be pretty good with photoshop. I'm eagerly waiting for the next EP, and I like surprises too :D. Also good to hear that you found someone, who can help you with some work to be done. I will continue to support you, after all the honor is all mine.

P. S. About eleven years ago a friend of mine called me, and propose me to watch one of the few live preformances of his band. He was the guitarist of the band. And I had the chance to do it. The band, named Blind Chords was preforming in a small rock club in Varna. I had to pay tax for the entrance, it was about 3 or 4 levs (I don't remember exactly), but lucky for me I had the exact money in my wallet :D. I gave the money to the owner of the club, who was an middle-aged rocker with a jacket :D. I found a place to sit down. Then my frend came to me and we had a conversation about few things... He told me that his band will preform more in the future on some festival (but that never happend). He propose me a beer, but since I had no money, I told him, that I don't want to dring, then he gave me a bottle of beer on his expense. There were two bands preforming in the club in that time - my friend's band was secondary and another main band (which name I don't remember). The main band was preforming mostly covers, and Blind Chords has had 3 or 4 autors compositions, and 3 cover songs (that is all I recall). Some of them you can listen to here: - this was the demo version of the main song called "Drug Starvation" :D, and here: watch part of live preformance:

Sadly later on they disbanded, and in 2013 my friend passed away in a tragic accident... :( May his Soul rest in peace. Godspeed!


I am sorry I am replying 5 months later :D. I am sorry for your loss also, may he rest in peace.

I am always thankful for your support! You have always been here for me on this platform and I really appreciate it. Even tho I haven't been active much you are always supporting me! Thank you!

As for the band. I really enjoyed "Наркотичен глад" and the live performance! I love rock so much and I try to support local bands. Here in Ruse, we have a green rock fest every year and new and old bands are playing rock and metal mainly. I always go and it is so much fun! You should come one year! I really love also the classics as of Bulgarian bands and worldwide, and I have some recent bands which I really love also. But like from all the Bulgarian bands "Щурците" are the best, no one can beat them in my opinion!

Well, "better later, than never", I suppose. This is the only platfomr that I use regularly. I don't know wheter I'm going back to FB any time soon.
Oh, it's good to know that Ruse have rock/metal fest. I'm currently anchored in Varna, so it is doubtfull to have a chance doing a trip to Ruse. I have been in Ruse 3 times so far - the first one in 1996 :D, Then 2nd time in December 2017 - out of the border, 3rd - January 2018 back on the border. It is a relatively big city.
I don't have enough time to explore the net for new bands. My favorite bulgarian band is probably FSB ;)