
its ok , just checking! I can pretty much tell ur iinnocent! just that ur friend said something like "Or at least thats what troilo claimed! " while talking about it and i saw ur post come up a day later today and im like hmm there he is lemme ask him..but the money in question it was not alot right? and also i am watching elon musk explain his mars colony guessing they will make sure thee spaceships have every luxury available n the earh to keep people busy for alongtime...imagine aso havig a colony bbuilt by robots before we even got to mars

this scene scared the hell out of me as a child and I would get these nightmares
I also see where I got the whole idea of alien artifacts on mars from! i totally forgot about how many movies theres been about alien artifacts on mars
total recall, then that newer one Red Planet lol remember that shit with the anunnaki being at thee end showing how they "ccreated" us and stuff so cool how the zeitgesit the public spirit of the timees the colective conciousnss ANTS us to go to mars and discover artifacts!

imagine how well cactus will grow on mars!

people who live in Arizona or the desert are basically just prepping for living on mars!

Haha fine. No, not much, but it's not a problem anymore. I hope for them.
What the hell? You just traumatized me with your gifs. Haha. So if you live in Arizona, you're ready to live on Mars? Haha.

Hey I just followed you because your Blog is impressive your numbers more t han anything an i dont ana miss out on curating your nw psts now that I know you hit a nich and oure gettg MASIVE payoutss!

Yes Arizona will be perfect for mars! its gon be actually cooler and les hot on mars

You need to keep posting evryday now, u cant stop! u are so lucky to get 700 off this post dan uhit a niche! u must be ppulr wit european steemit users r something or u just hita jerve, ive neever seensomeone join and in a few weeks already bemaking as uch money as yu are

but you need to use intagram an faceboook to show off how much money your making! use this image of yoru blog!

You can use this image to show off on your instagram or facebook! tell ALL your FB friends how much u are aking! look at those post! ur fuckin killing it!

you just have to show this and o will get like half your facebook friends to join steemit AND theyll fllow you oo! BOOM you just got more followrsthat way

cuz wow dud u already have 800 followers in like a few weeks!!!! u joined injune and ure already making $1000 posts! And i dunno how u are so popular its because the crystals dudd2!!! peopel like tge pyschedellic art and the crystals i guess!!!!! You should INVEST in MORE crystals! and take photos of t hem and post them! Buy a few crystal s on ebay! or wherever! and use em in ur steemit posts!!!

i made $200 off posts showing my Ayahuasca plants so i am using that payout to by MORE ayahuasca and pyschedelic plants and erba mate and stuf and take photos with tem ani will grow them for the whole steemit community! cuz im gonna be giving clones oof them to everyone who commented om the post! or ANYON incannsteem steemit who loves pyschedelic plants! ill have clones of ALL of them! if u want ur own ayahuasca plant i will send u some when they are ready!

i will help u grow yoru stemit account and avoid making alot of mistakes i made

u should

Thank you for all the incredible advices you gave me, even on my other posts! Sadly, Steemit is the only Social Media platform I'm registered in... And that's a good thing I think! I'm starting to make promotions to my friends directly in real life, and already 5 of them joined, and they will tell others too, and much more will join. It will work that way too. ;)