Hello Dtube !
Today, I quit work. I'm going full Dtube/Steemit/Dsound and Content Creation. This has been a dream of mine for many years, almost felt unreachable. Dtube and the blockchain has put me over the income line needed to step outside the box, take a risk and chase my dreams.
It's amazing to have the freedom, choice and creative freedom. I've only Dtube and Steemit to thank for this amazing turn of events. The amount of support I received in 2 months of the blockchain destroys 3 years of other online income sources. Making other platforms feel almost ancient and cold.
All this extra time will mean my content quality should increase. I'll have a lot of time to work on my content compared to my previous videos, which should yield better results. Many of my previous videos are made after work with very limited time to spend on a video.
I need to thank anyone who has supported me in the past, present or future. A HUGE thank you to Dtube, they have been top notch in the support. Your support has huge effects on my art, music and content creation.
Rate up and follow if you enjoy the video.
Till next time, stay creative,
Nothing But Dirt ( A Steemit Based Music Label ) : https://www.nbdrecords.com/
▶️ DTube
Tub Cat is very impressed at your achievement and aspires to use Steemit as his primary source of income as well.
I am sure the cost of living of a Cat in a Tub is very different to your cost of living however @toddjsmith1979.
Tub Cat is also very pleased to hear your focus on increasing the quality of your content now that you are a full time content creator, I'm sure your content prior to leaving your employment was also great though as well.
Tub Cat is pleased with this post and your achievement and congratulates you by pushing the squishy green upwards pointing arrow thingy at the bottom of your post!
Oh man, tube cat is epic. My cost of living is dirt cheap. No car, no kids, no wife, low rent and ramen everynight baby !! LOL, just joking about the ramen part. That all helps me make this transition a little bit easier than most people.
This might be the best pic I’ve seen on Steemit.
Peace out Tube Cat !
Tub Cat appreciates your response however is not a Cat in a Tube. Tub Cat is a Cat in a Tub.
You should also be aware that Tub Cat is not a Tub Dog, just in case you get confused again.
Oh man, the rabbit hole gets deeper, LOL
Tub Cat doesn't have a picture of a Rabbit in a Tub. This might be something to work on.
Please do ! Great to meet you, will follow you. 🐿
Tub Cat has made my day
Tub Cat recommends that you read Tub Cat's mission post on his page before posting images of child molesters. Tub Cat does not approve of this image.
This comment responding to Tube Cat ? 🐣
Awwww, poor kitty. 🐱
Wow, your success story inspired me to work harder on this platform. I just started 2 weeks ago and getting lost here and there. Thanks for the kick.
The blockchain is very power and has changed many peoples lives. I've got a feeling it will change many more in the future. Glad you found Dtube/Steemit my friend, I'm sure you'll do well. This platform is still very young and will grow.
Keep in touch my friend.
I hope you'll be sharing how you made this far so that some of can follow them
I’ve shared many videos with tips that I feel halped me out. I plan on doing another today !
This requires a big set of balls.
You will have to post every day to reach that goal (I post twice per day).
I started with 0 investment here on Steem around 4 months ago.
I wouldn't say that I am successful yet but I am very close to my definition of success.
This is the formula that I follow:
Post 2 times per day, learn more about Steem for 10 minutes per day & network with 10 people only.
Steadfastness + discipline + focus + networking + patience = $$$
I will observe what you are doing, your bold statement got me interested.
Thank you
Honestly, I didn’t walk away from a huge career or have a big family to support. I can walk right back into what I left at anytime. Then I have no car, no kids, no wife, low rent. All a trade off but allows me to step out a bit easier than most 38 year old men.
I figured used that to my advantage, take a jump, see what evolves. You only live once right? You’re channel stood out right away, glad I found it.
Thank you for the support, stay creative bro
Good mindset, If I had to choose between welfare and a 9-5 I would take welfare anytime.
Working 9-5 is mental suicide.
I don't know how any human being can call someone else boss and do not feel tremendous shame.
Or why they have to set their vacations according to the companies schedule, or the time they wake up or why they settle for the same income for years and slave away will they can barely move anymore.
No wonder depression is a normal occurence today which you get useless pills for to make more cash from you and to keep you in the dark.
You die mentally, physically and spiritually in a damn hospital and after you die your family has to pay and you are buried beneath the ground with nobody giving a fuck about you later because you wasted your entire life.
I agree 100%
Society does a good job of getting you all tied up these things you think are important so you can never really serve yourself.
I’m in America, culture might be different in Germany. I feel not many people know themselves, they never took the time to find it.
This translates into a society of people who can’t stand on their own two feet, won’t think outside the box and most often feel stuck. Many of the things you listed fall into this equation, they want a society of these thinkers.
Like you stated, mindset. 🤔
Your mindset is the most important asset you own. They do a good job of molding your mindsets the way they want.
I’ve always felt the need to break away, get out of the cage. I ain’t going back !! 😉
Once you got out of the cage you can't get back in. You will always find a way to avoid it from now on.
Love your outlook on Music and how Steemit can really help you achieve your goals.
The 9/5 grind is a horrendous drain on creativity.. I run a small recording studio with my band, we all work full time and unsociable hours which makes getting us all in the same room at the same time a nightmare. But its worth it and makes life worth living.
The dream for most musicians is to not have to worry about money, so we can get on with our art without the looming pressure of a draining day job just to be able to live. It seems that Steemit could be a great way for some to achieve this dream! I came over to Steemit because i follow your page on facebook and saw how enthusiatic about this place and wanted to see what all the fuss is about. I will be recording live jams and tutorials (along with general muscings) in the near future and see where it goes.
Thanks for bringing me to this wonderful place!
This is a amazing comment, it talks about the subject adds to the topic and is long. Keep comments like this up on big pages and you’ll see growth in just those comments.
Yes, the 9/5 can make it hard to be creative at your peak. It’s rare you get to sit down, full strength and make art. Like you said, it’s a dream for many artist to have that luxury.
I’m glad you found Steemit and are enjoying platform. It’s honestly hard for me to log back into facebook after a few weeks of Steemit, I wish a few more friends would make the jump. I try to share my stories, hoping to pull a few over to the blockchain.
Hope you’re having a amazing day my friend.
Yeah I can imagine it makes going back to facebook difficult!
Just seeing the amount of interaction you get on here after just 2 months of work compared to facebook where there just isnt any real feedback from an audience. On FB my band has almost 600 "likes" and hardly any interaction. You have just over 150 followers and the comments on your posts are wonderful!
Do you think it is down to the financial incentive of Steem the creates more participation with the content creators?
Oh wow what an ambitious leap, congratulations on making a step forward how exciting is this. I have taken a massive purge of people I followed and did not bring me value. I have subscribed to you so I can watch your journey.
Thank you. It’s going to be a lot of work but atleast it’s work I’m passionate about. Thanks a ton for the support bro, it means a lot. Chasing my dreams is a chance not everyone gets, I feel pretty lucky.
So awesome to hear that, congrats! :) I'm hoping Steemit will allow me to continue to pursue art full time. Other platforms do feel cold and barren compared to Steemit, loving all the creative people and positive vibes on here!
The people on Steemit/Dtube are amazing. They really are creating a awesome little ecosystem, still has a lot to grow. I'm sure with time and work you'll get to the point of stepping out and chasing your dreams. This felt almost impossible a few years ago. Amazing how life can change, just stay creative my friend.
Been working for myself for over 3 years, but was considering throwing in the towel for a while to grab a job for some more stable income. Looking like Steemit might be able to fill in the gap instead :) I'm sort of in the same boat as you, "My cost of living is dirt cheap. No car, no kids, no wife, low rent and ramen everynight baby !! " lol Cheers to passion and one life to live making it happen!
my admiration for your courageous move! It is very inspiring and pleasant to see how a blockchain based platform like Steemit enables you this. Best luck!
My other online incomes do help a bit. Steemit/Dtube was the final factor that pushed me to the point that leaving work became viable. Loving the blockchain. 👍
Woah that sounds awesome man! Living the dream life :) It's so amazing that this blockchain can completely change lives for people. And I'm pretty sure you'll be able to earn even more now, since you'll have a lot more time to create more content. Congrats!
Loving it ! Very happy with life atm. Thank you very mich for the awesome comment ! It’s going to be a dream, having the abiltity to wake up every day and make art or content. Fully energized and not drained from work, should be life changing.
Even if its a bit tight at first, it’ll be worth it in the long run I fell. Hope you’re having a good day my friend.
Congrats man! Here's to fulfilling your Steemit dreams!
My Steemit dreams ! Yes, it’s amazing to be able to try this out. It’s a fun little leap outside the box. ✌️
Hey Todd you're really an inspiration for me. Making music makes sense again thanks to the blockchain tech and - of course - Steemit! I wish you all the best and will continue to support you with my (tiny) upvotes :)
Thank you bro. I’ll try to support you back. Once I get 500 Steem Power it’ll be easier to control my power level. You get a bar to control the % paid out, which allows you to delegate the power a bit better.
Thanks a ton for the support. 😉
The general population on Steemit/Dtube are astounding. They truly are making a great little biological system, still has a considerable measure to develop. I'm certain with time and work you'll come to the heart of the matter of venturing out and pursuing your fantasies. This felt relatively inconceivable a couple of years back. Astonishing how life can change, simply remain imaginative my companion.
Everything great takes time and work my friend. I’m pretty sure things will take off, this free time will allow me to open up many doors to new passages never explored. 2018 will be the biggest year of my life, pretty happy to have the chance to chase my dreams & passions.
What a fantastic achievement mate. This is almost exactly what I want to achieve this year as well.
I am tired of being restricted to a single location for my employment so want to create content for Steemit full time. This way I can live anywhere in the world and create content for Steemit as I please. And also focus on high quality content as you are.
I plan to be in a position to do this by the end of 2018.
I'm so excited to see that you have achieved this as it gives me hope that I can do the same.
Keep up the great work!
Yes, opening up that door allows you to approach your content in a way not possible when working the 9/5 job. I’m positive you can do it, it only took me a few years of work. Steemit/Dtube is the platform that pushed my income over the line, allowing me to do this.
Stay creative bro, your dreams are in reach !
Never stop chasing your dreams and you caught yours Todd! I've been living the independent life now for many many years, welcome to the club of making your own money.
It’s amazing to have chioces, choice is power. Glad to be part of the cool kids club. 🐿
Thank you for this, I myself want to quit my job its very stressful and want to create content on steemit and dtube, Nothing gets better..!!!
Hell yea bro. The hardest part is beating the monthly spending you build up over a lifetime of growing up and spending. Passing that line is pretty liberating, it’s going to take work tho. ✌️
Congratulations! Wishing you great success in your musical pursuits!
My husband and I are musicians, and have a small recording studio, and one of our dreams is to be financially independent enough to finish out our recording studio, make the improvements we need to make on our place, and get back to actually making music on a regular basis!
Have a great day and thanks for the inspiration!
First of all, congrats.
Second of all, what's your opinion on the cost/benefit of posting written blogs on Steemit vs making videos on dtube?
If we're talking from a strictly financial standpoint, what's better? Where do you get better engagement?
Dtube takes a % of steem power, I think 20/25%. They do upvote good content with that steem power when they can tho. You can see many of my videos have been upvaoted by dtube. This can be a pretty big upvote too, bigger than any bot.
Direct Steemit post are all yours, no Dtube tax. In return you don’t have access to dtube tag or the chance to get a pretty big upvote from dtube. I guess you need to weigh out what’s best for you and your work, what’s getting you traction.
Dude this is an amazing story. The fact that this took you only two months is absolutely amazing!!
I’ve been doing online income for 2/3 years with other sources but Steemit curb stomps them into the pavement. Steemit/Dtube are 100% the reason I’m able to do this.
hell ya dude well i subscribed and will be following
Thank you bro. Glad. You enjoyed the video !
That's cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm working up to the very same thing. Truth me told steemit is getting my by just find but I need to get better on Dtube. Not sure what the secret sauce is.
Honestly, the hardest part is beating all the out going income you’ve built up in life. Beyond online income, having a low cost of living is pretty key.
How do i register on dtube?
Username is the same as Steemit. Log in key can be found in your wallet, under permission. Change the public posting key to private. That is your dtube password.
Congrats on taking the plunge! I think your going to continue to grow and thrive on here with all of the free time your going to be able to invest in your posts!
I’m desperately trying to accumulate as much steem as I can before this shuttle really leaves the station!
Thank you, I’ve got a pretty big list of ideas for next week. Having the whole day to work on these ideas will bring my content to the next level. It feels good to jump in my friend, hope you’re having a great day. ✌️
I’m gonna try and wake up super early to accomplish all of my ideas, but not having to work would be ideal!
Hope your had a great day as well 💯
This is my aspiration as well, I want to start a podcast on dsound, and run an on going show on dtube and maybe do live streams on dlive. But these things are far off, and I am on my fourth day here on Steemit.
Right now I am strolling through and commenting on as much as I can. There are a lot of you guys out there, those that I am using as milestones and markers, to give me some kind of road map, Thank you for your hard work, as it is an inspiration to me to work harder at this
Very good plan bro,
I’m a few years in on creating videos, music content and all that good stuff. That’s one less thing I had to learn, I only needed to learn the Steemit economy/ecosystem. Taking your time, learning, watching thise doing good from the ground up with almost no investment is smart.
I feel you’ll do well, find your passins here on Steemit with time and work. The blockchai is young, this sytem will grow. The future looks really bright for free minded people, outside the box thinkers.
Thanks a ton for taking the time to check out the video and drop a comment, hope you’re having a good day my friend.
click here.Congratulations @toddjsmith1979, this post is the third most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a User account holder (accounts that hold between 0.1 and 1.0 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by User account holders during this period was 3514 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $9897.43. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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Awesome thank you very much for this post !!
This is an incredible step to take and I am very excited to hear how this pans out for you. I too, like most others, dream of being able to make a career out of pursuing something they love, with the added bonus of generating income. I have only been active on here for the past 24 hours but I am already getting a scope of what Steemit and DTube is making possible. This will be a post I make reference to many a time as I strive towards the same end result with my own music and creative output.
Best of luck Todd!
Welcome to Steemit,
This is a possible life changing platform. Dive into the system, leearn it inside and out. Steemit has tons of little easter eggs. I’m still learning, sharing as I learn and evolve. Trying to help others gain ground and grow. I love the idea Steemit can help so many reach their dreams and full potential.
You found Steemit still relatively young, congratulations on that my friend. Keep learning , stay creative. You’ll reach your dreams soon enough. Thank you for taking the time to check out the video.
Just hope we don't see you homeless using McDonalds wifi to upload your videos!
Hey, that might make a good video broskies,lol. Honestly, I didn’t quit a huge career or anything. I can walk back into what I left behind. Now I’m hungry tho ... 🍔
Is dsound music free to use ? nice video
They might charge steem power like dtube. It would make sense, I can check for you tho. Not 100% on that statement.
ok thanks man !
Keep it up!
"Do what you love and love what you do!":)
#keepinspiring #keepsharingsuchstories
Thank you bro ! Chasing the dream is amazing. Liberation of the soul and mind. ✌️
Yeah! And such inspiring posts helps all of us to achieve our dreams. :)
All the best and congratulations!!!
Thank you !! Taking that leap of faith . 😜
This is good news Todd!!
More power to you. Keep at it!!
Yea buddy ! Very happy day my friend. Hope you’re having a good day too.
Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Todd Smith Music from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the
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Do whatever makes you happy pal.
I most definitely am my good friend.
To quit the job is nonsense!
Congrats for your succces and you will success in every walk thats my pray
Thank you very much my friend, I feel the same way. Only person holding you back is yourself. 🤘
Yeah brother
Nice posting and amazing post upvote my account @faisalhamid31 and follow back sir pleasee
Will check out your page bro.
Hello, I am inviting you to join What Are You Wished For? - Best Comment Contest! if you are interested.
Will check it out, thank you ! 👍
Every if its note for steemit the best thing any noe can do for one self is quiting a job( journey of brokenness)
Thank you ! Hope I don’t go broke broskies!! ☠️☠️☠️
Idea is that ever if one is brock now when you get money you will near be brock again
Very true 😊
You have 147 followers and quit job after 2 months? I dont get it but is obvious you know some secrets i dont.
Yes mate! Take the leap! Goodluck, I'll be watching :)
Yea buddy !! Thank you for the support. Feels amazing to chase my dreams !
One day I would love to quit my job and live off this stuff and crypto.
Having a little content creation history and low cost of living are 2 key aspects of the equation that makes this all possible.
Low cost of living is dope. I'm single with two kids and bunch of shit. lol.
Yes, it adds up fast. I’m single, no kids, no whip, low rent. Many 38 year old men find that scary, I’m using it as a advantage to chase my dreams. Play the hand life deals, you know ? 🤘
You are so bad man in the good way lol. Like OMG you are so brave enough to do that!! I wish I have your guts but, keep up the good work stay strong be humble and I can't wait to see your next video😎😎
Takes a little bit of crazy I guess, LOL. Thanks a ton for the support bro, it means a lot. Tomorrow morning my first really detailed video hits
I wish you all the best and hope that you will become a famous Dtuber! :-) Looking forward to your new content.
My first big video hits tomorrow. Ill be doing 1 bigger more detailed vlog every day, tomorrow is a huge day. Thank you for the support.
Someone left a great post on one of my videos. Bascially about a huge network so we all get paid. I think its a great Idea